Soccer: The New American Pastime? - Comments

  • WhatAboutElmo?

    WhatAboutElmo? (150)

    United States
    I love soccer. It's a great sport everybody should enjoy. Sure, it may not be as 'great' as baseball, football or basketball, but it's pretty damn awesome. Without soccer, people may pretend to be happy or whatever, but I now they'll be sad, especially me. It's not really a true American sport, but it's definitely important to millions of people. Cool article!
    June 9th, 2012 at 03:09am
  • brosandra

    brosandra (400)

    United States
    I understand what you are saying. The quote that I had obtained was from a student that goes to my school, and I believe he got it from a popular quote himself. I do see what you are trying to say, and to be honest I agree partly with it. I belong to a very big soccer community, so all I see and hear about is soccer soccer soccer. It is almost pushed down our throats, myself included. Since it is so big in other countries, I think fans are trying to make it 'big' in ours too. I don't think it'll ever amount to major sports in the US like Basketball and Football. But compared to many years ago, it's taking a bigger part within the US, and I think it'll grow even more with time. Thankyou for the comment!
    March 1st, 2012 at 07:35am
  • GlasgowXsmile

    GlasgowXsmile (100)

    United States
    "Most people don’t even like soccer. Ask any athlete, most of them hate it!..."

    That line is so sad...there is many reasons why a lot of people in america happen to not like soccer. One, it's not shoved down their throats since they were a child. Neither is it held to high grounds like Basketball, football or baseball. And two it's really hard to even watch games at times, unless you have fox soccer and gol tv. Which most people don't, so when no one puts time into soccer of course people are going to dislike it.

    I mean there is times the men usa soccer team has matches that is not the world cup and ESPN won't even show it. So when there is no support, of course people are going to automatically dismiss it.
    February 27th, 2012 at 10:47pm