Trolling: An Art Form in Its Own Right - Comments

  • maidahl

    maidahl (300)

    United States
    Trolling is fun when you're on the giving end. I used to be a beast. I think it's funny sometimes still. I guess I have to work on that. I resist the urge a lot to ask people why they bother posting worthless sh!t. It starts a debate and I should work on trying to stopper the ripple-effect, not incite it.
    June 25th, 2012 at 12:58am
  • WTFMusicPerson

    WTFMusicPerson (210)

    United States
    I think Jessi only got trolled after the fact but before it was her own lies that got her hated by certain people and then the trolls came later after it was already popular. Plus she kept making videos WTF?

    Anyways what I wanted to say is that I think Troll is more of an umbrella term people tend to use it when ever they want even to just describe someone with a strong opposing opinion. Personly I think thee are two kinds of trolls one I like and one that's just stupid.

    The one I like usually just says things that are on everyones mind but no one else has the balls to say let alone so blunt and vulgar. This kind is funny and speaks their mind even though it's not a popular opinion yet backs up their statments with cleaver logic and sarcam.

    The second kind is just rude to be rude and doesn't even have any particular ideas or feelings about what he's talking about. He just likes to show off how many cuss words he knows and how many sentence combinations he can create with them. No purpose no passion no logic... A dumb ass with no finess.
    June 6th, 2012 at 10:58am
  • Julie Black

    Julie Black (650)

    United States
    I too liked the concept of this article a lot. Atomika wave. was right about the bullying part though, and I think it opens up a new door to the connection between trolling and bullying- where does one stop and the other begin? Though, I also think that the word "trolling" doesn't have an exact definition, as it's a very new word. So, it's hard to decided what is and what isn't trolling, especially when so many people are still unfamiliar with the term. Good article!
    May 29th, 2012 at 10:22pm
  • atomika wave.

    atomika wave. (600)

    United States
    I like the concept of this article a lot because trolling is something that is a newer trend that's hit the web and spiraled out of control, but Jessi Slaughter wasn't trolled or trolling. Jessi really only got "famous" because she claimed to have slept with Dahvie Vanity from Blood on the Dance Floor. Jessi was genuinely being bullied because of the lies she had spread about her sleeping with Dahvie, and although she got popular, it was mostly negative. Trolling is more popular in the form of memes or just instigating arguments, but the Jessi Slaughter situation wasn't really a troll, aha.
    May 29th, 2012 at 04:55am