How to Determine If Your House Is Haunted - Comments

  • skyler_margera

    skyler_margera (100)

    United States
    I think my house is haunted because I was just about to go to sleep when I hear a little girls voice say my name. I got up and looked in my living room thinking I might have left my TV on but it was off and dark. I walked back to my room and was laying down. My dog sleeps with me and she was cuddled under my arm when her head jolted up. I opened my eyes and looked at her and she was slightly growling. I ignored it and went back to sleep. The next night I heard the same little girl talking and that night I had a dream I was with a little girl, and she called me her sister. I have never had a dream like this before. My mother told me when I was little I walked out from my bedroom and said there was a man in my room and he was talking to me. She later found out that the old landlord was a man and he died and my mother believe that man I was talking to was the old landlord. I always had a weird connection with ghosts. Mr. Green
    July 26th, 2012 at 12:33am
  • PunkyFrenchFry

    PunkyFrenchFry (150)

    United States
    I don't think MY house is haunted it's fairly new, but I see two people in my house. Well shadow people, one's a little girl, she's always on my stairs watching, she'll sit at the top and look in my room or she'll peek over the banister and look. There's a man who's only in my living room, I hardly see him but I see the little girl quite frequently.
    July 21st, 2012 at 07:08pm
  • Null void

    Null void (100)

    In my room, I sleep with the door shut and the light off. There have been a few things that have happened (no jokes) First I was laying in bed for about 15 minutes, my door was shut and I had the blinds and window open, I then started to hear heavy breathing sounds.. They were really long big breaths... It got louder and louder.. There was no one in my room or outside. It was right next to my head..

    Second occasion, I was laying in bed, light off door shut, and my guitar had strummed itself. Just one single strum, and then I heard two voices whispering in another language, first was a female voice, then a male voice.. I had no idea what they were saying, but I definitely heard a male and female voice, whispering in another language. AND I can't explain my guitar playing itself.

    Last occasion.. I was standing in the lounge room, and I looked into the bathroom.. The door was opened and it was night time, so it was dark. But I saw a silhouette of a little girl about 12-13 with LONG black hair and she was wearing one of those old fashioned night gowns...

    NONE of this is made up, this is all true. But yeah, thought I would share.
    July 21st, 2012 at 08:19am
  • champion;

    champion; (250)

    United States

    I always feel like something's stalking me up the stairs, even in the day time, but I put salt to all the doors (and the closet lol) in my room because that keeps evil spirits at bay. And apparently all spirits.
    Although why my house would be haunted since it's only about 7 or 8 years old, and no one who has lived here has died, here or other places, while living here.
    Maybe it's me that's haunted.

    I can't really say if the spirit is malevolent or friendly or neutral, since I haven't had many encounters with it. It mostly stays downstairs, and usually in the dining room, which is across from the stairs. But sometimes I see moving shadows in my room at night (which means I need to put more salt at the doors) and I sometimes feel like something is watching me. A few months ago, my door would open by itself, and if I watched it shadows would move by it and it would seem like something was opening it. But it only opened when something passed by it or moved a board, and usually either no one else was awake, or no one else was home. But now my door closes firmly, and sometimes it gets stuck of its own accord. And before this started happening, it closed firmly as well.

    My house has some creaky boards, but they only make noise if you step on them. There's some right outside my room, next to my computer desk, and some in the guest room. When I got my computer back after suffering a crash last year, I would sit on it (at night) while no one else was home, and all of the boards would creak. The ones RIGHT next to me, and the ones inside the guest room. I was so freaked out, but I went to investigate in the guest room, which was completely dark, and nothing was there. But it felt like something was creeping on me so I closed the door firmly and went back to my computer and was freaked out the entire night.

    Now it creeps me out to see the door open whenever I'm creeping around the house at night, but I'm too scared to go over and close it because the room is so dark and it always feels like something's watching me from the door.

    In my last house, I would never walk around at night unless it was to my bathroom because downstairs always scared me. Everything downstairs was connected (like it is here, there's a mad habit of my houses being open on the first floor) and it was really dark, and the kitchen was in the middle of everything so you could see the shadows everywhere. And when you went to my room, which was the first door you when you got upstairs, if you looked right or left you would see a bunch of shadows on either side of you, especially on the right because you could look out into the living room.

    And I hated sleeping without a light there because it always felt like something was watching me, always. Nowadays I hate sleeping with lights, but nowadays I don't always feel like something was watching me.

    In the house before that I had like a million animals and my cat was always staring at me. Whenever I tried to pick him up he would back away, but if I was sitting or laying down he'd happily come to me, so I think something was always following me around whenever I was in my old house. Back then I had a night light or a TV on or someone sleeping with me or I wouldn't go to sleep. I was never left alone in that house.

    One time my cousin and I got stuck in the middle bedroom because it didn't have a knob and we couldn't get it open. We kept hearing things walk around outside and inside the room, and when we looked up at the ceiling we could have sworn that something was staring at us from it. Like, we could see something there, not fully, but we could see an outline, and we were buck scared. The moment that door was opened we ran outta that room and refused to go back in. I never went in there until there was a knob again, and I refused to stay in there longer than a couple of minutes. (That was why I got the super long room right next to it.)

    My friend would come hang out at the house, and we would always hear things above us, walking around. My grandma said it was the fan in the attic (but why would there be a fan in the attic?) and at any rate, we never believed her because there wasn't an attic and, even as a kid, you knew the distinct sound of someone walking on the floor above you. (Gotta know when to hide when your parents or friends are looking for you, right?) And my old house was very creaky, you could always tell when someone was walking above you (there were three levels).

    Towards the end of my stay there, we had to take out a headboard under the bathroom on the bottom level of the house, next to the garage, and whenever I looked at it from my peripheral vision, I could swear I saw something hovering there, watching my family. Just chilling.

    I think it's that same spirit now. Maybe he's just an attached, curious soul. Either way, I hope he doesn't follow me around all my life. >_<

    Maybe he's just following my grandparent's around?
    He might be the reason I lose all my pets... Sigh.

    Now I feel like something's watching me... xD
    July 21st, 2012 at 03:45am
  • Lady.Katie512

    Lady.Katie512 (100)

    United States
    I used to live in a haunted house as well, and thought I was going crazy through most of it. I always had a problem with the closet at the end of the hallway, which sucked because it was literally right next to my old room. I saw a cat in my mom’s room once, a canary in my kitchen, and believe it or not a toddler in the family room. I slept on the couch in there for a few months because I had this… thing in my closet, but I’ll get back to that. Anyways I thought I was dreaming at first when I saw the baby crawling away from me but what got me freaked out was that I saw it bump into a table and a cup and remote fell off and were still on the floor when I woke up.

    As for the thing in my closet I couldn’t make anything out of it except for a bluish white face shape with dark pits for eyes. It used to freak the crap out of me to where I would be afraid to move even. It would just sit hovering at the top of my closet with no kind of body or anything. I told my boyfriend at the time about it (since he lived in an extremely violent haunted house) what I should do and the crazy thing he said was to talk to it. It took me forever to get comfortable with it but eventually it would be habit for me to say goodnight to my closet even if I didn’t see the face. And it never bothered me if it showed up, it’d just watch me sleep and strangely enough I’d feel safe with it there.

    But after a while my boyfriend at the time started staying over at my place. And the thing hated him, we’d wake up in the middle of the night to our covers being pulled off of us and dragged under the bed, to my bathroom door slamming shut, and to my light coming on. So my ex started to close the closet door at night and the activity seemed to stop besides an overwhelming feeling of despair I’d feel when the closet door was closed. The feeling got so bad that my ex and I would literally get into fights over the being open and closed.

    I remember two Christmas’s ago I had gotten sick at a party my ex had taken me to and I was laying in bed trying to sleep it off when I woke up suddenly. I had the covers pulled up to my face but I could see somebody standing next to the bed so I called to my ex, thinking it was him. I saw whoever it was shift as if leaning over me and I noticed that I could see completely through them. I screamed and jumped as far back as I could in my bed as I saw the figure dart into my open closet door and immediately after I threw up. I’m not sure if it was the face or not because the figure had a full silhouette of a body and was one single shade of black but it had the same exact feeling that the face would give me when it was around, despite scaring the literal puke out of me.

    Not much else happened to me after that until my ex and I broke up, I’d see the face every once and a while. I’m living with my new boyfriend now because my brother and his family moved into the house and they needed the extra room. My mom has my old room now and she describes the same exact things that me and my ex would witness when we were in bed and she even hears my own voice talking to her in the middle of the night when I’m in another town. But I think the most disturbing thing is that my four year old niece sees the face as well. She says it follows her around the house at night and she calls it a witch. It’s really got my sister in law and mom freaked out.

    Sometimes I feel like I should go back and try talking to it and maybe get it to leave her alone but I left so suddenly and I’ve been gone nearly a year now. I’m not sure it would even acknowledge me any more.
    July 20th, 2012 at 10:56am
  • iron underneath;

    iron underneath; (550)

    United States
    I live in a house that is haunted, on a regular basis I have to move things back where they need to go. Sometimes I have a dining room chair in the living room - and I'll leave it there till I need to move it because in all honesty, this house was the spirit's before it was mine. I respect the ghost and it respects me. I am very sure we have more than one, a male spirit and young child spirit.

    The male spirit is a bit mischievous and the child spirit is just playful. Sometimes it will turn the lights on and off, stuff like that.
    July 20th, 2012 at 08:52am
  • i.refuse.2.sink

    i.refuse.2.sink (150)

    United States
    I'm fer sure my house is haunted! One day I was in the bathroom with the door closed, window closed and all the sudden my hair was pulled by something! It was so scary, then I went in my basement one might and when I walked in this one spot it got super cold but only in that one spot, then I swear I saw a shadow. I even had my dad go check it out and he said there was nobody down there.
    July 20th, 2012 at 05:32am
  • lovelyriv

    lovelyriv (105)

    United States
    Whenever I go into the kitchen at night to get myself some water, I hear whispering in the living room when no one is there. You can't hear my TV from the kitchen either unless the door is open (which it never is).
    July 19th, 2012 at 02:25am
  • Cynical.

    Cynical. (100)

    United States
    Interesting. I have many ghost stories, lived in two haunted houses and talked to my Nonno a few years after he passed ah I miss him. Anyways I enjoyed reading this.
    July 19th, 2012 at 12:09am
  • youth and whiskey.

    youth and whiskey. (415)

    United States
    Nice article!

    My old house was crazy. I was baking something one night and I'd gotten something out of the cabinet and then closed it back - went over to the oven and put the cookies in and turned back around and almost banged my head off the cabinet door. It was open. After I had just closed it.
    July 18th, 2012 at 03:55pm
  • Ayana Sioux

    Ayana Sioux (1175)

    United States
    I thought I was being well... "visited" by my aunt when she passed away. Weird things started happening like one time when I was trying to sleep at night, my neck started twitching. Then my hand started twitching. Then everything went haywire. It was like a had Tourette's (can't spell it) syndrome for one night because my whole body was doing a dance. I cried because it was so aggravating. Then it started happening to my sister because she was sleeping in my room. She said her leg kept twitching at night. Then one day the two of us were in my room and we heard a phone ring under my bed. The house phone was under my bed but the house phones weren't working and when I looked at it, the screen was blank (because it was dead) my cellphone was next to me and it wasn't that and my sisters phone was dead. It was so creepy that my sister left my room (I think I did too). Then one time my sister said she was in my room and she heard scratches under my bed against the wall. She said she was so creeped out that she just left. But it never felt like something bad was around though. It was just weird. And I don't think it's the house because nothing has happened since and my house is fairly new. I'm more than two times older than the house.

    But I remember one time when in the house before this, my TV would turn on randomly in the middle of the day or night. We just thought something was wrong with the TV because it was the only thing acting weird (and because spirits don't haunt the hood. I'm just kidding) but now I don't know. The house was kind of old, like twenty (now about twenty six), and I don't know anything about the people who lived there before use.
    July 18th, 2012 at 03:32pm
  • Siren.

    Siren. (115)

    I think my house could be haunted, or at least there might be something in the spare room. It's always really silent and cold and I dislike having to go in there or walk past it at night. One time I went in there at night to get my jumper that I'd left in there from that afternoon and as I was walking over to get it from the bed I thought to myself "It'd be really creepy if the video player made a noise all by itself", and straight after the thought passed my mind the video player made a sound as if someone had just pushed in a video and it was pulling it in. Creepy.

    Another story was this time I was at a friend's apartment with her and another friend and we were having a sleepover. We were sharing a mattress in their lounge room area with the lights out just talking as you do but I kept feeling like I saw something move (like a shadow or an airy presence) in the opposite corner of the room. A while later when we were still talking we all stopped and looked over near the fridge because we could all feel as if "something" was standing there watching us. My very psychic friend whose apartment it was politely asked them to leave and we all felt as though the presence had gone.

    Another time I was with my psychic friend again at another friend's house for a how to host a murder party (at night). There was a group of us in the kitchen area talking, and her parents and sisters weren't home but I kept feeling like I saw something move in the hallway where the lights were off. My psychic friend kept moving around and sat near me because she said she felt like something was standing behind her (we were both a little bit creeped out). It was cold so the two of us went through the dark hallway into the room with our bags to get our jumpers and my friend said that there was a ghost on the stairs. She said he wasn't bad, just interested in what we were doing, and she described what he looked like in quite thorough detail. We're both a bit psychic I think Mr. Green
    July 18th, 2012 at 11:02am
  • dally winston.

    dally winston. (100)

    United States
    I believe there's a ghost cat in my house. I was laying on the bed one day & felt something jump on my bed & brush against my leg. I looked back, thinking it was my cat but nothing was there. And I was alone in my room. Needless to say, I ran out of my bedroom and into the living room.

    Another story, this time at my friend's house. And it's something that happened in the last few weeks.
    My friend Kels had always told me that her house was haunted, so I wanted to see for myself. I was staying at her house one night because I was going on vacation with her family the next day. About a month before this happened, we figured out the ghost's name was Zoe. So, me being the fearless midget I am, I decided to shout out "come out and play Zoe!" in the house. My friend's cat kept staring at the bathroom door, so I looked over in that direction. No later than 20 seconds after I shouted out to the ghost, the bathroom door slammed shut and damn near made me shit myself. I looked over at my friend, than back at the door. Then very quietly I said "you can go away now" to the ghost.
    The next day, we were on vacation to our cabin right along Lake Michigan- which is a good 4 1/2 hours away from our houses. After I had unpacked everything, I went outside, leaving my phone in our room. I came back inside about 5 minutes later & checked my phone, noticing I had a missed call. I noticed that it was from my friend... well, my friend's HOUSE PHONE. Let me remind you that no one was at her house & no one else but my friend had my number. Creepy as fuck, to say the least. I'm done messing around with the dead.
    July 18th, 2012 at 09:49am
  • Neon_Skies_Killjoy

    Neon_Skies_Killjoy (100)

    United States
    Just hire Ghost adventures.
    Solves everyone's problem.
    July 18th, 2012 at 08:28am
  • AlexandraWitchy

    AlexandraWitchy (115)

    United States
    I like this article because the last house I lived in was haunted and they weren't exactly friendly spirits. Nothing physical happened but when we'd turn the lights off in the basement, we'd run up the stairs because there was just the overwhelming sense that something was rushing at you, in a bad way. Also, there was always the feeling someone was right behind you while you were down there. My sister heard my name whispered while she was in my room and she had her hair pulled in the basement. I got a tap on the shoulder, but that wasn't bad, more like the spirit was trying to get my attention. I also had my name whispered right in my ear, just a quick 'Alex!' and everyone was outside at the time. And I never left the porch at night when we had to take the dogs out to go. I was scared sh*tless when I had to leave that small piece of concrete. So happy I'm outta there.
    July 18th, 2012 at 04:36am
  • cruciatus.

    cruciatus. (455)

    United States
    Almost every single house that I've ever lived in has been haunted, really. When I was six, we lived in this old grey house and I remember a lot of the time whenever I slept in my room, I'd wake up and there would be this spirit by my bed. It was a full-bodied apparition and I was able to make out his entire face and his hands. Then the next house I lived in, there was something really negative in the upstairs bedroom--my room--and in the basement. The next two houses I lived in after that were both haunted as well, and so is this one. Facepalm
    July 18th, 2012 at 04:27am
  • Skyscraper

    Skyscraper (100)

    I swear my house is haunted! My pets will sit there and stare at "nothing" all the time. And things are always falling over by themselfs and disappearing, and sometimes a cold breeze will pass over you like a spirt just walked past. And just two nights ago, when I was in the kitchen, the light suddenly went out and a knife fell out of the holder and landed just inches away from my foot. We're haunted, I tell you!!
    July 18th, 2012 at 04:04am
  • Grandiose Delusions

    Grandiose Delusions (150)

    United States
    I liked this, especially the pet part. My cats used to stare upstairs all the time at my old house, frigging creepy to be honest :P cool article though, agreed that is a bit amusing.
    July 18th, 2012 at 03:34am
  • nolongerrelevant

    nolongerrelevant (250)

    United States
    This was highly amusing :) Sometimes I feel like my house is haunted, but I have slight anxiety issues. Though I feel like it might've been haunted when I first moved in, but not anymore!
    July 18th, 2012 at 02:53am