Commercialism And Mainstream Rock - Comments

  • mr. fuzzles

    mr. fuzzles (100)

    United States
    MCR said that they're going back to their old sound.
    That they miss being a rock band, and that their new CD would be more like they used to be.
    I [i]like[/i] the Black Parade, but Three Cheers? Bullets? They were [i]amazing.[/i] Still listen to them a lot.
    I, for one am excited for their new CD.
    July 4th, 2009 at 07:25am
  • NathanL.ovesME

    NathanL.ovesME (150)

    United States
    The Black Parade was made so they could explore new places and do all that they wanted to. Even Gerard said he wouldn't have been able to do it if he weren't sober. I think that you have to look and really listen to it to find the type of points about it that you miss or wish they could've included in it. Overall, they do it for themselves, and the new album is supposed to be more stripped down.
    July 3rd, 2009 at 01:18am
  • x_x24.00

    x_x24.00 (100)

    United States
    I somewhat agree with this article. But for the My Chem things you said, about how you dislike The Black Parade. I think it is wrong of you to say that, I respect your opinion and such but to me The Black Parade tells more about Gerard's life during the recording of it. Think about it on Bullets and Revenge he was drinking, alcohol is a depressant so he probaly wasnt all "yay!" during it, he felt more anger (probaly) and that is why those two albums are less "mainstream" then he became sober, and to me that is why The Black Parade is an album with less screaming in it.
    I enjoyed this article but to me it was VERY opionated.
    July 3rd, 2009 at 12:15am
  • whimsicalPURPLE

    whimsicalPURPLE (100)

    United States
    You said: "I’m not saying change is a bad thing. Nor am I saying that a band should stay the same throughout their career. That would be boring. I’m saying, bands should change for the better, not for the worse."

    Some people, the masses, seem to believe that the most recent albums of MCR and Green Day are their best. You have a different opinion. They can't appease everyone, and I think that both bands were proud of the new directions that they were taking. I'm sorry that you can't be happy for their success and embrace any "new" sounds they have (as you mentioned, it's been years, why's the anger coming out now?)
    March 31st, 2009 at 02:01am
  • High_School_Outcast

    High_School_Outcast (100)

    New Zealand
    WOAH. I wrote a lot.

    I apologize XD
    March 25th, 2009 at 04:42am
  • High_School_Outcast

    High_School_Outcast (100)

    New Zealand
    There is just something about this article that makes me want to comment, which i don't do very often...

    I have been a long standing My Chem fan, (and I mean LONG standing... not just two years ya noobies :p just kidding) and I don't have any issue with a band gaining new fans, if it means that they get the recognition that they deserve for their brilliance. What I have an issue with is band's trying to impress ALL their fans, to make an epic album because that is what is expected. I'm a Greenday fan, but My Chem is my forte so I'll use them in my example...

    Three Cheers For Sweet Revenge was an EPIC album. There is no words to describe the sheer beauty in the construction of that album. (Don't get me wrong, Bullets and Black Parade are mind-blowing as well, I'm getting there!) I went through a shit period in my life because I lost my mother to cancer, and damn that album helped. They created an epic album, not because they were trying to make an epic album, but because they had a message; they had something they wanted to tell- no, SCREAM at the world!

    To me, The Black Parade wasn't so epic because to me they seemed to try too hard. My Chemical Romance was subconsciously forced to try to impress there ever-growing fan-base (once again, I'm not blaming you newer fans!) and so therefore, lost the message, and lost what is at the heart of all the feelings and emotional connectivity we had with their music.

    Three Cheers For Sweet Revenge would cheer me up when i was in the darkest moods, it would stop me from doing the stupid things that i wanted to do. The Black Parade didn't have that sort of control over me. Some people try to tell me that it's just me that's changed, but i don't think so. Three Cheers still manages to cheer me up when I'm in a foul mood (on anniversaries and such) and it never fails.

    I don't want this to sound like a rant about how crap Black Parade is, because it is in no way a bad album. The music composition is brilliant, the lyrics are as good as ever, but I just don't FEEL it. I don't know if anyone else feels this way, but to me, I hope that My Chem realizes that we will love them no matter what they do, no matter where they go because they gave us something no one else has, and in my case, they gave me back my life. So if they want to bring out an epic country album, let them. Because if that's what THEY want to do, and they have a reason for doing it, i say "LET THEM TEACH US."

    Those five AMAZING men have taught me more about life and the value of it than thirteen years of schooling. So if you disagree with me, that's your decision, and i won't judge you on it. But to me, as long as they remember that they have an important message that they want us to understand, all they have to do is tell us: we're here waiting to listen.
    March 25th, 2009 at 04:40am
  • headabovewater

    headabovewater (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    I don't get it.

    Green Day and My Chemical Romance are popular now - so that means that their music has been compromised and we're all ignorant for still seeing the heroes that we know and love in these bands? You forget, there are fans that have been with the bands since day one. Everytime they release a new album, they get more exposure - therefore, the original fans are added to.

    For example, I'll use My Chemical Romance since I know more them than I do Green Day. There were MCR fans cursing the band for 'selling out' and making 'Three Cheers..' but I bet you weren't complaining about change then.

    Personally, I think that this is more of a I-wish-Gerard-didn't-change, than an article about mainstream music. I, for one, will listen to My Chem for as long as I like their music. I don't care about MTV music plays, or selling out stadiums. Gerard Way can shave his goddamn hair off, for all I care. I like their music, and that's what counts. Neither band changed to spite you, or any of their other fans. They grew up, gained new experience and grew as musicians. If bands wrote albums based on what their fans wanted, then My Chem would be released 'Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge' for the rest of the their career. They wanted to make music outwith their comfort zone, and they did that quite successfully. I don't see what's wrong with that, they're still huge inspirations to me. See that big nasty mainstream hit, 'Famous Last Words'? That's one of my favourite songs.

    I guess that's my 'choice'.
    February 20th, 2009 at 07:16pm
  • Momma Danger.

    Momma Danger. (150)

    United States
    Green Day, I like. Haven't listened to them much recently. My Chemical Romance , I think has a much different style, but I don't think there's ANYTHING wrong with a change in scenery. I mean, so what? People change? Music changes too. Everyone want musicians to be static, but if they're dynamic and evolve, then they've quote, unquote "sold out" Come ON. Some musicians just don't want to be doing the same thing for the rest of their lives.

    But, yes, Three Cheers was the best. The Black Parade also was awesome. (And I can't wait for their new CD! They just started working on it on the 6th >_<)
    February 8th, 2009 at 10:34am
  • V-Starr

    V-Starr (100)

    United States
    I do agree with what you said.
    Even though I listened to American Idiot first with Green day about 2 years ago, I like their older songs better.
    Same with MCR, i wish newer fans like me (became a fan 2 years ago) can see long black haired Gerard, mega punk Frank with his black and white do', and nerdy Mikey (he looked so much more cuter with the brown hair and glasses then now).
    Even though Mike and Tre are not clones of Billie, Mikey and Frank are becoming Gerard Clones. Mikey ditched his glasses, dyed his hair black and is writing comic books. And Frank's not wearing is nose ring and he has his lip ring in every so often and he's not doing crazy make up (who remembers Frank with the Xs over his eyes?)
    I think I went off topic but comparing Idiot and Black Parade with Warning and Sweet Revenge, both bands sound a little more pop in the newer albums. It's like they want to get more people to listen to them if they get more lighter and happyer songs then the dark songs we love (goes more with MCR's case because many of Green Day's songs are poppy with a touch of punk).
    I guess really they changed to get more fans.
    January 21st, 2009 at 08:42pm
  • Elizabeth Lavenza

    Elizabeth Lavenza (100)

    United States
    Ahh well, people do change and we can't tell them what to do, we need to cut them some slack, can't stay young and rebellious forever. Just like any other band.

    I do miss old Green Day and old MCR though. But they still are good, keeping their attitude to care for us fans and inspire us in different ways, but thye have problems and lives too.

    Well written though. :]

    December 2nd, 2008 at 11:57am
  • Kupo

    Kupo (210)

    United States
    i totally agree with you
    i really like My Chem's old stuff and i don't really like The Black Parade
    it's just not the same
    and Green Day had amazing songs like Brain Stew and Basket Case
    you can't stop change of course,
    but sometimes i just want these bands to have the same hardcore sound and it seems like they're all going to soft...
    September 26th, 2008 at 10:59pm
  • givexmexaxreason

    givexmexaxreason (100)

    United States
    I totally agree with what you're saying about bands changing and becoming mainstream, however I don't think Green Day or MCR are the most contrasting examples. They definitely have changed, but not necessarily for the worst. I think a more extreme example would be a band like Fall Out Boy, who have completely changed genres because Pete's "hot".
    September 26th, 2008 at 07:16pm
  • Fortune.

    Fortune. (200)

    United States
    We have to remember that with time comes change. Wouldn't you get bored doing the same thing over and over again? Green Day needs to change along with the decade. I love both GD and MCR, but things change naturally so we need to go with the flow.
    September 24th, 2008 at 03:23am
  • MissMikey

    MissMikey (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    The Black Parade was just a temporary thing, and being one of the many who saw it live, it was still the band that changed my life, whether they be The Black Parade, My Chemical Romance, or some other name. They changed their name, not who they are. As for Green Day, everyone is entitled to a break. Touring the world can't be easy, especially when you've got kids like all three members do. Foxboro Hot Tubs, and The Network aren't huge bands whih means Billie-Joe, Mike and Tre can all still do what they love wihtout having to leave their families behind. I think you are right when you say fame changes some bands, but I don't think you've got it right when you say My Chemical Romance or Green Day. I think they are an example if bands changing. As for The Black Parade not being the band that saved your life, well that may be so, but it WAS the band that saved hundreds of other kids lives. If you are a fan of the band, I think you should be proud of them for what they have done!
    August 11th, 2008 at 11:08am
  • insanErika

    insanErika (100)

    MCR and Greenday make and write what they want. these albums, you said that would be their downfall was written with all of their heart.i thiink, we really cannot decide what the bands music should be.
    don't worry, you will not see "The Black Parade" anymore..because it had just died. and My Chemical Romance will be back.
    July 8th, 2008 at 10:04am
  • Mrs. Whirly

    Mrs. Whirly (155)

    United States
    And I don't worship Green Day...i just like them. :]
    July 7th, 2008 at 07:46am
  • Mrs. Whirly

    Mrs. Whirly (155)

    United States
    Okay, people grow up. Bands grow up. Each band deserves to take a different route. I do agree on some stuff, like you shouldn't know the band just by their cd name or whatever.

    But remember, each cd that a band makes comes from deep within. My opionion is that I think Green Day should have grown up. I don't listen to them because of Billie Joe being so hot or Tre Cool being goofy or Mike Dirnt being...Mike Dirnt. I listen to them for the raw emotion they put in each song.

    For MCR, I don't really listen to them...only like two songs maybe, so I don't really have an opinion for them...but I find myself listening to their old stuff more.

    Anyways, bands need to grow up and explore different routes. If they don't then people would get sick and tired of listening to the same music over and over again. And they do take different routes to see what people think and if they don't like them, they take a different one.

    See what I am saying?
    July 7th, 2008 at 07:44am
  • charmishgirl

    charmishgirl (100)

    United States
    I agree, the old Green Day was far better.... but American Idiot is what got me into them. But I did eventually stop liking it as much. But I think that change is a good thing. Just because they've gotten big and everything, doesn't mean they aren't any good. Just because all the "true rock fans" are saying that just because you like Green Day makes you less of a rock fan, they're wrong. And I don't believe that Green Day is gone or even MCR is gone for good. I believe that Green Day made foxborohottubs so that they could have a fresh start, you know, to sort of go back to the beginning, to when it was just the three of them rocking out in their garage [i know there is more, but hey, the original three]. So, just because they've changed doesn't make them any less of a band.
    June 17th, 2008 at 05:09pm
  • Gxradxway

    Gxradxway (100)

    United States
    Also, if a band has one hit they are automatically mainstream and sellout. Pathetic huh? The bands are doing well I would support them.
    June 16th, 2008 at 03:15pm
  • Gxradxway

    Gxradxway (100)

    United States
    Very opinionated article. You also toss in two sides. First you say you hate the change then you go on to say you accept it. Maybe MCR did change for the better. Gerard got sober, the music was changed and sounded much better. Even Gerard, himself, stated it sounded better than all that screaming. They felt it was for the best. They were trying to be better for the fans and themselves, like Green Day. We can't really do much, can we? If that's the way they want to play, like it or hate it.
    June 16th, 2008 at 03:11pm