Commercialism And Mainstream Rock - Comments

  • awkward silence

    awkward silence (100)

    United States
    i agree with you completely, but people change
    even though no one can't expect MCR to stay the same, i still miss the sound of Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge, Gerard's old hair, and Mikey's glasses *sob*
    June 8th, 2008 at 02:22am
  • Kyra

    Kyra (100)

    United States
    **the benefits of a mainstream
    June 4th, 2008 at 02:24am
  • Kyra

    Kyra (100)

    United States
    Oh, and in regards to the comment posted beneath me by VenuslnFurs:

    Last time I checked, The Clash were extremely famous and very well mainstream, or at least they had the benefits from being a mainstream band.

    I can't even keep track as to how many times I've heard a Clash song come up on several radio stations I've listened to in my aunt's car. You talk about Green Day "pushing" punk into something that's radio-friendly, but in reality, there was nothing innocent that bands like The Clash or The Ramones did to stray away from this.

    Ahh, the fun of alleged "punks" (or punk supporters, blah blah...) trying to tare down other alleged "punks" by listing more popular and/or mainstream bands on top of other ones...
    June 4th, 2008 at 02:23am
  • Kyra

    Kyra (100)

    United States
    You obviously don't get why the members of Green Day have formed so many side bands. I'm not sure if you got to the point of how Billie still does what he's done before, or how they still perform on stages that are maybe a foot high in a tiny little room, because, with all due respect, I stopped reading around the second paragraph.

    This is old news, it's been heard over and over again. Could you come up with something new, please?

    Other than that, you did good with the wording judging by what I did read, though. To each their own opinion.
    June 4th, 2008 at 02:17am
  • VenusInFurs

    VenusInFurs (100)

    I have this boiling contempt for most mainstream music; and i especially hate Green day because they were one of those bands that helped push punk into safe, de-clawed, "radio-friendly " territory, to be consumed by teeny-boppers who never even heard of the Dead Kennedys or The Clash. Thye were the catalysts for total bullshit like Good Charlotte and Fallout Boy.
    May 30th, 2008 at 12:48am
  • lozzieee who.

    lozzieee who. (610)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Yeah I'm getting kind of sick of you guys commenting this. Please stop commenting this. Nowhere in the article did I say that I hated the bands. Green Day and MCR changed my life FFS. I'm just saying that the albums that really pushed them into the limelight and got them a massive temporarry fanbase, are not as good as ANYONE says they are. Maybe that's my problem. Maybe I'm so comfortable with my routine that I've grown to loathe change. Maybe I fell in love with the pure childishness and the under-developed melodies of the bands' previous albums. But that's just me. I never tried to force my opinion on ANYONE. And another thing, I am talking about the music. It's not just the people and the ages and the fact that they want alter-egos and whatnot. The music is too developed. It's more adult and I don't like that. I'm trying to be a kid while I have the chance. So just... stop having a go at me. It's just a stupid article. It's not a death warrant or a ban from the music world. Jeez.
    May 25th, 2008 at 12:20pm
  • paranoia.

    paranoia. (100)

    i miss the old MCR

    & i agree with guilt trip; bullets&revenge forever :]
    May 24th, 2008 at 10:01am
  • nope.

    nope. (450)

    God. As long as the music is still good who gives a crap if the bands gone mainstream?

    Bands change and it happens, but it doesn't make them any less good.

    It's really stupid to start to hate a band bacause they are played in the radio more offten.

    It should just be about the music.
    May 17th, 2008 at 05:14am
  • guilt trip

    guilt trip (100)

    Being a devoted fan to My Chemical Romance for the longest time, always makes me think twice if they're actually giving their all into their music. I've always been a person that would stand up for MCR when someone was declaring them as one of the shittiest bands ever. But, I agree with you; Bullets and Revenge were their best albums, but TBP was the kind of album that put their music into mature words. Sometimes I even wonder if people still remember the vampire-crazed Gerard and the black and red eye-make up that they'd wear, pleasing millions of fans while giving their all. Sometimes I even wonder if people even remember their first two albums, that helped them break the surface to fame. I still listen to their songs from the first two albums more then I ever listened to TBP.

    I think people aren't really liking MCR that much anymore; or not having as much faith in them because they didn't keep the same sound with their old albums as much as with TBP. Change is good. A lot of change isn't though, and I believe in my own opinion that MCR has changed a bit.
    They can't keep satisfying everyone, they have their own needs too. If you're a faithful, loyal supporter, you should eat anything they throw at you.
    And yeah, I do believe music saves lives. When you're at the bottomless pit of depression, a few words seeping into your ears, being understanding in the position that you're in, can be the most life changing words that you'd ever hear.
    But there are people that would disagree, hence, opinions are a good thing.
    I'm done my rant,
    bullets&revenge forever.
    May 9th, 2008 at 06:08am
  • RunawayRiotxx

    RunawayRiotxx (150)

    United States
    I understand what this article is talking about. I think that Fall Out Boy has gone through some of the same thing. I think that the best that Fall Out Boy has ever had was in their Take This To Your Grave. Now it seems that Pete Wentz has become bigger than Fall Out Boy itself. Ever since his pictures came out and him going out with Ashlee Simpson (biggest sellout ever) he has BECOME Fall Out Boy. I heard E! News say Pete Wentz and the Fall Out Boys.I think they should put Andy or Joe inthe spoltlight for once.
    May 7th, 2008 at 02:32am
  • MCR-Andi

    MCR-Andi (100)

    United States
    Something else I forgot to add: You can't go around accusing a band they do certain things or do something different because "fame has gone to their head". You don't know them (not that I do) and you really have no evidence. They may very well do something for more fame, but let's be honest here, they have plenty of it. Bands like Green Day may do something for fame, but at they same time, the band may just do it because it appeals to them.
    April 21st, 2008 at 03:16am
  • MCR-Andi

    MCR-Andi (100)

    United States
    Just as you've said in your article, you didn't put a gun to my head and make me read it, but I did anyway and you don't have to read my comment.

    I have to say I disagree, but that only means you and I have different opinions, and I admire you for putting yourself out there and speaking your mind know you more than likely would get some kind disagreement.

    I love both Green Day and My Chem, I loved them when I first heard Warning and Three Cheers (I know those aren't their first albums, just the ones I heard from them first).

    I think both bands have grown with each album, they've put out. I'm going to focus on MCR from here, but what I'm saying goes for any band that's "sold out" or have "changed" (Green Day, AFI, Panic, etc.).

    I love every song off of TBP, they're all great, but let me state again, that's my personal opinion. They wanted to do something different, they got older, wanted to push their own boundaries and I support that whole heartedly. Like you've said, it would be boring for them to put out the same stuff, but that's what it seems like you want them to do. I'm sorry if that sounds like I'm accusing you, but I'm calling it as I read it. They wanted alter egos, they wanted to do something like the bands that have inspired them like the Beatles with Sgt. Pepper.

    My Chem has changed true enough; all people do, but they are still My Chem, if you want Three Cheers, then pop that sucker in and listen to it, same with Bullets. My Chemical Romance has said their next album will be like Bullets. But you know what? I applaud My Chem for taking THEIR music in the directiong THEY want it to go.

    As for Green Day doing side projects, that's them doing what they WANT to do, doing something COMPLETELY different with a new sound. They want a break from Green Day. Give them a break. If anything, be happy with the side projects, because if Ruby Room WAS released under Green Day, you'd be SUPER pissed.

    No one is forcing you listen to My Chem or Green Day, if you're so unhappy with them, then stick with their old stuff and pretend the haven't put out anything new.
    April 21st, 2008 at 03:11am
  • Amanda Palmer.

    Amanda Palmer. (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Wow, this article really sums everything up.
    I love my chemical romance, but I too, don't think they are the same people who where bringing us great music years ago.
    I know people grow up, but I know exactly what this articel is talking about and it makes a lot of sence.
    April 20th, 2008 at 08:41pm
  • lozzieee who.

    lozzieee who. (610)

    Great Britain (UK)
    I have changed my mind on this article. I don't agree with anything I have out and I think that MCR rock and so do GD. It is not all about the money, I know that now. I would now rate this article at 4 out of 10
    April 18th, 2008 at 09:28pm
  • I C G P

    I C G P (100)

    United Kingdom
    You've literally taken the words right out of my mouth. The problem with this is - and you have to admit it - fame does go to people's heads. I miss the old My Chem so much, and I quite frankly see The Black Parade as their downfall into Mainstream society. Some bands take Mainstream well and run with it, but My Chem seem to just lap it up. I don't want to see The Black Parade anymore. I want to see My Chem, back to the way they used to be.
    It upsets me sometimes.
    March 24th, 2008 at 11:31pm
  • Shawty.

    Shawty. (400)

    United Kingdom
    They havn't changed all that much realy. There still who they used to be, they just have more money fro prodution and things, they still care about the fans. And the album is called 'The black parade' The single is 'Welcome t othe black parade'
    March 11th, 2008 at 10:37pm
  • torn_overture

    torn_overture (100)

    United States
    Freakin Amen!! Finally somebody that feels the same freaking way. I can't stand this new Gerard Way, he doesn't act or look like the old him, I'd do anything for the dark lead singer that used to be my hero. He's left us in the dark on our own to fend, and Green Day...why won't they come back?? I miss my two favorite bands.
    March 8th, 2008 at 05:03pm
  • swearrtoshakeitupp

    swearrtoshakeitupp (150)

    United States
    I'm surprised at all of these people who are disagreeing with your article.
    I understand where you're coming from. I understand that this article wasn't based solely on MCR and Green Day's appearances.
    They have both changed -- and as you said, it's not necessarily for the worst - -but it is the truth. They aren't who they used to be.
    I'm a fan of MCR, but I'm more familiar with Green Day. Yes, I think they have become more afraid to take chances, and I think it is less likely that we'll ever see Billie Joe, as you put it, running across the stage wearing nothing but Blue. In some ways, that's a sad realization for a fan to come to. In other ways, it also shows that the band has matured. They aren't the sixteen year olds that they once were now. They're grown men and they're acting like it.
    On the other hand, I do think that Green Day will release a new album eventually. I really do. I do agree with you, however, that American Idiot will be their downfall. If they go back to their old sound from before AI, people are going to be pissed. If they keep going in the same direction as AI, people are going to be pissed. Either way, they lose.
    Anyway, now that I've basically written a book in your comments (sorry!), I'll just say that I liked the article. Good job.
    March 2nd, 2008 at 11:02pm
  • dude imma skeleton!

    dude imma skeleton! (100)

    United States
    Eh the articles wasn't that great. Though in my opinion things are going to change, in a way they have to sometimes. In this society that's the only way to get ahead. It isn't the best thing, but I think it happens to every band. I was upset that they so called 'changed' at first but now I'm not, it happens. Plus I realized I had no reason to miss the old MCR, they never really left. They're still the same guys. They're getting older. Their styles going to change a bit and if it does it isn't just for the popularity. My Chemical Romance has always done their own thing, people liked "The Black Parade" thing they had going, that just happened. The time we're in now might of been a bit of a catalyst for that. A good percentage is into rock now. Is that a bad thing? No not really. And you don't have a very strong argument, so what Gerard cuts his hair. It doesn't mean he's not Gerard anymore. You're focusing too much on appearance. It doesn't matter if their image has changed. If the music still moves us it should be fine with us.
    February 24th, 2008 at 01:45pm
  • lozzieee who.

    lozzieee who. (610)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Most of you aren't getting my point.
    I'm not SAYING that they've changed for the worse.
    I'm just saying they haven't changed for the better.
    And sounding the same in your first album as the third is fucked up.
    That's the whole point of music. Developement.
    I'm just saying...
    I wanted to write something to remind myself that even famous people change.
    Oay, so maybe I don't like what they've become.
    But I don't like most things.
    And these are my views.
    Now, I appreciate your comments.
    But please, stop telling me what I already know.
    It's just a bloody article.
    I love MCR as much as you or anyone else here.
    I'm just stating that they're a little more accustomed to fame than before.
    So, like, stop with the repetitive comments and mild arguments.
    Like I said, it's just an article.
    February 23rd, 2008 at 02:41pm