The Fall of HMV - Comments

  • nearly witches.

    nearly witches. (15250)

    Great Britain (UK)
    @ Elodin
    Exactly. There's just something about buying a physical copy of a CD that could never compare to the digital downloads. I'm studying music at university, and looking at the figures that we've been given for physical vs digital is horrible. At least we still have independent record stores. For now.
    January 24th, 2013 at 10:03am
  • Elodin

    Elodin (110)

    Wow, this makes me sad. Basically, it's just the same thing everyone's been suspecting for a while now: physical music is doomed, and I'm just so against that. It's not the same, you know? Maybe it's because I'm a total music freak, but there is no way buying a couple of songs with a simple click compares to the feeling of holding the just-bought CD in your hands, ripping the plastic off and examining every inch of the booklet excitedly. I don't know, I just feel that with digital downloads you're losing the feeling of actually owning the CD.
    And that's probably the only thing the next generations will experience, and it breaks my heart a little bit.
    January 23rd, 2013 at 10:39pm
  • VirgoAhtmah

    VirgoAhtmah (100)

    United States
    @everybody dies; Sounds Awesome :) And Thank You Very Much! :)
    January 18th, 2013 at 10:47pm
  • nearly witches.

    nearly witches. (15250)

    Great Britain (UK)
    @ BitterEndXII

    Definitely, some of the times I've been in I've just walked back out again because of the customer service levels. There's a criticism for every major company, and that's one of mines for HMV. That and the fact that they spent too much money branching out on other things (coughCONCERTVENUEScough). Either way, it is sad to see a major music shop go down like this. One less way for me to find CDs that most of my local stores don't sell.

    @ VirgoAhtmah
    Oh, trust me, we've learnt ALL ABOUT how the music industry can be warped. Our lecturer thought it would be a good idea to give us a heads-up on the issues, seeing as we'll all be working in the industry at some point, either as performers, technicians or businesspeople. I'll definitely check those books out though, they might be useful for future essays (the label one would have been really useful for an essay I just finished). And good luck with the record, it's always great to see people releasing their own stuff!

    @ katze
    It really is. They are one of the only companies that've gone into administration that I've actually cared about.
    January 18th, 2013 at 09:37pm
  • katze

    katze (150)

    Great Britain (UK)
    I find this really sad.
    January 18th, 2013 at 09:22pm
  • VirgoAhtmah

    VirgoAhtmah (100)

    United States
    @everybody dies; That sucks...but is so True....No one is really interested in Physical CDs anymore....They'd rather go to Itunes and download it and buy it.

    Thats cool you are learning about the Music Industry, but you should also know how Corrupt and Twisted the Industry is as well.

    Check out ''I Don't Need A Record Deal!'' by Deane Daylle Schwartz....Its pretty interesting....It tells the stories of more ten 120-150 people who left major record labels to become Independents in the Music Biz cus they were either screwed over by them or they were making them do things that morally were not right.

    Also check out ''The Industry Exposed'' Series on youtube...its pretty informative.

    I'm an Indie Myself about to Release a Record....I signed to a little Indie Record Label in China called ''Green China Records'' thru a Distribution Company called ''Ditto Music'' which you have probably heard of considering they are located in the U.K.

    My Album will also soon be on Itunes and many other Digital Stores because of their good service. The Album is called ''The Future Ahead'' by me Ahtmah Khalsa....Its an all Instrumental I Recorded, Wrote, Edited and Mixed all by myself.

    None the less Great Article and Well Done! :)
    January 18th, 2013 at 07:31pm
  • BitterEndXII

    BitterEndXII (200)

    United Kingdom
    I do like to browse for music in stores to find music I wouldnt have otherwise found and I do make an effort to spend around £20 in there every time I get to town. I do find it a great shame. But to critizise HMV, pandering to the general public with this type of shop is whats brought it down. The alternative market are far more likely to go into record stores but sadly they dont cater for us very well (the ones in smaller cities anyway). I've also found the custumor service in HMV stores to be down right terrible. So... Idont know how I feel about this. I'm sad that I wont be able t discover new music or films in this way, but I feel they shot themselves in the foot.
    January 18th, 2013 at 06:36pm
  • nearly witches.

    nearly witches. (15250)

    Great Britain (UK)
    @ little motorkitty;
    Aye, I know a few people that have been affected by the gift-card thing, it's ridiculous. And wow, I didn't know that. You'd think they would pay their staff.

    I only ever shopped there...three times. Two times were when I got DVDs in the sale (HIMYM seasons 1-4 for £20, couldn't complain) and the third was when I went to get Band of Horses new album because nowhere else in Glasgow stocked it for some ridiculous reason. They were overpriced, I'm looking forward to their stock sale, to be honest. And thank you ^^
    January 18th, 2013 at 11:33am
  • little motorkitty;

    little motorkitty; (630)

    United Kingdom
    There is also the fact that even when HMV knew that they were facing the threat of administration they continued to sell their vouchers, then turned around later and refused to accept them, basically stealing thousands of pounds off the general public. There's also been a sit-in in Dublin because the staff haven't been given their wages.

    Pretty much the only time I shopped from HMV was when they had a massive sale on games and I got Batman Arkham City for 2.99. I always thought they were overpriced.

    Good article.
    January 18th, 2013 at 02:51am