History Channel's The Bible

Everyone knows the stories - Adam and Eve, Noah, Moses, Samson, Daniel in the Lion's Den, Jesus Christ - but never before have they all been combined into one spectacular program; a mini-series for television. This five-part program highlights many of the major stories of The Bible, the book of the Christian faith, the most popular book in human history. It aired in late 2013.

The program endeavours to stay true to the Bible, and with many of the stories it highlights, it does just so. It perfectly captures Noah and the flood in a dramatic and eye-catching fashion. We see Noah and his family struggling in the ark while the rest of the population is wiped out - a fact which many stories don't touch on as heavily. History Channel's program, however, showed other citizens of Earth drowning, giving the story more depth and realism.

Moses' story was highlighted, as well. It showed the true nature of Moses and Ramses relationship in an exaggerated fashion; they did not grow up as close brothers, but rather as rivals, which may have played into Ramses' refusal to let the Hebrew slaves go free.

Samson is depicted as a very large and very dark man with dreadlocks down to his knees, something which modern culture leaves out in favor of white-washing him into a blonde with flowing locks. His strength, all coming from his hair by God's command, is sapped with Delilah, working for the Palestinians who wish to destroy Samson, cuts his hair of as he sleeps.

The most interesting story, naturally, is the story of Jesus Christ. An interesting, yet understandable, casting decision was made in placing a hunky Jesus into the story - though this surely isn't the first time that has been done (and is, of course, factually inaccurate - Jesus was not handsome, that was not His pull). We see His ministry from conception, to crucifixion, to resurrection and ascension. We witness the passion He had for all people and the love His followers displayed in spreading His word after he was gone.

Anyone wishing to learn more about The Bible would do well to watch this program, as while it does exaggerate for the sake of entertainment, it captures the true spirit of Jesus Christ and what He and his followers were truly about. Not only that, but the program is visually stunning with stories that have entertained people for ages and ages.

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