Songs of Writing - Comments

  • kitsch

    kitsch (195)

    United States
    Yes. In Love
    Such a relatable, lovely article on how music relates to writing.
    I used to have a notebook with me at all times when I first started writing, and I really regret it sometimes that I stopped doing that. Now, I have my phone at least so I can jot down an idea or song that inspires me in my Notes app. Then I have Evernote for some of my brainstorming when I'm not near my computer at home.

    It's like how watching a movie, there will be a soundtrack to set the mood and you either like it or don't like it---certain songs don't fit the scene or they do, etcetera. I've been using songs more as an inspiration for my stories and I think it's amazing how much I can write because of it. It's as if stories are interconnected because songs share a story just as much as written work such as prose or poetry. Just. Wow.
    March 10th, 2014 at 01:41am