Jerry Seinfeld in Car Accident

Jerry Seinfeld in Car Accident As funny as Jerry Seinfeld may be, the most recent news surrounding him is nothing to be laughed it. He was in a potentially harmful car accident at approximately 7:40 PM on a Saturday evening in East Hampton, New York.

Seinfeld was driving a vintage 1967 Fiat BTM, when suddenly his breaks failed and he was unable to stop the car. He then tried the emergency break which also failed, giving him quite the shock. His car was headed for a busy intersection, and he swerved to attempt to avoid causing a major accident. He did so successfully, however his car did flip completely over. When the car stopped moving it was only yards away from the highway.

Amazingly, 53 year old Seinfeld emerged from the accident without a scratch on him. He did not need any medical attention and was able to return to his home later that night with his wife. It should be noted that there was no alcohol or drugs involved in this accident, it was simply caused by the failure of his breaks.

Jerry handled the event light heartedly, stating that "Because I know there are kids out there, I want to make sure they all know that driving without braking is not something I recommend, unless you have professional clown training or a comedy background, as I do."

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