Is Robert Pattinson Fit for the Role of "Edward Cullen"?

Is Robert Pattinson Fit for the Role of "Edward Cullen"? We’ve all heard it! Robert Pattinson is officially going to play the role of Edward Cullen. We’ve known it for months now. But, the question is: Is he fit for the role?

Over 3,000 people have signed the petition on called “Support Robert Pattinson as Edward Cullen” (exactly 3,649 on April 6, 2008) Others have agreed, as well, most likely being early Robert fans in his previous roles in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, The Bad Mother’s Handbook, Ring of the Nibelungs, Vanity Fair, The Haunted Airman, and How To Be. We cannot forget his to-be-seen role in The Summer House, in which some may be very excited to see.

Pattinson has played in fantasy, drama, sci-fi, and even a little bit of romance in some roles… He’s branched out genres and has acquired quite a skill in acting. And apparently, the casting director believed Pattinson had a talent in acting, as well; a talent fit to play the profound and most anticipated role out there: Edward Cullen. So, maybe his skills aren’t being questioned.

Maybe his role in The Goblet of Fire has branded him with a name he’ll never forget? Maybe he’s not being looked at as “Robert Pattinson” but as “Cedric Diggory” instead. And maybe some girls or guys had their hearts sat on another actor in particular. Some girls aren’t exactly describing him in the most positive manner. Some words such as “ugly” and “disgusting” are used, while others are using more positive terms like “gorgeous” and, generally, “hot” are used as well.

Maybe there not his acting skills being questioned, but his former roles that gave an impression to the Twilight fan that they didn’t like. And then, finding out that someone, whom they didn’t like to well, is going to play flawless and perfect Edward, comments and opinions began to be freely expressed.

There is also the concept that he’s just not liked. Some girls haven’t heard of him, don’t know of him too well, and don’t know how good or bad of an actor he is. He’s just not well known to some places.

But, doesn’t that only tell us that we should give him a chance. Maybe not a chance on Twilight, you might think. That’s too important to us. But I say that he is ready and willing. He’s a great actor, witty, smart, and handsome. If he weren’t fit to play Edward he wouldn’t have been chosen. And Stephanie Meyer (the author of Twilight) seems to think so. In fact, she’s quite happy with it.

So don’t send bags of angry mail to Robert. He’s too busy perfecting his crooked smile.

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