"Preacher Deprived of Her Voice" - Comments

  • excelsior

    excelsior (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    i dont quite get what your saying? this is what the song says so its true? i agree with the song that religion ties you down? religion can disrupt lives? science and the search for truth though science is also demeaning and disruptive?
    so all i can say is one thing, there are three times, the start of things, that bit in the middle, and the end, the start is often quick, normally we dont even notice it, that bit in the middle, that takes forever, and the end, normally over before we know whats happening, isnt it better to have belief and faith during that really long part and maybe a bad end than a middle bit with none but a happier ending, which as i said, over before you know whats happening.
    December 5th, 2008 at 07:26pm
  • ToTieBinds

    ToTieBinds (100)

    United States
    Wow. I was going to read this article but I decided to skim beforehand. :-/

    So, what I gathered was in your mind, Christianity=all religion?

    Um, no, I don't think I'll waste more of my time, thanks. Add different religions to your article because there are plenty of people who don't want to read the same name (Jesus) over and over again.
    June 11th, 2008 at 12:32am
  • Baby Blud

    Baby Blud (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Boom such a marvoulous thing to perceive lyrics in such a way. I admire you for this. I found it an interesting read and also a little sceptical of other religions, i feared it may have everything to do with Christianity although i sense there are things in other religions such as Buddah and Paganism that could also identify with what you have said. The moments you put into understanding lyrics into what past Christianity beliefs did to the Jesus Christ is quite amazing and i would love to research this further with you if i could. I find it very intriguing of how lyrics in such bands as Deathstars could proclaim people to believe in rleigions being evil or good in their own right. Amazing..
    Damn you Boom! You've sparked yet another thing for me to research on my lonely nights lol XXXX BB
    May 21st, 2008 at 04:09pm
  • LiL_McR_FaN

    LiL_McR_FaN (100)

    United Kingdom
    May 20th, 2008 at 07:58pm
  • Ola Salo

    Ola Salo (100)

    I saw this documentary about Christianity, called Zeitgeist the Movie part 1, and I've totally lost faith in religion. I've never believed in God or any higher power what so ever, and I think this is a great article. But I agree with Cary BowTie, religion is obviously important to some people and we shouldn't give them shit for that. I mean, God for me is people like Martin Luther King Jr, people who bring us hope in dark times, and I guess that's what God is for the Christians.

    "How can you believe something that has never really been proven true?"- Exactly. Look at a die hard catholic, or any religion really, they live their whole lives after what the Bible or the Koran says. They dedicate their whole lives to something that I don't even belive excist, something that they don't even know excist. It's kinda creepy.

    You should really get more comments. It's a great article, really, but I guess they're all busy reading about the Wentz/Simpson-wedding...
    May 20th, 2008 at 07:03pm
  • WeAreMemory

    WeAreMemory (100)

    United States
    I'm going to carry on from what CaryBowTie started touching on.

    "Though the thing with religion is that it’s something to but your trust in ‘cause you need something to believe – and sometimes blame – for things/life being as it is. Many people need religion to get through their days while some others need the knowledge over that it is they and not a higher power deciding. It just shows that everybody need something to believe in but the belief don’t always have to be in a religion."

    This just causes me to think... y'know.. people believe in "God" or "Ghandi" or whomever they choose because they're insecure. They just need a security blanket a sorts: the comfort only a mother or father could give. The guidence.

    I was raised Christian but I've strayed away from it in the past few years and that paragraph really gave a major impact and meaning... understanding as to why people put all their faith in holy dieties that may or may not even be there...
    May 20th, 2008 at 07:01pm
  • boychild.

    boychild. (100)

    [i]how can you believe something that has never really been proven true?[/i]
    My first thought on that, ‘well we believe in Cat/Andy f*cking and that have never really been proven true’ =P

    Though I really liked this, it’s one point of view I’ve never thought about look at it before and I will definitely think about that when reading it the next time.

    Though the thing with religion is that it’s something to but your trust in ‘cause you need something to believe – and sometimes blame – for things/life being as it is. Many people need religion to get through their days while some others need the knowledge over that it is they and not a higher power deciding. It just shows that everybody need something to believe in but the belief don’t always have to be in a religion.

    That’s why it’s so god that you but that sentence ([i]No matter what belief you have, it is always best to remain open-minded and accept everyone for who they are.[/i]) in there showing that though this is your belief, you accept others ones too.

    Really good work hon *hugs* I give you high Swedish grades =P And you should send this to the DS guys ;)
    May 20th, 2008 at 03:55pm