Stephenie Meyer: A Breath of Fresh Air

Stephenie Meyer: A Breath of Fresh Air Most girls who are of the ages of twelve and up have probably heard the name Stephenie Meyer tossed around in regular conversations. I know I hear it all the time. Stephenie Meyer has become a worldwide household name due to the success of her enticing Twilight series, and her newest novel The Host. Many people are calling Meyer a "phenomenon" and I have to agree. From the first moment I cracked the pages of Twilight and lost myself in the romance between a simple human girl and an extraordinarily beautiful vampire, I have been hooked.

The world that Meyer creates is a world that many of us probably wish we could live in, if only for a short time. And I think what makes her story so enticing is the fact that the love between Bella, the main girl character; and Edward, the main vampire character, is so passionate.

A couple of days ago I finished reading Meyer's new book, The Host, and it got me thinking. The way that Meyer constructs her novels is so unique from everyone else. Most novels now have either lots of violence or lots of sex that is written crudely, but Meyer's novels don't. Yes, her novels contain violence, and the Twilight series is definitely entwined with sex, but she writes it tastefully and subtly.

And many people are praising her for this very reason. Especially parents. "It's refreshing to see that an international best-selling author can create a fan base that isn't based on novels that have gore and sex," said Ms. Stutte, a biology teacher at Bend Senior High School. Meyer is also respected because before her debut as a writer, she was a stay at home mom dealing with three kids. Since her success she has continued to be a great mother and a loving wife. In fact, in many interviews, Meyer has stated that she wouldn't have been able to do any of this without the help of her husband.

Due to be released on August 2nd in the U.S., the fourth and final installment of the Twilight series, Breaking Dawn, has reigned in even more fans of all ages and gender.

"Stephenie Meyer has written a dazzling grand finale to an epic love story," commented Megan Tingley, Senior Vice President and Publisher of Hatchette Book Group USA. "And with the extraordinary excitement surrounding the publication of Breaking Dawn, I'm thrilled that legions of new readers will now discover the saga that has already captivated millions around the world."

And Meyer's fame will again rise by December 12, 2008 when Twilight the movie is released. The movie will star Robert Pattinson as vampire Edward Cullen and Kristen Stewart as Bella Swan.

In just three years Stephenie Meyer has gone from an ordinary mother of three, living a regular life in Arizona, to an international best-selling author.

And to think, it all started with a dream she had.

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