Rowling Writes Potter Prequel for Charity Auction

Rowling Writes Potter Prequel for Charity Auction On May 14, 2008, announced that JK Rowling would be participating in the "What's Your Story?" auction for Waterstones Books. At the time, however, no one knew what she had planned for Potter lovers. The only thing we knew is that the money reaised at the auction would go to the English Pen and Dyslexia Auction. Now, Rueters is confirming that Rowling has written an 800 word outline for a prequel to the Potter series. So here's the scoop.

The story ends with the live from Rowling: "From the prequel I am not working on - but that was fun!"

The story is going to be set at around three years before Harry is born, and will center around the Marauders, mainly James and Sirius.

Rowling has stated that: "Although I did feel a bit like a relapsing addict as I sat down to write - the words poured from my pen with frightening ease - I am NOT working on a prequel. Indeed, I've written that clearly at the bottom of the card itself. I just thought that this was the best way to make money for two extremely worthwhile charities."

Waterstones is now accepting preorders for the book, which will be available to the public some time in early August. Waterstones, though, is limiting the purchase to two per customer, as they expect demand will be high.

Hopefully us Potterheads will get some satisfaction from this, if not just a good chuckle at James and Sirius' newest escapades.

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