No More Shampoo!

No More Shampoo! It has always baffled me as to why women in older times had such beautiful hair, where these days, many women strive for beautiful, luscious locks but to no avail. So I recently decided to research the topic. What I found startled me. The offending culprit as to why many women have dry, damaged hair is shampoo.

On the internet, I read a countless number of personal stories from women, in their transition from using shampoo every day. They call it “ditching the ‘poo.” Basically, they tried to go six weeks without shampoo. Then they had the moment of truth where they got to see if their hair improved or not. In almost all of the stories, their hair improved.

Why is this? What is in shampoo that is so damaging? Well, first let me enlighten you on what shampoo really is. It is a detergent. Yes, that’s right, a detergent, just like your laundry or dish detergent. That means that just like the detergent you put into your dish washer, shampoo has chemicals in it. The chemicals are very harsh and damage your hair. One of these chemicals is SLS or Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (which is used in 95% of commercial shampoos.) SLS is a “de-greaser”. It attacks the dirt on your scalp. The problem is that is not all it takes with it. Like an atomic bomb, SLS leaves no survivors. What does this mean? It means the essential oils your body produces to keep your hair and scalp healthy are taken to the drain along with the dirt.

Many of you will probably say that without shampoo your hair is a greasy eyesore. Well, that is just another wonderful fault in the wicked cycle more commonly known as shampoo. Let me explain. According to “,” our body functions with a “supply-demand” relationship. What this means is that when shampoo sucks all the good oil (scientifically known as sebum), your body shifts into the next gear and starts mass producing oils that end up staying matted on top of your head making it greasy.

Conditioner was made with a purpose. It was not made to make your hair healthier. The companies who make it do not care about you. What they care about is making money. Conditioner was made after shampoo came, because people started noticing that shampoo was damaging to their hair. Conditioner creates artificial oils to make your hair look healthy and to give it shine. But the oils only last for a certain amount of time until you shampoo and condition again.

Shampoo is a scandal, a fraud, a humbug. It was advertised as being something that you cannot live without, when in reality not only can you live without it, it is healthier that way. Plus, going the ‘no poo’ route will save you a lot of money that you spend buying shampoo. It is time to stop that horrid cycle. It is time to go throw out your chemical infested shampoo bottles and reclaim your beautiful hair. Sure, there are going to be those ugly days as your body gets used to not having to make an over-supply of sebum, but it is worth it in the long run.

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