No More Shampoo! - Comments

  • Ewie. That's so lame. I have noticed that though, even in the shower, after I rinse out all the shampoo, my hair is a wet, matted, tangled mess. But after I condition it, It's smooth and sleek. I think I'll have to give this 'no poo' thing out.
    July 16th, 2009 at 02:40am
  • No way fair! When i wrote in the forums about this everyone was just like ewww. But then again, i wrote it really badly compared with yours. People whose hair smells when they don't use shampoo... It shouldn't. If you rinse it through thoroughly and frequently, once it's balanced, it's fine. and i'm really surprised it was improved! In six weeks the only difference was my hair was really thick, a bit waxy and my split ends were better. It no way looked better... took quite a bit longer! ohh and for people who want to try it, if it goes too disgusting use sea salt and lemon juice if you're blonde, vinegar if you're brunnette to wash your hair. Massage it it thoroughly, and i left it a while. Then wash. Much better.
    September 25th, 2008 at 09:15pm
  • this was a really good article. my hair is extremely curly and gets dried out easily, and i spent sooo much time trying to figure out how to fix this. i found a website where lots of curly girls said that they'd stopped using shampoo and used only conditioner to clean their hair. i gave it a try and the results were awesome. but then i realized that my hair still felt dry-ish and got very frizzy if i left it down and let it air-dry, and then i found out that water is also very drying to hair, because it takes your hair's natural moisture with it as it evaporates. so i stopped wetting my hair when i showered, and after about a week of this my hair was sooo soft and shiny and never got puffy or frizzy. so yes, people, this works!! no, your hair won't stink, it just won't smell like hair products. if that's what you want then a little hair lotion does the trick. i still wash it every once in a while - only about once a month, or if i've been out partying and my hair smells like a club - but i use baby shampoo and only very little. other than that i don't even wet my hair and i'm finally on good terms with it hehe ^_^
    August 21st, 2008 at 02:40am
  • Aw this is a toughie...
    Use shampoo to clean my hair really good but damage it...
    Or use some soap or something to wash it...grr
    August 9th, 2008 at 12:27am
  • This was interesting, so...does that mean back in the old days...women's hair really stunk?
    August 4th, 2008 at 01:28am
  • Yeah, I'm not too fond of having a smelly head...

    My hair has never really been a big issue with me, so if it's full of chemicals and smells like roses, I really don't care. But this article was interesting to read.
    July 22nd, 2008 at 11:07pm
  • I've tried the "no hair product" thing.
    I stank..
    Though I dont wash my hair everyday anymore. I only wash it twice a week. Though it's mainly because my hair is insufferably curly and washing it frequently absorbs all the moisture which makes it even more so coarse and rebellious. And since I straighten my hair to make it silky and sleek, straightening it everyday will destroy my hair.
    July 7th, 2008 at 09:22am
  • Also there are sulfate free shampoos available. So if some of you dont wanna give up shampooing everyday or w/e, just invest in one. Even baking soda and water is a more natural means of cleaning the hair/scalp.
    July 4th, 2008 at 06:00am
  • YeahI have heard about this before.

    You have to keep the no shampoo up for a few weeks before the effect comes - it is greasy without the shampoo but only for a little bit as the hair just gets used to not being stripped of its oils.
    July 3rd, 2008 at 10:38am
  • Oh, I have a tip. Mainly for those who are going to still use shampoo after reading this.
    If you find that after using a shampoo for a while your hair starts getting greasy or something quickly. Try switching to a different product. Your hair tends to get "immune" to products after some time.

    And a warning: Never use Selsun Blue. I had to use it one time and it destroyed my hair. Plus it leaves this weird orange, rust color in the shower afterwards. And the shampoo itself is blue. So gross.
    July 2nd, 2008 at 11:59pm
  • Interesting.

    I knew most shampoos sucked everything out of your hair. But I didn't know it was that bad. Usually I shampoo with heavy duty stuff to get rid of grease and such, then I use shampoo plus conditioner to make it softer. When my hair is clean it's perfect. Going too long with shampoo/conditioner ruins my hair. It's greasy and oily, and tangles too easily.

    So, I'm not sure if the "no 'poo" thing could work for everyone.
    -shrugs- I dunno.

    Your article was very well written, by the way.
    July 2nd, 2008 at 11:54pm
  • Hmmm....My hair is not that dired out or anything....but I am soooooo guilty....I use giant amounts of shampoo cuz I like the sudzies...
    but now that I read it I think I shall stop using so much....It would drive me crazy at first to use none...
    but yeah....I didn't really know about the shampoo thing....nicely written.....
    July 2nd, 2008 at 02:19pm
  • I decided that I'm going to try it and see how it works; I'm excited to see the results in the end, though. I'm happy to know why my hair started to get dull after a while there.
    July 2nd, 2008 at 05:14am
  • Y'know people have washed their hair with detergents since forever. Oh yes. Even in the good ol' days. I know my grandmother used to make soap and wash her hair with that. It's just as ineffective as shampoo.
    Not to mention the crazy things Renaissance women did to their hair. O_O
    If I just put water on my hair by the time it's dry it'll look just as greasy.
    Maybe my hair is just crazy.
    July 1st, 2008 at 11:51pm
  • this is really embarassing but what if your hair would smell? i mean, humans are bound to sweat, and if you sweat, your head will smell... and its kinda embarrasing in school...

    great article... haha, I WILL NEVER USE HEAD&SHOULDERS again. lol thnks
    July 1st, 2008 at 02:24pm
  • wow, I didn't know that O.o
    I'm not completely convinced but I think I will minimize my shampoo using now after reading this =]
    VERY well written ^.^
    July 1st, 2008 at 03:51am
  • Wow, I'm going with this. I've read these comments and I'll try it.
    But what I'd like to say is that it did not say stop using conditioner and water. A lot of people got that impression. Even just water would wash out SOME of those extra oils.
    July 1st, 2008 at 03:28am
  • Wow!!
    I didn't know that.
    I had this one type of shampoo that even made my hair really greasy and very washed out.

    So yes,

    thank you.



    July 1st, 2008 at 02:41am
  • I only wash me hair once a week since thats all it need and I'm a teenager a overflowing with good and bad oils X]
    July 1st, 2008 at 01:46am
  • Okay, everybody has known this for a long time that is why you are supposed to only go five days a week with washing your hair so that your hair gets to keep it's healthy oils.

    Same with toweldrying your hair, it's bad because the towel suffocates your hair.
    July 1st, 2008 at 01:16am