Pro-Choice: Keep The Government Out Of My Uterus! - Comments

  • vaporwave

    vaporwave (160)

    demosthenes: I'm taking a wild guess, but you're anti-women, aren't you?
    July 4th, 2008 at 03:45am
  • Iago-Disco

    Iago-Disco (300)

    Awesome article, best one so far and i imagine for a long time. But thats probably because your intelligent, you were arguing rationally and based on fact rather than some strange idea about life, and because you've obviously looked into the topic rather than just splashing your ill-informed opinion around a page.

    Again, well done
    July 4th, 2008 at 03:42am
  • Suffocating Hearts

    Suffocating Hearts (100)

    United States
    I agree with the article and the people backing it as well. There's so many reasons why women should have the right to an abortion, and the government could focus on so many more things than what women can and can't do with their own bodies. On the other hand, people against it because of religious beliefs also have the right not to get one, and it should be left at that.
    July 4th, 2008 at 03:24am
  • niccisayshello

    niccisayshello (200)

    United States
    Men have no right to say whether or not women should be able to have an abortion.

    Also I'm against abortion and I would never have one myself but just because some other women choose to have one doesn't really matter to me. Yeah they could be damaging their future but it's their life not mine. Honestly everyone is always like rape or incest but there is only a 20% chance of being pregnant from that. Also everyone always goes all 'you only are against it because you're religous' but in most cases it is not the reason. Just because someone is Christian does not mean they believe abortion is completely wrong because I am Christian and a lot of my friends who believe Abortion is the woman's choice are also Christian.

    I'm pro-life but it's not my decision to make for other women, it's not the government's choice either. It's the pregnant woman's choice and that's final.

    Although people are like 'i can do whatever i want with my body' yet when they are pregnant they say they are eating for two, but when it comes to abortion they're one again, that's totally contradictory. Whatever, shit happens and it's not my decision.

    I dont agree with this article but i dont disagree. I guess I'm indifferent
    July 4th, 2008 at 03:12am
  • hkittyly

    hkittyly (150)

    United States
    I definitely agree with this article.

    Some go "Oh, if they were raped they can report it, they can be given a pill-"
    Stop, right there.
    Does anyone even take in the emotional factor of being raped?
    Some people never, ever tell that they were raped. It took me [i]years[/i] to say that i was only molested. If I was raped? Never, in my family that would litteraly get me kicked out on the street. Just for admitting I was molested I am looked down upon by some of my family, and it hurts like a bitch.
    In some countries, people die for it. I know, I know, we're not in those countries.
    But some [b]in this country[/b] are so religously fanatic they would shun, and yes, some psychotic people do kill, those who have been raped. This doesn not happen often, but it does happen.

    With that also, I agree with the article whole-heartedly. I know I want every single one of my rights, the same ones a man would have. Other than that, I do not know if I would have an abortion need be. Maybe not, but I still want the right to do it.
    Like the right to vote, I might not exersize it, but I want it to be there
    (also, i know the right to vote and have aboriton are two different subjects, but i think its a fitting example. It's a right, one that women had to fight for, that many tried to deny them, saying that they had no place, they were inferior to a man. This is also saying we deserve less rights, simply because of out gender).

    And I read some comments talking against the law of prostitution, and how that was a law that took away use of our bodies. That law, for one, does not [i]discriminate[/i] between men an women, race or religion. It also protects the individual. I know that the latter argument has the flaw, as an anti-abortion law would protect the child. But from what? Parents that resent the child, or parents that could not take care of it, it given a crappier situation than any soul deserves? I know this will not convince any religious mind, but [i]hell[/i], I had to say my perspective.
    July 4th, 2008 at 01:44am
  • gleek

    gleek (100)

    United States
    Abortion is not murder. Abortion is a woman doing with her body what she pleases. There could be a million reasons why the baby's birth taking place would be detrimental to both mother and child. Though it should be considered a morally wrong decision if you are simply an irresponsible teen who had sex and got pregnant accidentally, it is a choice that should be avaliable. In cases of rape, incest, or a situation where the mother is medically unfit to give birth without harm to herself or her child, abortion should absolutely be a legal option. Pro-choice DOES NOT mean pro-death.

    Very nice article. I especially liked the title!
    July 4th, 2008 at 01:41am
  • ZombieBunnyKILL

    ZombieBunnyKILL (100)

    United States
    Terrific article.
    And I have to agree, if you're so against it, DON'T HAVE IT.
    People are so CLOSED MINDED, and have to be told about this MORE THAN ONCE. I am pro-choice, but I wouldn't have an abortion if I was ready to have a child. However, if I got pregnant during my youth, I WOULD, BECAUSE I WOULDN'T BE ABLE TO TAKE CARE OF THE CHILD. It's not always selfish, and not everyone has the same beliefs. IT IS NOT MURDER IF IT'S IN THE FIRST TRIMESTER, becasue it is NOT ALIVE.
    But by all means, do what you want with your body, but abortions should NOT be illegal if we want to get anywhere, because it's just letting MEN control our bodies.
    Oh yes. I went there.
    Sorry for all the caps locks.
    July 4th, 2008 at 01:37am
  • AntsInMyPants101

    AntsInMyPants101 (100)

    United States
    o for got nice article
    July 4th, 2008 at 12:53am
  • AntsInMyPants101

    AntsInMyPants101 (100)

    United States
    okay did you know that scientists can geneticlly altar a baby from their color og their eyes to getting rid of a dissease. well the take an egg and an sperm and make a baby out side of a body.
    if they dont get what they want the though the baby in the trash.
    if your against abortain be against that to and make just as big a deal about it or shut the hell up.
    July 4th, 2008 at 12:52am
  • demosthenes

    demosthenes (100)

    United States
    No the bottom line is abortion is bad. The baby has a life as well. I don't care whether its in the woman's body or not that baby does have the right to life. They should not allow it to be sucked apart with a vaccum. That's what abortion does by the way, they suck the baby apart. Abortion is wrong unless the baby or the woman's life is in danger.
    July 4th, 2008 at 12:09am
  • Fluteline24

    Fluteline24 (100)

    United States
    Bravo! I agree 100% with this article.

    Abortion IS against my religion, but religion can't stop me from stating my PERSONAL views, and that is- women should have the choice to abort.
    July 4th, 2008 at 12:08am
  • The Lovecraft

    The Lovecraft (500)

    in my country, a girl of 11 was raped by her uncle and became pregnant. out of reasons that I'm not completely aware of(fear to tell truth, unawareness of pregnancy, etc) the pregnancy got to 5 months until the real controversy and decision-making started. the doctors said that it was unsafe for the mother and the baby to keep the baby, but also to perform an abortion and recommended to keep the child. also, they couldn't perform an abortion, since it's illegal after 3 months(i think) in Romania. A committee was joined and they decided the 11 year old child should have an abortion.
    Finally, a clinic ion the UK offered to perform the abortion for free, in safe conditions.
    the point? pro-choice. In cases of rape, incest, infantile pregnancy, diseases of the fetus, danger for the mother, there should be the right to choose.
    July 4th, 2008 at 12:06am
  • allison wonderland

    allison wonderland (100)

    United States
    Everybody can also look at it this way, our parents had the choice to have us, they should also be able to have the choice not to. A females body is personal [as is a males] so what goes on inside her should be her choice. Say you are fifteen and get raped by a family member, would you want that child? One who you know is going to end up deformed [no offense to anybody who is/has a disabled family member, no bashing intended!!!] for all you know it could end up having two heads due to that. Or what about if you get pregnant accidentally and you are addicted to drugs and/or alcohol? It would be safer for the child not to be born because of everything that could happen due to the mothers addictions.

    I am pro-choice. I know if it was me I would not be able to go through with an abortion but I deserve the right to have one.
    July 3rd, 2008 at 10:27pm
  • Freaka.

    Freaka. (220)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Dirnty Thinker, suppose the woman in question was a 12 year old being attacked by a male family members? A product of that rape would have all sorts of physical problems, not to mention the fact that the girl wouldn't feel able to report it to the police for fear of being thrown out by her family.
    Did you ever consider the fact that the potential kid may not be very happy when it finds out that they were a product of rape?
    Also, in the early stages of development, an embryo has no nervous system and cannot feel pain. It can't think or feel at all. It isn't human yet.
    It's all very well cheering for the "murdered baby", but what about the very much alive mother, who may not be able to physically or mentally cope with a child? Someone who has been raped isn't going to be as stable as someone who is in a loving relationship. Society should care for its current members, not scream at the thought of a POTENTIAL life not joining our already over-populated world.
    And then you have to consider the fact that a baby that is born into an unstable family is going to grow up to be one unbalenced individual.
    I am pro choice in ALL abortion cases. I live in the area with the highest rates of teenage pregnancy in the whole of the UK. I know several people who have had abortions and their answer was that they didn't want to mess up their lives.
    I have more to say, but this rant is getting to epic poem proportions so I'm cutting off here. Cheerio.
    July 3rd, 2008 at 10:22pm
  • Be_Not_Seen

    Be_Not_Seen (100)

    United States
    I really don't believe in abortion, though I do agree it is the woman's choice. Personally, I think it's murder, but again, it's the woman's choice. If she doesn't want the child she helped create, that is her right to decide to keep it or abort it. It's sad but it's a fact of life. People abort babies all the time. Another thing that urks me is how some men force abortion on women. That's disgusting. If youi don't want kids, keep your thing in your pants or be careful. Seriously.
    July 3rd, 2008 at 10:09pm
  • Zed

    Zed (100)

    United Kingdom
    It was a fantastically written article, though I don't actually agree with you =]
    just_call_me_dookie...yeah, parents still have rights over us, and make decision for us until we're 18. But the decision to murder us?? The choice?? Nah, don't think they have that.
    I don't use purely religion. Fuck, I don't use religion as an argument at all. I'm an atheist XD
    I'm not going to tell someone not to have an abortion. But I would advise them not to. I don't understand why you should kill something just because you didn't use protection-which is your own damned fault. Perhaps in rape it is acceptable, due to the poor quality of life that would later be lived-or in cases where the mother/child will be severely harmed. But if you've created a life, then it's now your responsibility. People say there's a choice...but everything comes with responsibility. In my opinion, it's an abuse of that responsibility to kill something that entirely depends upon you for everything. *shrug*
    July 3rd, 2008 at 09:10pm
  • wx12

    wx12 (10125)

    United States
    "Against abortion? Don't have one. Simple as that."

    So... I'm also against murder, does that mean I should just not do it, but let the people who want to murder do so? Nah, you see that logic is horribly flawed.

    I completely disagree with you, but never the less this was an intelligent, well written article. =]
    July 3rd, 2008 at 08:04pm
  • Joey Jordison

    Joey Jordison (100)

    United Kingdom
    [i]Against abortion? Don't have one. Simple as that.[/i]

    Says it all really.
    Bravo, excellent article, fantastically written.
    July 3rd, 2008 at 07:18pm
  • Silly_Girl

    Silly_Girl (350)

    United States
    You know what I find amusing, how people say that "It's a life, it should have the choice to live!" But don't your parents kind of have resonsibility over you? I mean you're not truly on your own until you're 18. And I know a lot of parents have a lot of say in what their kids do and they make a lot of choice for their kids. o__O So shouldn't the woman have the choice if she wants to have the organism or not?
    Just a thought.
    July 3rd, 2008 at 07:06pm
  • destroy.better

    destroy.better (100)

    United States
    Dirnty thinker ..hate to break it to you but there is a form of legal prostitution and the girls are scared out of their minds they were violated and dont know what would happen if they told the police..they might be thinking that if they tell then the rapist would come back and violate them once again and/or kill them...anywho yay an article that doesnt bash peoples choices...every time an article of abortion pops up its always about its murder..and im like its a can have sex again and make a new one..i know its a cruel way of thinking but its true...after 3 months its not healthy but before then it has no heart beat making it no alive...and you are not the one having the baby so leave the mother alone...its her life not yours....
    July 3rd, 2008 at 06:55pm