Pro-Choice: Keep The Government Out Of My Uterus! - Comments

  • I completely agree with 'dirty thinker.'
    July 3rd, 2008 at 06:52pm
  • Whoo! Henry Morgantaler!!

    Yes, pro-choice does not mean pro-death, and men need to stay out of women's uteri with their silly laws. I do believe that Seperation of Church and State only exists in Canada, considering that in twenty U.S. states it's illigal to be gay.
    July 3rd, 2008 at 06:45pm
  • If a woman wants to do something that would only involve her own body, then so be it, let it happen.
    July 3rd, 2008 at 05:28pm
  • If this is truly all about a woman's right to do whatever she wants with her body, then why isn't prostitution legal? After all, it's her body. She can do what she wants with it. Same goes for drugs.
    So you're not ready for a kid. Carry it to term and give it up for adoption. You were raped? Let it be known that most rapes are reported soon after the incident. They give you a morning after pill that causes your uterus to shed it's lining. That means the baby probably doesn't have a heartbeat yet, and you haven't really killed it. If you don't report the rape (which would make you stupid, sorry) then you're keeping that baby full-term. This is why you don't see many girls who got raped getting abortions.
    It's pretty basic. When you stop something from growing, you are killing it. End of story.
    July 3rd, 2008 at 04:35pm
  • Please, just marry me now. This was was just. . .amazing. I like how you point out that pro-choice is not pro-death. I love it. Just, let's got get a judge and marry me. Haha. I love how you explained the Roe vs. Wade case. Bravo! This was wondrous. :]
    July 3rd, 2008 at 04:02pm
  • Bravo! This is excellently written, and I could not agree more wholeheartedly. Many people don't realize that overturning Roe v. Wade would have much more far-reaching effects than making abortion illegal. Many of the rights of gays and lesbians, and even the right to birth control, would be eliminated.

    You said it best--religion is a personal choice, so if you don't believe in abortion, then don't have one. But you cannot assume that everyone subscribes to the same beliefs you do, and for a position to be ethical, it has to be universal, meaning that if you want something to become a law, then it has to be one that should apply to everyone. If the government passed a law that required people, for example, to sacrifice a lamb on certain holidays, and based it on the fact that member of a certain religious sect followed the practice, I imagine the reaction would be outrage and protest, as well it should.

    You have to remember, forcing religion on people is how the Taliban and many other authoritarian regimes have gained control over their populace, and without the ability to choose, to live our lives according to our own beliefs, then exactly what is it that makes us "free"?
    July 3rd, 2008 at 02:44pm