What Is This World Coming To?

What Is This World Coming To? Nowadays, it is all; "Oh you're fat," or "You are too skinny!" But when do we know when we are either of those? Why do we need people to tell us? Do their opinions really matter?

NONE of it matters, you are who you are whether you are anorexic or obese, you don't have to be a size zero to look like a movie star or a pop star or even a rockstar, you just have to be yourself, no one else.

Life is too short to be anyone else, believe me.

When you see a person who is slightly over weight buying, let's say a McDonald's, you instantly think, "Oh there is a fat person stuffing its face again! Jeez." But look at yourself for a second, maybe you are a skinny person or a fat person would you appreciate a comment like that? No, you wouldn't, I'm sure you would be very upset.

Now let's say a skinny person does the same thing - they go to McDonald's and buy a happy meal, a group of over weight people laugh and say, "Oh look it's actually eating, DON'T BE SICK NOW." Really now, it would be very upsetting.

Either way, this is what happens. What happened to everything being alright, no one used to make such horrible comments, people used to be able to walk about fat or skinny and no one made comments, people used to accept it.

So why can't the people of today accept different types of people?

I can take in to account one person's opinion, "Oh that girl needs to put on weight, she is too skinny," but ever thought there is something wrong with her? An eating disorder? Depression? You don't know and personally I don't think you should make a judgment on people.

Sometimes you all think about an obese person and go, "EWH, fat! They must eat a few big macs." But really now, is this really needed?

As my mother says, "If you don't have something nice to say, for heavens sake don't say it!"

People judge by what they see, if you aren't at least a size two you are gross, if you go any higher then you are fat.

It is just plain wrong people!

I always see people on TV parading around showing off their 'figures' because they are a size zero, but you never see a size say fourteen parading around showing off their 'figure' either, do you? Is this telling us something?

Recently there was things on TV about size fourteen models etc, and I watched it. I don't think I've been happier to see people who look healthy and beautiful finally happy on TV.

We need more of this, we need more role models, realistic ones, not obese or anorexic, we need people who set us an example.

Don't you all agree?

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