Teenage Pregnancies Are Becoming More And More Common. Why?

Teenage Pregnancies Are Becoming More And More Common. Why? So, sex these days is becoming a bit of a trend, as our earth plummets to the next century.
Parties are filled with couples in bedrooms, and lots of the time girls sleep with guys and don't know what the hell they're doing.

Most of the time though, these girls don't go to parties to have sex... it just happens. Same with the guys. Sure, they could bring protection ANYWAY but if they don't expect to do someone then they're not exactly going to bring protection are they?

The thing I'm getting at here is that the government are always banging on about it and I think it's a little stupid that they do nothing whatsoever about it.

So, if they keep going on about teen rape and pregnancies and stuff then they should ask themselves, "Then why isn't the chemist open at 1am for friggs sake??"

I know you're probably thinking, "Ohkayyy... so why doesn't the teenager just not have sex then?"

And my answer to that is, well, because if you've already made up your mind that you're going to have sex then you're going to. And most girls expect the guy to bring the condom. It's his dick after all, but vice versa for guys, he's just the one screwing. But the girls ARE screwed when they wake up and find that they're pregnant. Even when it's too late. Because even if you're unsure as to whether you can get preggers if he doesn't cum, you still could, so take the morning after pill anyway. Especially if the condom breaks.

God I sound like a right old sex ed teacher now. But I thought it'd be nice to hear it from a person of your own age rather than an adult, because most of them really don't understand.

Another issue is whether sex is becoming a trend. Most girls are sensible enough not to believe the whole 'but everyone's doing it' shit but a lot do believe it, unfortunately.
So really, those girls who'll sleep with anyone? They've issues. Sexual pleasure is obviously the only way they're happy. So stay away and don't be sucked in!! Oh yeah, and don't sleep with a minger.

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