Teenage Pregnancies Are Becoming More And More Common. Why? - Comments

  • Oh my God.
    I must have written this when I was HIGH or something.
    March 21st, 2009 at 09:24pm
  • alright first the government doesn't care that teenagers are getting pregnant.
    it's SOCIETY that's frowning. why girls get pregnant who really knows. some girls do it to keep a guy and some it just happens that way. there are a million reasons why girls get pregnant and so far this "trend" as you put it isn't going to end anytime soon. if so many girls get pregnant then it looks "cool" and they make it seem like it's not a big deal anymore. i think that when teens that means boys and girls decide that having a kid isn't such a good idea then there is really nothing anyone can do about it.
    November 30th, 2008 at 09:03pm
  • On, and sorry, I spelt "incapable" wrong and prolly made a few grammar mistakes in my last comment.... I'll try to do better next time.
    October 12th, 2008 at 01:36am
  • I'm sorry , but I have to say this.

    To the writer:

    Just becuase you are fourteen doesn't mean you are ioncapable of correcting you spelling and grammar errors.... you showed that by pointing out every misspelled word in a comment by someone who told you your article kinda sucked.

    Just notice what poeple are saying and try to fix the problem...there is an edit button, am I right?

    And if there isn't then maybe just say.... "woops, I'll try to do better", rather than making excuses becuase excuses get you no where and only make you seem like a b*tch.
    October 12th, 2008 at 01:35am
  • First of all, I learned nothing from this article.
    Second of all, please learn to develop a more formal voice when you're writing, because the way you wrote your article gave me the impression that you're a bored, whiny preteen. Which gets really tedious.
    October 9th, 2008 at 11:11pm
  • I thought this was written rather appalingly to be honest. The way you added in too many question marks and put entire words in capitals made the whole thing painful to read. Also, what on earth was your essential point supposed to be? I don't mean to be rude, but the fact that this was even passed annoys me.
    September 29th, 2008 at 11:16pm
  • God! what happened To the VALUE of PURITY BEFORE MARRIAGE?!

    The blame here is to the parents! as they neglect their responsibility to EDUCATE their young! They must be open tho this kind of topics! It is either they are too shy, they are completely ignorant of this topic, or they think that this is not needed anymore! Or maybe they just don't care about their children! (I know some of the parents today are victims of this unwanted pregnancy But it is all the more reason for them to teach their young about the topic to avoid the repetition of their mistakes)

    The parents will go: my child is hard headed and would not listen to me! They should not give up! Its partly their fault their children ended up that way! What kind of parents are they if they LEAVE THE EDUCATION to Other People! Like they'll Care what will happen to the child it's not theirs after all! EDUCATION STARTS AT HOME! The parents are the biggest influence! what the child becomes is the reflection of what the parents are! Parents should not ignore Their ROLE to raise their children with out most love and implant in them Positive values!

    If values Dies then we are a dieing race... its only a matter of time before we kill each other and put an end to mankind...

    God I'm talking like an old man!

    It really saddens me when I hear about this Type of stories...
    September 29th, 2008 at 01:01pm
  • Girls are not blameless in these situations. They choose whether or not they engage in sexual intercourse. If you know what to expect at these 'parties' and still choose to drink and have sex...there you go...blame is on you.

    Personally, if I know there is going to be drugs, excessive alcohol and sex at a party I'm going to..I don't go because I don't want to get involved in things I will regret. I'm not straight-edge but I believe if you feel uncomfortable in these situations, leave. You put yourself in these situations...deal with it.
    August 29th, 2008 at 08:19am
  • As soon as you hit the legal age, go on the pill. And try not to let guys pressure you into doing something you don't wanna do.
    Say "It's not that I don't like you, it's just that I want to make sure it's safe. You don't want to be a teenage dad do you?"
    This should hopefully scare them into listening to you.
    August 28th, 2008 at 01:48pm
  • Quotes and stastics from my article:

    "Each year, almost 750,000 teenage women aged 15–19 become pregnant. Nationally, most teenagers are virgins until the age of 17, at the very least. .Eight to Ten of these are accidental and 81% happen when the teen is unmarried"
    August 27th, 2008 at 12:43am
  • Let's look at this from my point of view; shall we? I'm stereotyped as the school's biggest whore. I get called names; slut, skank, whore, hoe..ect. This didn't start out of no where; I didn't wake up one mornng and say -- HEY! I'm gunna get laid today. -- Guys put too much pressure on teenage girls to look & act a certain way!

    Can we agree that ladies have stronger emotions than men do? Then, can we also agree that we're more vulnerable in a desperate time? I give major creds to those of you who answered no to either of these questions.

    I have been pregnant twice -- both ending in a miscarriage. I was 13 years old the first time, I was vulnerable to every guy that gave me the time of day. I made so many mistakes in just 1-year. It's unbelieveable.

    I don't think anyone can stop teen pregnancy; I think the parents also have a lot to do with it -- both guys & girls at this point in our lives. If guys are raised properly; to respect woman than, we would probably have a major drop in the STD and Pregnancy rates in unmarries & underaged woman. I'm not dissing on the guys -- i'm making a point. Some of you guys are wonderful & have that respect. I'm talking about the other guys.

    Cut some slack to these girls -- they've probably went through more shit than you see on TV. I know I have.
    August 26th, 2008 at 05:33am
  • You should read my article. it's called "Hey Wanna Go To My Place Tonight"
    it's about Teen Prenancy and STD rates.
    You have it wrong. Pregancy rates are dropping. not as fast as we'd like, but they are.
    I aacctually reserched and posted statisctics, charts and cited my works.

    I think your article is fair written, it could ahve been better but i like your opinion.
    August 26th, 2008 at 04:07am
  • I'd like to thank you all for your point of view, you are all right in different ways.
    August 13th, 2008 at 06:17pm
  • I think that schools that are still allowed to teach sex ed should encourage that although being sexually active is a person's decision, it should be a well-thought out decision and not just a reckless act of pleasure. Schools should tackle on the consequences of sex as well, like STD's, AIDS, and unplanned pregnancies when a person doesn't use a condom or other types of contraceptives. Yes, some teens rebel against the idea of being abstinent, but some don't hear the consquences that could possibly happen when they chose to be active. And parents should be encouraged to talk to their child/children about sex and abstinence. My opinion is that it well help like hell if kids heard their parents' opinions, too. It doesn't matter how uncomfortable the conversations is, but if it's a future situation a kid's going to have to face some time in his/her life, it might as well be talked about before anything happens.
    August 10th, 2008 at 12:07am
  • i'd like to know what exactly the government can do to stop this.
    August 9th, 2008 at 11:38pm
  • You know, u have a point. The government doesn't give a rat's a$$ about it. Well if they do, then why won't they do anything about it? I surely won't do it when I grow up, even if my parents let me. :[ it's too..sad? don't know how to say it. it's just wrong. people should only do it if they're ready, not do it cuz "everyone does it" or it's "mature". in my opinion, teens shouldn't do it. my mom wrks at a hospital and says that there was a 13 year old girl that gave birth. Yea, 13.
    and if a teen would end up pregnant, it would might also lead to more abortions, which should NOT happen. it would be like killing a person--it's bad.
    what i'm saying is that teens should think about it, and the government should do something about it. i have no ideas but i bet i can think of one...soon ;] i just hope that teenage prenancies will STOP.
    August 9th, 2008 at 11:08pm
  • from what i know, not every teenager decides to do it just to lose it, or because they don't know, or to rebel, or anything like that. they realize how short life is, and that they could go to sleep that night and never wake up. you never know when your end is going to be, and they want to experience it before their time comes. its not careless, its living.
    not every teen that has sex did it out of stupidity.
    August 9th, 2008 at 10:45pm
  • I don't think you ever gave the question "Why are teen pregnancies becoming more and more common?" an answer. You sort of did, but it was only your opinion instead of a proven statistic that teen pregnancies are, in fact, becoming more common.
    August 9th, 2008 at 09:32pm
  • "intented message looses it's impact because of that."
    That comment was very sloppy aswell.
    intenDed, and loses, yeah?
    And still, just because YOU stressed over every tiny detail doesn't mean everyone else has to.
    Keep your cutting remarks to yourself.
    And referring to the comment below me, yes, sorry I should have proof read again and again my article, and what I mean is that the government aren't understanding how teens take this, therefore are not doing much to stop the issue.
    August 9th, 2008 at 09:19pm
  • It feels like you didn't do enough research to write this article, and you were writing from what you learn from kids around you.

    Adults don't always 'understand' but they've got the facts.

    Have you ever heard of "Date Rape Drug"?? That's what guys are doing to girls. That's what happens during parties... and if you watch the news, you'd know that.

    [i]The thing I'm getting at here is that the government are always banging on about it and I think it's a little stupid that they do nothing whatsoever about it. [/i]

    A very untrue statement.
    Just because the goverment's approach at teen pregnancy and sex is WRONG doesn't mean they aren't doing anything!
    The goverment should be more concerned with teaching teens about safe sex, and instead, they are preaching abstinence... which is what causes so many problems because that's giving a teenager a bulleye's on HOW to rebel!

    You should have done more research.
    Talking about the goverment is a touchy thing, especially if you start to generalize.
    August 9th, 2008 at 08:21pm