What's Consent Got To Do With It? - Comments

  • aluminum foil

    aluminum foil (150)

    United States

    Oh yeah. Sex is not biggie at all. I mean... You only risk pregnancy and numerous STD's from everyone else. No biggie at all.

    -rolls eyes-
    February 11th, 2009 at 05:39am
  • pixy

    pixy (200)

    United Kingdom
    I'm fourteen and many of my friends the same age have had sex. It's no biggie. I think by the time you're this age, your hormones are ready for it anyway. I'd always make sure I used protection, but I think if you aren't sensible enough to do it, then don't.
    January 1st, 2009 at 04:49pm
  • ragrok

    ragrok (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    The law is in place to protect people - it's not about age, it's more about the general mental state of people (remember the government has to take a very large range of people into consideration). For example, a 9 year old girl may be willing to do whatever a 30 year old man wants. I agree with the age at 16 thing (cos I'm 17 : P) but I believe exceptions should be made: for example, a 16 year old with a 15 year old shouldn't be termed as rape. But, then again, exceptions make the law complicated, so let's do what everyone else does and complain but never act on it. :D
    December 16th, 2008 at 04:41pm
  • rhonnica goes rawrr.

    rhonnica goes rawrr. (100)

    United States
    Ok so I see a pregnant girl or two in the halls of my school everyday, some of them are my friends, and some of them aren't. But my thing is, if they want to have sex, risk getting pregnant, end up being pregnant then ruin what life they could have had, then by all means go ahead! They can sit here and say 'we were in love' however much they want, but the truth is, they probably won't be together within the next five to ten years. I wish these girls could realize what they're throwing away. They could've become a doctor, or a veterinarian, or president of the us (hilary clinton did it.. and lost obviously, but still -_-'). But they won't be able to because they've got a child at home, and a father who was 'very much in love' skipped out of town.

    the point is, people never think its going to happen to them, and then it does, and they're sol. I'm not saying teens should stop having sex, because, well... let's face it, they listen about as well as a little kid does in a toy store. If a teen is going to have sex, the least they can do is make sure they're being safe about it. Unless they want a kid at 16, work in fast food their whole life to support it, then fine by me, go ahead and pop out as many as you want, no one's going to stop you for it.
    December 13th, 2008 at 04:03pm
  • o_O Cheesecake.

    o_O Cheesecake. (100)

    As a reply to Rockin' Rebellian's comment;
    Nobody is asking anyone to hide their love for each other. But sex is not love, its sex. Especially at 14.
    Last year, one of my 14 year old friends fell pregnant to her 13 year old boyfriend. He dropped her as soon as he found out, and her parents were furious. She ended up having an abortion. They were wearing a condom but it broke. See, I think the age you're ready for sex is when you're ready to accept that you could end up having a child. And no 12 year old is ready to be a parent.
    Also, last year my 17 year old neighbour fell pregnant. As if it wasn't bad enough that she has the mental age of an 11 year old, both her and her boyfriend were druggies. Throughout the pregnancy everyone was telling her how having a kid completely changes your life, and that she won't be able to go out partying at all anymore.She turned 18 a few days before sh gave birth. 10 days after her baby boy was born, he was dead. Suffocated in her bed ("by himself", which is impossible for a newborn, since they can't turn themselves around). Convenient? Yep. And now, just over a year later, she's pregnant again.
    You can't stop people having sex, no. And having an age limit on starting to have sex does absolutely nothing, it stops no one. Its all about the individual's maturity.
    December 6th, 2008 at 01:28pm
  • take chances.

    take chances. (150)

    United States
    Most of my friends and I are still virgins. I've made it clear to my significant other that I'm not having sex till I'm married. It's a religious choice, and a "sacrifice" I'm willing to make' even if it doesn't get me accepted in the eyes of some of my peers, I'm still accepted amongst my friends, family, and God.
    I've had a couple of people try to push me too far, and I dropped them like a bad habit.
    I have my values =]
    November 30th, 2008 at 07:59pm

    INKLET (100)

    United States
    To the comment below me: Who's to say what's right and what's wrong? Either way, people, be them children to seniors are going to continue having sex. There isn't going to be a 'sex police' that confirms if a 12 year old is ready to consent. The only one who can make that decision is him or her, and if it's a mistake, it's best they get over it.

    I mean, in my opinion, I think kids getting knocked up under 16 is ridiculous, but I'm not going to point fingers and tell them they can't. Are you?
    November 11th, 2008 at 06:15am
  • bravette

    bravette (400)

    United States
    "What's Consent Got To Do With It?
    My question is, what's age got to do with it?
    If someone wants to have sex when they're younger than sixteen, whos to stop them?
    Nobody's the same. Nobody's gonna be ready at the same time. People are gonna do it whenever the hell they want to, legal or not. And with whoever they please.

    That law is silly, in my opinion."

    But the law exsists for a reason. America does not want pregnant 12 year olds. At my highschool there are over 50 preganant teen sin a 3000 student body. THe number seems small but it's not. In my sophomore year i sat next to this girl in my Computer class. She was a freshman at the time, being held back a year in 8th grade, and she had a two year old. She showed me pictures of her first days with her baby"Dwane" and pictures that were recent.
    Several girls i know, or used to know are no 6 months along or somewhat there. I see atleast one pregnant girl a day in the halls. I went to the bathroom one day and there was a pregnant girl who was pretty dam far along, she was having a contraction in the bathroom telling me how uncomfortable it is. She only told me because we had science and math together in 8th grade.

    I was the result of my parents very first time going that far. She got prego at 17 gave birth at 18.

    Point is, the law is there to be enfrorced, not broken. It is true that people will break it, i did before. You can't stop someone for doing what they want, but sometimes what they want, is not the right thing.
    November 9th, 2008 at 05:40am
  • xo.t.

    xo.t. (100)

    United States
    i actually agree with this article..just my opinion though..seems like so many ppl these days are obsessed with how far they go and stuff
    November 8th, 2008 at 01:31am
  • you're a star

    you're a star (100)

    What's Consent Got To Do With It?
    My question is, what's age got to do with it?
    If someone wants to have sex when they're younger than sixteen, whos to stop them?
    Nobody's the same. Nobody's gonna be ready at the same time. People are gonna do it whenever the hell they want to, legal or not. And with whoever they please.

    That law is silly, in my opinion.
    November 4th, 2008 at 11:27pm
  • faster.

    faster. (300)

    United States
    This article seemed very one sided and had little to no evidence whatsoever.
    November 3rd, 2008 at 03:05am
  • ToTieBinds

    ToTieBinds (100)

    United States
    Ewwww, Juno! Dx G-d, that movie sucks!

    The age where people has sex depends entirely upon the person and the amount of maturity they have, if they understand the consequences, so on and so forth. The "consent laws" states put up is a weak safety measure. Personally, I believe that if the person is truly up for it, is going to take proper precautions, AND they're at least in high school, they should be allowed to go screw. But then again, most people are rather dumb while they're in high school so don't concentrate too much on my last suggestion.
    November 3rd, 2008 at 12:44am
  • AntsInMyPants101

    AntsInMyPants101 (100)

    United States
    the age when you are ready to have sex s when you find that one person who makes you feel something you've never felt before
    and when you think that you xan take it seriously and not go arounf and brag that your had sex.
    that differs from age to age
    a girl at my school is the same age as me and is pregant and she wants tp have her baby and is in love with the farther
    they are living together and plan to spend the rest of their lives together
    it may not happen but it could!
    i onthe other hand have never been in a serious relation ship
    i have never had sex and dont plan to unless im in love and ready
    October 25th, 2008 at 05:54pm
  • nerdy_

    nerdy_ (165)

    United States
    My county is almost notorious for teen pregnancies. There are a ton of girls at my school who have had sex and are pregnant.

    Anyway...I find it ridiculous when 12 year olds get pregnant.
    However, the government can't really interfere with people who participate in sexual intercourse. Not really. Not until someone at a young age has a baby anyway.
    October 23rd, 2008 at 05:44am
  • ella vator.

    ella vator. (100)

    United States
    There are two girls who are pregnant in my algebra class, and there are other girls who aren't in any of my classes but I see them in the hallway, and some of them are obviously pregnant.
    October 21st, 2008 at 07:30pm
  • Cocaine.

    Cocaine. (150)

    12? Holy shit, I'm 12. But I wouldn't have sex at my age, the youngest I'd have it is sixteen.
    And yeah, the law isn't really gonna stop anyone, it never has and it never will.
    But I don't think there should be a legal age to have sex, if you're in love with someone at fourteen, well, why should you hide it?
    October 20th, 2008 at 11:03pm
  • The Guitar Man

    The Guitar Man (100)

    United States
    It really is a problem. Of course kids don't see why there's a legal age of consent, because every single one of them belives that they're 'mature for my age', in love, or...God knows what.
    Meh. But of course it's stupid to try and limit what age children have sex! Inf theiy're in love, it doesn't matter!
    It's not even worth my sarcasm. :/

    I liked this article, though it would've been better if there was more to it, argument-wise.
    October 20th, 2008 at 10:07pm
  • La La Love

    La La Love (250)

    United States
    you know, I've wanted to say the same thing. good job.

    Me and my boyfriend Jack of 10 months have decided to not have sex before adulthood. We've kept it up thid long, though it's kind of hard but we just tell ourselves if we're in love it's worth the wait. And it [i]works[/i].
    October 20th, 2008 at 01:43am
  • Kenskeet

    Kenskeet (100)

    United States
    Just like with smoking and drinking, the law won't stop anyone.
    I really wish it did though.
    After doing drugs one night, I ended up sleeping with a 19 year old guy I'd just met. Very unlike me, and very illegal.
    After hooking up, he said to me, "Don't tell anyone. I really like you and this isn't worth going to jail for."

    As consensual as it was at the time, I still see how it qualifies as rape. He knew better. I'm 15.
    October 19th, 2008 at 10:26pm
  • OneLastTime

    OneLastTime (100)

    I personally don't think that it should matter when you decide to have sex. And the government shouldn't really have any say in it. Like below, what are they going to do, arrest you for have sex? I think that you are your best measure if your mature enough to have sex, and the whatever the law is it doesn't matter; teenagers drink and smoke don't they? That's illegal as well...
    October 19th, 2008 at 01:59pm