Eating Disorders

Eating Disorders The mark of an eating disorder is a powerful feeling on an individual. To the outside world, someone who is suffering an eating disorder is just worried about the way they look and they are obsessed with their weight. This accusation is partly false. A victim of this disorder could be worried about how much weight they gain, but there are a lot more anxieties. One cause of an eating disorder is self esteem issues such as depression, shyness, and anxiety.

There are multiple eating disorders other than the most known such as bulimia, and anorexia. There are over eating disorders which are caused by emotional problems such as a break up, or depression. Over eating disorders is a disorder that the individual finds comfort in food, or they have an addictive love for food.

Another disorder is the Binge Eating disorder. In order to have this disorder the individual must have an anxiety of eating in front of people. The person then will eat concisely, and privately.

One of the most known disorders- Anorexia is caused by the fear of gaining weight and also self-punishment. Like anorexia, bulimia could also be used as self punishment. The person may eat a lot, then to punish themselves take laxatives, or force themselves to throw up.

“You’re anorexic” One immature person may say to a skinny person. “Do you have bulimia?” another person may say to a person that goes to the bathroom right after eating. Eating disorders should not be the butt of jokes, since it’s a serious issue.

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