Another type of Discrimination: Obesity

Another type of Discrimination: Obesity In most US high school there is a great deal of obese students at school. From the lunch room, to the library, to the detention room, you will most likely find either a student or staff member that's overweight.

People are people, and yes overweight people may be a bit healthy, but there is no reason for people to treat them any different than smaller sized people.

Some people go so far to discriminate against these people. At certain restaurants, they will charge one person for two people because they are overweight. I've heard people say that overweight have a lack of self-control. Some people who are overweight, do not have a lack of self-control, they might not have enough money to buy healthier foods, so they buy cheaper, fattier, unhealthier foods just so they will have food. Some people said that overweight people have no self-respect, this goes in with the same factor with the self-control.

In reality, some overweight people have the body structure to be a little bit bigger and other might have health issues that effects their weight.

This is a close-minded and bias way to think when you see an obese or overweight person, and I'm getting fed up with it.

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