Scoliosis: The Forgotten Disease? - Comments

  • I know someone with scoliosis. She had a 70 degree curve, and went for surgery last year. I wish people were more aware of it so that she could have so much more support, and I think this article is amazing: it's letting others know more, and it's clear that, actually, we're surrounded by people with it but many of us don't even have a clue about the disease.
    April 8th, 2010 at 02:44am
  • Oh, wow. I'm sorry you had to go through that. I expect you're doing a lot better now? Hopefully.
    I have scoliosis, I wouldn't say it's too bad. I've been checked a few times (private schools do it too). I don't know which kind I have. I just know I get bad neck and back pain. And I have a slight hump, I suppose you'd call it, where my neck meets my shoulders. My shoulders are also uneven. But that's about the extent of it.
    Last time I got checked for it was about two or three years ago and the doctor said I was okay. So I don't think much of it.
    March 17th, 2009 at 10:02pm
  • I'm sorry about your experience with scoliosis. Little kids really are judgmental.

    I have scoliosis too, but it's not too bad.
    January 20th, 2009 at 04:46am
  • In 7th grade, a bunch of kids called me a hunch back because my spines curved. And this year, my friend told this one guy that I'm getting back surgery and he teases me for it. It's pretty awful.... ._.
    January 14th, 2009 at 04:33am
  • Is it actually a disease?

    I'm on my way to my second surgery for it.
    January 14th, 2009 at 04:32am
  • i loved this article. very informative. scoliosis is a more common disease than most people think, yet it's one that so many people know nothing about.

    i have thoraco-lumbar scoliosis. sitting through four 90 minute classes a day is absolutely hell on my back. my friends always bitch about how skinny i am because you can always ribs, they don't know this is part of why. i've been dancing since i was 3 and also did gymnastics when i was younger and my back was incredibly straight. it wasn't until last year my curve became evident, and supposedly the speed and degree was quite alarming. however, because i'm not getting any taller there's nothing they can do to even attempt to straighten it :P plus despite the curve my shoulders are perfectly level, which is quite unsual. i really wish scoliosis was a more commonly known thing. people [i]can[/i] be quite unforgiving :'(
    January 12th, 2009 at 10:21pm
  • Screenings dont take place in english schools and i know three people with it - personally i think they should.
    January 12th, 2009 at 09:44pm
  • A few people from my school have it.
    January 10th, 2009 at 07:11pm
  • I've got it, I'm in the 15 range.
    January 10th, 2009 at 04:59am
  • I had so many screenings done for school and no one ever told me I had scoliosis until I was 16 after I was x-rayed for an injuried knee. My doctor showed me the picture (pretty creepy) and told me I needed to be x-rayed every year, but my dad hasn't taking me to get an x-ray since then. =|
    January 10th, 2009 at 04:43am
  • i know 2 people with scoliosis
    January 10th, 2009 at 01:39am
  • me and my friend both have scoliosis.
    the only thing is that she has two curves and she may actually have to get surgery. :/
    im so glad you wrote the article cause it really is informational :]
    January 9th, 2009 at 10:25pm
  • I'm glad you wrote this article, I really am. I have slight Scoliosis, nothing to be worried about but I should keep an eye on it. And you're right--it is forgotten most of the time. One of my good friends in elementary school went through the same thing you did; kids can be so cruel when it comes to things that they don't fully understand. So thank you--this was a concise article with meaningful facts and a personal experience behind it. Well done.
    January 9th, 2009 at 08:55pm
  • My cousin and some of my friends, my mum's friend and lots of other people I know/just heard of have Scoliosis. It sucks. :(
    January 9th, 2009 at 05:41pm
  • What an amazing article! I've had screenings in school. In the fifth grade, the nurse sent home a letter that she noticed some curvature. My doctor checked it out and she didn't see anything. The following year, the nurse didn't say anything either.

    Back to the article, it was really well-written, especially your life experience. It just enriched the entire article. Good Job!
    January 9th, 2009 at 05:28am
  • My friend just recently had surgery on her back- she had severe scoliosis. She went in with a 90 degree curve, and the doctors brought it down to 15 degrees. I've grown up with her, and I know that she has always had to wear a brace. Apparantly, it didn't work for her case.
    January 9th, 2009 at 05:28am
  • I was told when I was twelve that I had scoliosis. I was on the borderline of having to be in a brace, and to top it all off, my spine is curved differently than most cases. Middle school was one of the roughest times of my life. I had glasses and orthodontic braces and didn't want anything else to contribute to the constant taunting. I haven't been back for an MRI in years, and fear that it may have gotten worse.

    This is a very informative articla and I'm glad that it was written. More people need to be aware of this ailment.
    January 9th, 2009 at 05:01am
  • You made me really sad.
    I'm sorry to hear about your back, my boyfriend of almost a year has this disease. It's not good but it doesn't need surgery.
    I hope everything for you is ok.
    January 9th, 2009 at 04:47am
  • I know about 5 people with scoliosis. It can be pretty darn severe. Two of them now have had to have surgery to their backs to fix their curves. One of them (last time I heard from her) was scheduled for surgery. And another one just has to deal with it, since her curve is not extreme enough for surgery. She wears a brace whenever she's at home (but not at school because the kids made fun of her).

    I think this article is amazing and informative. Scoliosis testing is required where I live, and it's good if it's caught early on. Thank you so much for this.
    January 9th, 2009 at 04:07am
  • I was diagnosed with Congenital Scoliosis a few years ago, and I had to wear a backbrace for quite alot of time. It wasn't fun.

    I'm glad someone recognizes it for once.
    January 9th, 2009 at 02:24am