The Princess Complex: Obesity Awareness

The Princess Complex: Obesity Awareness Before The Princess Complex can be further delved into, the core of obesity must be examined, in order to determine its relevance. Essentially, obesity is having a body mass twenty or more pounds overweight according to the medically preferred standards set in proportion to one's body height. The excess weight can attach itself to a person's hips, thighs, stomach, butt, arms, neck, breasts, etcetera. It is well known, that fat in the body attaches to these common areas, but what isn't usually noticed is the collection of fat deposits around the heart, in the blood veins, and surrounding the lungs. These deposits can greatly decrease one's health and cause many life threatening diseases.

The causes of this plague can vary from person to person. Disease, lack of self-control, and emotional stresses. Diabetes and thyroid malfunctions are most common. It is a common misconception that all forms of diabetes are caused by eating too much sugar; this disease can also be transferred genetically. A diabetic person must eat more regularly to control their insulin levels or feel like a heroin addict by shooting up an insulin filled needle every time their blood sugar levels go up a point or two.

Most often the physical reaction is increase in fatty tissue. Thyroid disease can have a very similar result in the human body. The thyroid regulates all of the body's levels of chemicals, such as their metabolism. This small gland can control whether a person is skeletally skinny or hippo fat. The disease hypothyroidism is the type of thyroid malfunctions that causes a decrease in metabolism. It is the common assumption that if you are overweight, that you eat too much and exercise too little. However, with hypothyroidism it doesn't matter how often you exercise, how little you eat, how healthy your diet, or how badly you wish you could lose the weight. For those that try too hard, it can mean an emergency trip and an overnight stay with an i.v. stuck in the veins of an arm.

Directly opposite of having a disease that prevents pound reduction, is the concept of self control or lacking it. While the human body is beautiful in all shapes and sizes, it is important to keep that body healthy. Over indulgence in "fatty foods" is one of the most common causes of obesity. The heavier one gets, the more likely it is that they will quit trying to lose weight and maintaining a healthy physical life. Mostly the excuses used to justify the lack of self control are "I love food, so why shouldn't I enjoy it?" or "My body is beautiful, all three hundred pounds of it, who cares what anyone else thinks?" The only person believing that is the voice that tries to lie, their conscious state always knows better. What causes the lack of control could be explained by emotional stresses.

The human being handles stress many ways. Two of the most common ways are eating or starving. For those whose curse it is to constrict the effects of the stress by eating, it is a daily struggle to stop the hand to mouth habit. With the heavy weights of the world settling on the shoulders of the stressed, it is easy to view a piece of comfort food, often chocolate, as a good thing. Of course, on its own, chocolate can be healthy, in moderation. However, as the world bears down, the hand goes to the mouth too often, and out of check, it is a human's responsibility to take care of the body that it will be occupying for the rest of its life.

When the cause of obesity is one's self, there are many different ways to get help. It is recommended to speak to a physician about a new diet, which should be made into a life change and made permanent. The new food will cause the body to change and a result is typically noticed within a few weeks. Coupling the new diet with an increase in water intake can expediate the process, a cleanser will do the same thing. Along with diet, it always a good idea to increase you physical activity. Whether it is exercising heavily or just walking Fido down one more block, getting out of the chair is a great first step. Although this may not be possible during the first stages of weight loss, it is a crucial step in getting the body down to a healthy weight range and should be worked into a daily routine as soon as possible.

People need to understand that this is an extremely difficult task that gets harder with age, and can easily take a few years if one's weight loss goals are over a hundred pounds, or if one's self-control is easily swayed. There are also programs to try, which can add an element of support, or your physician may recommend a therapeutic drug or weight-loss surgery. It is always good to do what is best for one's health no matter how hard.

Being informed about obesity allows one to reevaluate the princess complex, named after the fairy tale mentality that influences most children and adults throughout their lives. When looking at where obesity fits into the picture, we find that there is no place for this common ailment or crime in the complex. The point of the complex is to reinforce the love of a healthy natural body, not the unattainable perfection that the princess commonly portray in this modern era. It was written to enlighten the self-loathing that it is perfectly normal for the human body to come in different shapes and sizes. The main idea behind the complex is the desire to be natural and most importantly healthy.

The human body is in the care of each person who owns it. A final note is my observation that the overweight tend to be depressed, suicidal, angry, self-loathing, and under the overall dominance of the ego-brain. On the other hand, the reformed tend to live their lives to its fullest with relief, self-confidence, and new forms of relations brought on by their new lives. It never hurts to look at things in a new perspective.

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