The World From A Bigger Woman's Perspective

The World From A Bigger Woman's Perspective What has our world become?

It's not the same one that was around in nineteen forty, I can tell you that. Nowadays we look at a person, mostly women, that is even the tiniest bit big and we look down upon them. Back in nineteen forty, people wanted to be that bigger person.

Why are we obsessed with weight? What is the point of being stick thin? Why do we look down upon bigger people?

I am a seventeen year old girl. I am over two hundred pounds, and I am tired of being taunted. I wear three x in T-shirts and 16 to 18 size jeans. The world we live in puts people like me down, because we do not look like Kim Kardashian or Paris Hilton. We are not super model size. Most of us were not built that way. I was surely not.

As a country we need to give up on our appearance. We have other things to deal with. How about we don't think about our weight and we try harder to get out of this recession? We could focus our attention on so many other things that could actually be beneficial to America, but we are just too vain. That is the plain truth.

I am sure many people have heard about the Hydroxycut recall, if you haven't you need to read up on it. Hydroxycut is America's leading weight loss supplement and it started killing a few people from liver damage. Isn't that scary? Isn't that sick? People in our country took those pills in a rush to lose weight, and guess what? They are dead. It is due to the media and how they portray how the average person is supposed to look.

This is frightening, and must be stopped. And we can stop it, if we work at it.

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