Is School Cafeteria Food Safe to Swallow?

Is School Cafeteria Food Safe to Swallow? Is your school cafeteria as clean as they want you to believe? Is the food that is prepared for you to eat really edible? Are we, the students who are forced to eat over 150 lunches at school a year, safe?

Ever since I started school, I have found myself dissecting the food I was given to eat at lunch and found some disturbing things. These things have ranged from cockroach body parts in my hushpuppies to bleeding chicken and moldy rolls. Luckily, I have avoided the questionable food and instead witnessed my peers eat the food without being aware of the unsanitary characteristics that it has and, within an hour or so, ask to go to the nurse of vomit in the middle of class.

In more recent years, I have taken note of our lunch menu and found myself appalled when we received the exact same food three days in a row. Sure enough, the old pizza had shown the qualities of something that was cooked, re-cooked, and heated up again, containing browned cheese and stale crust.

So, back to the question, is the food safe?

My opinion, along with many researches that have been preformed, one in particular that was a Dateline study showing many safety violations that could have lead some students to become sick, getting food poison, or even being hospitalized.

To sum it all up, if I were you, before I walk into the school cafeteria Monday, I would do a little research on the school's health inspection, if it has had one.

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