Skinny Girls Don't Eat: Stereotypes About Girls, By Girls (That Are Actually Wrong) - Comments

  • niicolexo

    niicolexo (100)

    United States
    There is some stuff I agree with in this article, but for the most part it's a load of crap. As someone who was 250lbs and now weighs 140lbs, I know what it's like from both sides, and your outlook on bigger people and the way they look at thin people is extremely false and it's obvious the statement is coming from a very vain thin person. Being overweight you more or less look at thin people and want to have the drive to eat healthy and exercise and it's not always easy, especially coming from a family with routines who don't do much in those lines.

    Please keep in mind as well, based on statistics in america 1 in every 8 thin woman are bulimic and 1 in every 100 are anorexic to an unhealthy state. Plus you've also got those with genes like road runner, and a metabolism to die for, but just because someone is bigger, DOES NOT mean they are "bitter", quite frankly, this rant sounds bitter. Which means repressed anger, and the only anger bigger people have is against themselves. I have terrible genes, and I had terrible eating habits, it took me running everyday to lose weight for over a year and still today I am careful about what I eat, because while YOU may be able to eat cake and get away with it, not all of us can, food is like an addiction, and the littliest things can throw you off track and while it may not make the scale change, your peace of mind can change, and make you worry, and be stressed, which causes a lot of people to put on weight.

    I think you should really be a bit more considerate speaking on behalf of something you don't seem to know much about besides things you read from a dictionary and facts you looked up around the internet.
    November 27th, 2011 at 10:11am
  • WTFMusicPerson

    WTFMusicPerson (210)

    United States
    5'5 and weigh 135 pounds I run 6 miles every week day and strength train on Sundays. Even if you have a small frame you are still a few pounds from being under weight and I would caution you to gain more muscle mass or a few pounds in general too keep you from going under.

    I don't find skinny people to be healthy people, There's a difference between being [i]thin[/i] because you have a fast metabolism or because you eat a certain way, and being [i]healthy[/i] or fit because you add exercise to your daily regiment and you incorporate more nutrition.

    The person used in your example picture is not skinny she is fit she has clearly defined abs and tones to her muscles which indicates she works out. The majority of skinny people do not work out or have any significant muscle. A skinny person can't run a mile as soundly as a fit person and maybe even not as well as an "average" person. A skinny person does not = fit person that's not now it works. Just because a person may be skinny doesn't mean they eat healthy, they eat less, or they work harder at being that way.

    I can prove that from most of the comments left by "skinny" people on this article. They eat and eat a bunch of junk to gain weight and they still don't pack pounds. I don't really see how that equates "more healthy life style"

    Skinny is not fit I really don't have as much respect for a skinny person as I do a fit athletic. If your skinny with out defect or effort it's the same as being obese with no reason other than you like food. Neither of those are fit people or automatically equate to a healthy person weather or not they fall in to a proper BMI.

    I think the real stereotype her is against fit people. Because both extremes like to claim they are more fit but really the majority of the time aren't.

    [b]Over weight people:[/b] I'm more fit because it's obvious she doesn't eat and that's unhealthy

    [b]Skinny people: [/b]I'm more fit than her because it's obvious they don't exercise or they don't eat as small portions as I do because [i]that's[/i] healthy.

    [b]Actual fit people:[/b] *standing around* what?? *scratches head and shrugs shoulders*
    May 16th, 2011 at 09:25pm
  • Skela_chibi

    Skela_chibi (100)

    Puerto Rico
    I feel kinda insulted well im 5`6 and i weight 150 so im not over weight but im also not skinny like in size 3 im in a good shape for my height i also believe that this article is more like a rant there some people who are not skinny but they are in a perfect health condition so next time you are gonna write something like a rant go to the journal seccion and write it!
    March 15th, 2011 at 10:35pm
  • preCARiousLY

    preCARiousLY (100)

    United States
    It's girls like you that make girls like me feel fat.
    I'm 5'4" and 138 lbs. I'm pre-diabetic, and it's nearly impossible for me to lose weight. But no one calls me fat, or even chubby. Maybe I carry it well, but my God. You need to get your facts straight. I'm 'average' weight for my height. I don't think the weights you put in your article are medically correct. Also, I would say I'm "healthy", exercising regularly and eating right, for the most part. Maybe it's because I have to, but I know lots of girls that are like me that aren't "skinny." I'm not saying they are fat, quite the opposite, but they are just built differently. I understand that you took into account frame types in this article, but you were so defensive that it was hard for a girl like me to not get upset.
    You were basically calling someone my height and my weight unhealthy and overweight, which is insulting.
    February 6th, 2011 at 10:37pm
  • katze

    katze (150)

    Great Britain (UK)
    I didn't like this 'article' at all. And no, I'm not just pissed off because I'm overweight myself or anything like that, I'm slim. But that doesn't matter. It bothers me how you wrote this. You wrote it like only unhealthy people would be reading. I've had an eating disorder, but it honestly had nothing to do with weight or being skinny. Nothing to do with that at all. Except when I was anorexic of course, I've never had a problem with my body. Not before my eating disorder and not now after recovering. The eating disorder was psychological, not physical. I didn't look at my body and think "Ew, I should lose some weight. Maybe I'll stop eating". No. It was absolutely nothing like that. I'm not saying it is for everyone, one of my closest friends has an eating disorder and to her it is because of her body and how she sees herself, but I'm just saying, that's not how it is for everyone.
    And you forgot about metabolism. I'm thin because I have a fast metabolism. Am I thin because I watch what I eat and exercise everyday? Fuck no! I'm young. I'm going to eat what I want, when I want, and enjoy it. Why? Because I can. And when my metabolism slows down, I will be more careful. But I'm still going to enjoy the food I like. I really do like a lot of healthy food too. But I'm not going to spend my life worrying over calories. And as for exercise, I can't even remember the last time I has some proper exercise. A really long time ago. And no, it's not because I'm lazy. I have Chronic Fatigue.
    You see, you're talking about how being thin is always healthy, but that's bullshit. I'm naturally thin. I'm not healthy. And being chubby is healthy for some people if they have a slower metabolism. I think as long as you're not damaging yourself it's okay to enjoy food without worrying over fat and calories.
    The way you worded some of this sounded quite intimidating, and clearly I'm not the only one who disagreed with what you wrote. This is a rant, not an article.
    Everyone is different.
    February 5th, 2011 at 06:17pm
  • Juicebox Child

    Juicebox Child (250)

    Oh.My.God. Saying skinny girls are always healthy isn't true. Sometimes they are, sometimes they aren't. My friend is a twig, and she eats like a horse. And really unhealthy stuff too. She only eats chocolate and pizza and loads of rubbish, which I don't think they'd recommend in World Health Organisation, kiiid.
    February 3rd, 2011 at 07:35pm
  • SeeMyEvil

    SeeMyEvil (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    This is all probably true. But you've forgotten metabolism, I thought you were gonna go onto it when you started talking about being naturally thing etc. But yeah, your body's metabolism plays a huge part in what you weigh. Of course some will have a low metabolism and won't use as much energy as others to complete its vital bodily functions, this inevitably will lead to being overweight if you don't realise that you're eating too much for your body to process in time. Equally, some will have high metabolism (like myself) and won't eat *enough* to keep healthy and will always be hungry - so they eat loads and loads of food all the time and yet they gain no weight. It is just as annoying when you're in that situation as if you're overweight and you realise you're eating too much. You're a really lucky sod if you got your food intake just right for your metabolism first time.

    So yeah, just wanted to pop that in there...
    January 25th, 2011 at 02:49pm
  • Where Have You Gone

    Where Have You Gone (150)

    United States
    'that’s a topic for another rant.'
    A rant is not an article.
    I feel you should edit this to make it less offensive (remove the sweeties and Holocaust reference) and add more facts. Talk about how it's natural to be chubby as well.
    January 19th, 2011 at 12:47am
  • VoicesLowered

    VoicesLowered (100)

    United States
    Okay, I'm one of those so-called "skinny" girls and this article still bothered me. I'm 5'3", weigh about 110lbs, and according to Wii Fit I have a BMI of 18.something. My friends make jokes about how skinny I am all the time: "If you sit on her you'll break her in half." (He sat on me anyway lol) They've made implications that I don't eat before. When I go to my best friend's house her mom practically shoves food in my mouth the entire time (not even kidding, she makes me eat more than her own kids O.o). Recently said bestie and I got into a fight over how supposedly jealous she is of me 'cause she's a bit overweight, and I'm, well, not. You know what happened? I got over it. It's something you maybe need to try too. Because this 'article' was really just a rant and seemed pretty whiny from time to time. I get your point. I see what you mean, but you need to chill out. One thing your article doesn't take into account: metabolism. I'm fifteen, and I exercise about once every two weeks for maybe twenty minutes. If that. I eat ridiculous amounts of food, all the time. Like I said before, I have a BMI of 18.something, but I don't exercise or have a healthy diet. You wanna know how often I eat vegetables? Almost never. To be honest, I have no idea how I manage to stay this "skinny" (hell, even I think of myself as skinny) with my habits. I spend the majority of my time on the computer or doing homework. Usually eating at the same time. Get your facts straight and then come back to me in a way that isn't so demeaning.
    January 18th, 2011 at 09:34am
  • recounts

    recounts (300)

    Really didn't like this article at all, sorry. I mean, calling us 'sweetie' and what not. lol what. :|
    January 18th, 2011 at 04:39am
  • Absolutely Arsenic

    Absolutely Arsenic (100)

    United States
    Um, hold up.

    You're telling the reader of the article not to stereotype skinny girls, while you stereotype the reader. The referral to the reader as "sweetie" is demeaning when used in the context you did. I can just imagine the caustic tone it would be said in were we talking face to face."Let's take part in a little personal exercise, shall we?" The tenth paragraph talks about getting up from your compute. "When was the last time you exercised?" Well, first of all, some of the people reading this article may be "skinny" themselves, so you aren't doing anything good by lumping them in with unhealthy people. Second, it is possible to be healthy and not be skinny. I have a friend who is 5', 120 lbs, and a health-food-junkie track star. She is far from "skinny", and is probably the most "in shape" person I know. You can't fight stereotypes with stereotypes.

    It is wrong to assume that all fat girls hate skinny girls. I have many full-figured friends, and I have many skinny friends, and I judge them equally. You would most likely judge me as fat, due to the fact that I don't exercise much. By the way, I can't exercise, I have low blood pressure from my OCD medication. I couldn't get on a treadmill if I wanted to. Lack of exercise isn't always the choice you make it out to be. But that's a side note.

    I agree with Inpenetrable. This article was more of a rant, and a very offensive one at that. It is a journalist's job to remain unbiased, which you failed at. Try not to let your emotions get into it so much next time.
    January 8th, 2011 at 11:07pm

    SCHAKERIN (100)

    United States
    Wow... I feel a little insulted.

    Although it's nice to see someone tackling stereotypes, you did it by pointing out more stereotypes!
    This was less of an article than a rant in the overall scheme of things.
    You left out some important information.

    I'm 5'7" and 155 lbs... and I'm perfectly healthy, although not "quote un-quote skinny". And not everyone looks at those smaller than them and thinks, "Oh my gosh, she doesn't eat, I'm so jealous, I want to be like her, too."

    The entire article made me grit my teeth. Thank you.
    January 3rd, 2011 at 07:01pm
  • Yeah_Nope

    Yeah_Nope (100)

    United States
    I see what you're trying to say with this article, and I agree that it is unfair that thin girls are treated unfairly.
    However this was a really offensive rant and your message was totally lost because you were so focused on telling off girls who are "fat".
    Next time you may want to let your emotions calm down before you post something about a sensitive topic like this.
    January 3rd, 2011 at 12:15am
  • ImmaEnforcer

    ImmaEnforcer (100)

    United States
    I Wanna Be Sedated: Yep, got a screw loose! =D
    January 1st, 2011 at 10:08am
  • ImmaEnforcer

    ImmaEnforcer (100)

    United States
    Love this! I got the point you were making- but I didn't get bored! Good to know I'm within the weight limit for my height, so thanks for that nifty paragraph. =] great job.
    January 1st, 2011 at 10:04am
  • flyer.

    flyer. (850)

    United States
    This seemed to be more....self gratifying, if you get my point? Especially the personal reference. We get it, you're skinny...and we could be too, we're just lazy bums.
    I'd like to point out, that I weigh under the recommended weight thing you had there (Are you sure that's correct? It seems a bit high at the starting point: I don't think 110 is the recommended weight for 5'0) and it's actually more a matter of genetics and fast metabolism; something you're born with and something you can[i]not[/i] change.

    Satire is an awesome thing, and I'm a satirical article writer myself. It keeps the article fun and engaging. Condescension, though...that's a lot harder to pull off, especially for an article like this.
    Since I hate not including anything positive; this was all technically correct, so good job on the proofreading
    December 31st, 2010 at 10:48pm
  • Divide the Joy

    Divide the Joy (100)

    United States
    ugh this article stiill digust me after reading about 10 times.

    You are too condescending and need an ego trip. I think Kanye's is smaller than yours.

    Your reference to the Jew. ugh

    And you sound like your making fun af fat gurls by saying they can't look at someone skinny without feeling insecure.
    December 31st, 2010 at 06:17pm
  • shushurmouff

    shushurmouff (100)

    United States
    I wanted to read this article when I read the title because I have a best friend who is like, barely 100 pounds and she's always getting picked on so I was like "Oh gee, something that might cheer her up!" but then I read this and realized...this isn't just NOT going to cheer her up, it's making me feel like I need to not eat anything. GUESS WHAT, being skinny doesn't always come from healthy eating habits, my best friend eats maybe 3 times as much as I do a day and we have a verrry significant weight difference. All body types, unless you're hurting yourself, are BEAUTIFUL. Get some, hooker ;)
    December 31st, 2010 at 11:24am
  • RowRow;

    RowRow; (100)

    * too thin
    December 31st, 2010 at 05:49am
  • RowRow;

    RowRow; (100)

    I understand the theme and message to the whole article, but I think you are more along the lines of complaining than informing. You were being repetitive on many facts, and you also were stereotyping with alot of your given 'information'. Also, you were being unfair to most, and you made it sound like you were blaming them if they are too think or too heavy. Some people may have troubles with weight, either gaining or losing. For example, my best friend is 5'2", 13 years old, and weighs about 80 lbs; but to put it bluntly, she eats like a pig and hates the idea of any form of movement or excersice that doesnt include her changing the channel. Whilst my other good friend is 5'6", 14 years old, and weighs about 140 lbs, and is the star on her track, swim and soccer team. So get your facts right before you start spewing about random things and the Holocaust (I mean really, what the fuck was that for?!?!)
    December 31st, 2010 at 05:48am