Parliament Says We Should Watch Loved Ones Die - Comments

  • volta.

    volta. (1000)

    New Zealand
    There were two things that I thought of whilst reading this article:
    1. I'm assuming this is about America, therefore your constitution is based on religion, your country thrives on religion - I do believe it says "one nation under God" on some of your bills? If so, then euthanasia is assisted suicide - and if there's agreement from the person wanting to die - it's suicide. I think that really stands out as a case for countries/people who have a high regard for religion. That's just something I randomly thought of.

    2. You kind of contradicted your argument as the article went on. You mentioned that people who aren't sound of mine can't comprehend the situation, and therefore that's why you can see it from the other side of the argument - then you went on to say that if people are in pain, it shouldn't matter. But if people can't comprehend the situation, then that's not very fair - you just kinda contradicted it a little bit.

    As for the argument in general; I'm on the fence about it. :/ I can see how, where and why it may be useful, but I also know that there are places people can take their dying family members instead of clogging up hospital space. There are other alternatives, and I think people forget about them and would just rather opt for euthanasia - which might, on the whole, create conflicts within families and such to actually make the decision. :/ It's just one big issue, and I don't think it's a decision that could ever be made to be legal. :/

    Good article, though - aside from the slight contradiction. I liked that you saw the argument from the other side of the fence rather than going on a tirade of why it should be legal and that nothing else matters. :)
    August 10th, 2011 at 09:58am
  • simple'nsolo

    simple'nsolo (100)

    United States
    I completely disagree. I believe euthanasia should be illegal because people should not choose to die over free will. Their life and death are all in the hands of God, who created man to live and spread God's word. If man chooses to die over free will, he or she is not only their end life early, but commit their souls to an enternal lifetime in the lake of fire.
    I am only looking at a Christian point of view, so...
    Oh, btw very nice arguement.
    My writing teacher would probably give you a 4+.
    that's a good thing. :)
    May 15th, 2011 at 01:19am
  • MaxPower

    MaxPower (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    I believe euthanasia should be legalised, though it would obviously have to be heavily regulated and only take place in regulated places (like the Dignitas Clinic in Switzerland) to stop selfish money grabbers trying to kill off a relative with a big inheritence for example. The thought of being in so much pain someone want to die, but is forced to stay alive is little more than torture and this legislation needs sorting out!

    Great article by the way.
    January 15th, 2011 at 03:33pm
  • Jerryjet

    Jerryjet (100)

    United States
    It's not the death!
    It's the dignity in the way the person died!
    January 9th, 2011 at 07:35pm
  • starbella

    starbella (100)

    United States
    I never thought about euthanasian in humans before really, just animals. But when you think about it a human could bring there dog to the vet and put it down for biting them. The vet wouldn't have a say in the matter. Then it all changes when it's another human.
    January 2nd, 2011 at 09:21am
  • TristSaysStfu

    TristSaysStfu (100)

    United States
    I completely agree. At 18 we can chose to join the army and die. We can buy cigarettes that can give us cancer and die. In some places, we can consume drinks that can impaire our reasoning, kill our liver, and kill us. We can even purchase legal drugs that are extremely easy to overdose on. In every aspect of the law we are given control of living and dying at the age of 18, even in the argument that it's very possible to be manipulated (as in the case of drinking or joining the army). There's no reason the goverment should have the power over our living or dying. My great uncle died in so much pain he would moan all night. I have no doubt that we should be able to chose whether or not we die, over barely living like that.
    January 2nd, 2011 at 01:56am
  • Ariveria

    Ariveria (100)

    United States
    I like this! You were very good about keeping some sort of balance, while still expressing your opinion!
    The title had me expecting some opinionated tirade about how evil Parliament is for saying that, or how euthanasia is super-awesome and anyone who disagrees needs to try it. :/
    But I was pleasantly surprised. Very good job writing this!
    January 2nd, 2011 at 12:41am
  • marya.

    marya. (100)

    United States
    I do agree that euthanasia should be legalized. Even if they are incapable of thinking straight, couldn't they make that decision before they become so sick? Like, at the point of diagnosis, they could say "If I get to this point, where I cannot think and I am in pain, let me go. Euthanize me." Besides, do animals have the choice? Do they have the ability to say "Yes, let me go, I am in too much pain" or "No I'm not as bad as you think"? No, they don't but we kill them off anyway. So legalizing euthanasia, I believe, would be fine. Even if the family and friends were to make the decision.
    January 1st, 2011 at 05:04am
  • Shannan Mitchener

    Shannan Mitchener (200)

    Great Britain (UK)
    I love that everyone's saying how well written it is. It's actually really encouraging, especially as I wrote it when I was so young.

    And I enjoy reading everyones' opinions on euthanasia. I would like to become actively involved in its legalisation when I'm older, and all your opinions will help me. :)
    January 1st, 2011 at 04:23am
  • Farce.

    Farce. (100)

    United States
    I found the article to be overall well written.

    I guess some reasons it hasn’t been legalized would be the religious aspects, the new medical advances, and finding people to do the act.

    Also realize, similar (if not the same chemicals) would be used that are used to carry out executions. Many say that anything can go wrong and the patient may experience pain that they may not be able to communicate.

    I’m mixed on this issue. I think that it’s definitely a hard decision to make. There’s a lot of things to be considered. With medicine getting better everyday I’m not sure about how often euthanasia would be used.

    Another major issue is cost. Who would pay for it? What if your insurance didn’t cover the procedure. Is it right for tax payers to pick up the bill?
    January 1st, 2011 at 01:22am
  • flyer.

    flyer. (850)

    United States
    Excellent job on the article; you managed to show both sides and still clearly express your opinion. Overall, I quite enjoyed it: I was just a bit confused by this one sentence [i]The population rising is having a serious effect on the time and effort of doctors and medical personnel could be put towards patients who still have a chance at life, rather than pointlessly wasted on terminally ill patients who wish to die anyway.[/i] I think you're missing a word or two in there :)

    I...have mixed feelings about this issue. I believe in free choice, definitely. I'm just worried about-as you specified in the article- the reasons behind the choice and the weight of that choice. Who is qualified to choose whether or not life should continue? Even the patient might not be ready for that weight...even if it is their life. It's one of those...moral dilemmas that gets roped into politics and laws, often with not so great results.
    December 31st, 2010 at 10:56pm
  • whatsmyusername?

    whatsmyusername? (100)

    United States
    Do you really this? I'd like to see your sources, for one thing.

    And for another. Although I thought before this article that it should be legal, this made me think different. If they do not have the capability to understand both the pros and cons of life at the moment, and no one else should decide for them, they should be kept alive. If they do understand, by all means, let them kill themselves.
    December 31st, 2010 at 10:55pm
  • Cereal Killer

    Cereal Killer (100)

    United States
    Good article. I think euthanasia should be legal. If a person expresses that they'd rather die than live in a certain condition, I think they should be allowed too. Or if they're unable to make a choice themselves, and have no hope of recovering, their immediate family should be allowed to make a choice. And to all that say euthanasia is "playing god", what do you think keeping someone on life support for a prolonged period of time is? Keeping them alive is playing god.
    December 31st, 2010 at 10:46pm
  • lawliets

    lawliets (100)

    Interesting article, particularly since my family and I were just discussing this a few nights ago. My mother is a nurse and works in geriatrics. She believes strongly that euthanasia should be legalised, and I do agree with her.

    Good job, I enjoyed reading this. I liked that while you have your stance on the matter, you did bring up the other viewpoint to create a more balanced article.
    December 31st, 2010 at 07:59pm
  • sore thumb;

    sore thumb; (315)

    United States
    Nice article, very well-written.
    I believe that assisted suicide should be legal under certain circumstances. If the person is mentally sound enough to decide to end their life, I think they should have the right to. If someone ISN'T sane enough to make the decision, I don't think they should.
    December 31st, 2010 at 06:03pm