Abortion: What it is and answers to common questions.

Have you ever seen a sonogram picture or watched a sonogram ? If you haven't this is what you see. You see a tiny baby with arms, legs, and most important a heart beat.

What is Abortion?

A surprising number of people know nothing about abortion. Abortion is when a child still in the womb is taken outside of the womb were it can no longer survive. A baby has a heart beat before you even know that you are pregnant. How can something with a heart bet not be a living person? How can murder be illegal if innocent babies are killed every day?

Here are two scenarios that should have the same outcome but don't.

Scenario One

A person finds out that their dog is going to have puppies but they don't want anymore dogs. So they kick the pregnant dog in the stomach until all the puppies die. The person is then caught and thrown in jail for animal abuse.

Scenario Two:

A woman finds out that she is pregnant but she doesn't want a baby. So she goes to an abortion doctor and has an abortion. She doesn't get punished and neither does the doctor.

Does this seem right to you? That an animal has more rights than a baby? That a precious life can be thrown away just like that? What if that baby was going to grow up to be a doctor who saved thousands of lives? Or a scientist who found the cure to cancer or AIDS?

That child would have grown up and made an impact on peoples lives. But instead they were killed in cold blood before they could start. My seven month old sister has already impacted my life so greatly but many people will never have that.

What if it is a baby from a rape?

Is it that babies fault that it was conceived? Should an innocent baby be murdered because of someone else's crime? The answer is NO. If that child reminds you of the pain you went through, there is always adoption.

What if the baby is mentally challenged?

If you wouldn't kill a mentally challenged person who is outside of the womb why would you kill a baby? That person still has a purpose in life.

Abortion is wrong and should be outlawed.

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