Abortion: What it is and answers to common questions. - Comments

  • Arcapello

    Arcapello (100)

    United States
    As for the dog part... You're harming the dog in that process. A living, fully functioning and thinking animal. If you think animals deserve to suffer (for no reason), you are sick. They have more emotions than we care to know about, or to admit.
    September 19th, 2012 at 03:30am
  • Arcapello

    Arcapello (100)

    United States
    This is an opinion piece, not an article. There is separation of church and state for a reason. If people can poison their bodies with alcohol, who's to say they can't remove a parasite (Yes, look up the definition. Anything that uses something else's resources for itself is a parasite.) from their body? You can't say anything about rape unless you've been there. That is the most horrible thing a woman can experience. If you don't want an abortion, don't get one. Many people don't want tattoos, so guess what? Instead of trying to make them illegal, they simply do not get one.
    September 19th, 2012 at 03:30am
  • I feel insane

    I feel insane (110)

    This "article" is more of an opinion piece because it doesn't present many facts (at least none to support your opinion), so I don't think it belongs here. I'm disappointed because was hoping that this article would present some well researched pro life arguments, but it's just a rant blatantly stating that abortion is wrong, no exceptions. Your article would have probably been more respected if it weren't biased and had something to back it up. Although I do have mostly pro life views, it bugs me how you simply disregard the other side of the argument. I'm sure a lot of your suggestions are a lot easier said than done, emphasis regarding the rape scenario.
    July 26th, 2012 at 05:03am
  • Rainbow Kid

    Rainbow Kid (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Simple... If you don't approve of abortion: don't get an abortion. So don't work yourself up about it.
    July 18th, 2012 at 09:26pm
  • harlequin. girl.

    harlequin. girl. (150)

    United States
    The logical fallacies in your whole "pregnant dog v pregnant person" example were so ridiculous it made my head hurt wondering how anyone could think those were the same things. I'm not even going to try and point out all the obvious issues with that one.
    So, I digress. Throughout your article you repeatedly refer to unborn fetuses as "babies." They aren't babies; they are fetuses and there's a big difference. While conservatives argue that there is life as soon as an egg is fertilized, liberals argue that legally life begins when a fetus can survive outside of the womb. Until the fetus can survive outside of its mother and without her shelter and nourishment, the offspring is an extension of of the mother's body.
    Your argument for pregnancies that are the product of rape is that it isn't the "babies fault that is was conceived." Well that baby isn't even a person yet but the mother is, a person who's life quite possibly would be ruined by the trauma of carrying her attacker's offspring. Many rape victims experience PTSD. Can you imagine carrying a part of your rapist inside of you for nine months and then giving birth to it?
    There are so many things wrong with this article: its bias, the sonogram photo, ridiculous comparisons, blatant statements like "the answer is NO" in regards to abortion after rape, likening a mentally handicapped person to a fetus that will be born with a handicap. I don't agree with your stance but there is a logical way to represent it that I could have respected. This isn't it.
    July 16th, 2012 at 08:15am
  • Sansa Stark

    Sansa Stark (930)

    New Zealand
    This article is poorly written. When you give your own opinion, it should be well stated that it is yours and yours alone.
    If you wish to make a valid point, you need to inform the people with actual valid information, not your opinion. Your thoughts cannot be validated if there is nothing to support them, which happens in this article.
    Also, an unwanted child is more likely to grow up to become a problem teen rather than what you mention in your article. Of course this doesn't necessarily happen ALL THE TIME, but children who grow up with the feeling of being dispised by their own families are more likely to become problematic teens and even adults: "In addition, such childbearing has been linked with a variety of social problems, including divorce, poverty, child abuse, and juvenile delinquency. In one study, unwanted children were found less likely to have had a secure family life. As adults they were more likely to engage in criminal behavior, be on welfare, and receive psychiatric services. Another found that children who were unintended by their mothers had lower self-esteem than their intended peers 23 years later." (http://www.prochoiceforum.org.uk/psy_ocr2.php).
    You are right that these children are human beings and they deserve to live as much as dogs do, BUT you're missing a crutial point: these kids that nobody wants, they're likely to end up dead within their first years or end up in an institution, waiting for someone to adopt them, and a number of other scenarios that could get a lot worse. So, do these kids deserve to live alone in a world as the one we have?
    July 15th, 2012 at 07:48pm
  • atomika wave.

    atomika wave. (600)

    United States
    Completely biased article, I'd take you more seriously if you weren't writing from such a critical view. You need to address the other side of your argument and defend yours better. Terrible article, and personally, I am 100% PRO CHOICE. Don't tell women how to live their lives and maybe I won't have to tell you how to write a better, more informative, and professional article.
    June 24th, 2012 at 06:51am
  • FuckNo

    FuckNo (100)

    United States
    Please, for the love of all that is good, can you at least pretend that you care about the facts and put up a sonogram picture that actually makes sense? The sonogram you chose as the image for this article is from the third trimester. That's not a legal abortion. Everyone else has pointed out how ridiculous the rest of your article is.
    June 22nd, 2012 at 04:43am
  • CeraRachel

    CeraRachel (150)

    United States
    This article has zero facts. This article is biased, and saying that a woman has no right to her body is insane, and like yourface555333 said, in outlawing abortion, you aren't getting rid of it, you're only making it more unsafe. Also, I'd like to see you be sexually assaulted, get pregnant, have that child and raise it. What if baby looks just like the person who assaulted you? What if the person who sexually assaulted and impregnated you was your father? Or brother? Oh, yes let's just let the baby with webbed-toes and a mother that can't truly love it live because its mother couldn't abort it. Your argument is silly and if you had even bothered to do any kind of research, maybe someone would agree with you. The title of your article suggests that it is informative, and it is wholly uninformative. Thanks for wasting everyone's time.
    June 19th, 2012 at 02:16am
  • yourface555333

    yourface555333 (100)

    United States
    You're argument is one sided, and has no valid information. You have opinions, not facts. You don't look at all aspects. You do know that abortion at one point was illegal, right? And this law didn't stop most people. In the end, both the child and the morther would die, in most cases. A child does not develop all vital organs until a certain time. I'm sorry, but when writing an article of this nature, it can't be biased, especially when you seem to have no clue what you are talking about. Take other people and their situations ito consideration before offending many people with you misinformation.
    June 14th, 2012 at 10:59pm
  • jewelia.

    jewelia. (2225)

    United States
    I am pro-life, as well, and I agree with you on some points. But this is an article--not a review, not something that should be biased only on your certain opinion. You can state your opinion in the forums. But the articles aren't for strictly stating your opinion and acting like it's the only thing that matters.

    I agree with destiel. As much as I am pro-life, I do know and respect that it is that woman's body, it is her choice, and she can choose her responsibilites no matter what other people think of her.

    Your article is what I'd really like to pay more attention to, though. You never quote any sources. The whole article consists of one opinion--and it makes it worse that it's only your opinion, not anyone else's. And no, you aren't answering common questions. These are common, yes, but they are from your opinion and they aren't questions that can have a proved, factual answer.

    It's not just that the users who comment on this article (such as me) disagree with what you're saying. You just aren't putting your opinions in the right area. People want to read articles because they want to read interesting facts--not someone's page-long rants. You can find that in the forums.
    June 14th, 2012 at 10:05pm
  • black mamba;

    black mamba; (110)

    United States
    Obviously, from the article, you are pro-life. But not everyone shares the same sentiment. Yes, it is horrible that people conceive a child but decided to terminate that life because they are not prepared or don't want it. That's their problem, not the world's problem. If they choose to end a pregnancy, it's because they want it that way. No one should be able to tell a woman that they can't do what they want with their body. And that's why, because it's their body. At this point in time, I don't want children and honestly, I'm not even sure if I would want them in the future. I'm not a kid person. But if I ever ended up pregnant, I wouldn't go directly to an abortion clinic and abort the baby. I would think it through. Although, odds are I'd probably end it soon. What I'm saying is, a lot of people do think the decision through before going through with it.

    My two older sisters both had abortions before and to this day, regret it. But they were ready for that responsibility yet. They both talked it over with their boyfriends at the time and felt it was for the best that they terminate. They were both young and still hadn't finished with school. They weren't ready. While it's something they both thing about everyday, it was a decision that was best for them.

    Besides, if abortion is outlawed, what do you think would happen? Oh wait, maybe the same thing that's happening with illegal substances. When something is outlawed, someone will go through any means necessary to find out how to get it. Even if it means costing way more. Getting an abortion illegally is a huge risk, since it more than likely wouldn't get done in a sterile environment. So therefore, the risk of dying is greater through an illegal abortion than through a legal one.
    June 6th, 2012 at 05:35pm
  • Yayzikens

    Yayzikens (100)

    United States
    You're pro-life, so of course the article is going to be biased. You do not quote any sources, instead just going on about your on opinion. There are people who HAD to get an abortion, or else they would have died. If you outlaw abortion, then women (and anyone with a uterus. It's not just women who get pregnant) will have to stoop to illegal abortion. Need I mention that illegal abortion is very dangerous?

    Oh, and I see you suggested putting it up for adoption. Yeah ... no. Adoption is an alternative to parenting, NOT abortion. Adoption is actually very traumatic. For one thing, only healthy, white-skinned babies are likely to get adopted, while the mother has to live with the pain of going through all nine months and then just giving it up.

    The article itself is badly written. There are grammar mistakes, spelling errors ... simply put, it's hard to take you seriously.

    Another quibble: you keep referring to it as a baby. That is scientifically incorrect. It is a fetus. By the time most abortions take place, the fetus is barely a clump of cells that doesn't even know it's alive. Yes, some take place when the fetus has reached that stage where it can feel pain, but those only happen when it's truly necessary.
    May 26th, 2012 at 09:48pm
  • CaesarSalad

    CaesarSalad (105)

    United States
    Very one sided and filled with only one's opinions. I personally believe that abortion is wrong, but articles such as this should not be based strictly off of opinion. You will, as you've noticed, be criticized more than recognized for said arguments. Your example situation is not the same. But yes, just because a child is conceived from rape does not give the female the right to murder her unborn. However, as much as I disagree with it there really is a point where it's up to that person. We can not tell anyone how to live their lives. If someone wants to have an abortion they can go right ahead, but that's strictly on the basis that they understand the whole process and the fact that years later they may harbor regret that could fester and eventually turn into depression. I don't know anyone personally who this has happened to, but I wouldn't doubt that it has.

    Also, and correct me if I am wrong as I have not done the research, but I have heard somewhere that abortion could also kill the mother in the process. Is this true? I'm just curious.
    May 25th, 2012 at 08:13am
  • itsKatastrophe.

    itsKatastrophe. (145)

    United States
    Do you think it is right that a fetus has more rights than a human being?
    There is a certain point at which I feel it is wrong to have a child aborted, but within the first trimester I think a women show be able to choose abortion as an option. Despite this, I don’t think it should be used as a form of birth control and should be serious thought about before being done.
    The life form in the womb is not a baby, it is a fetus. If it was a baby it would be able to survive outside of the womb without help as far as preforming nature body functions like breathing, temperature maintenance, etc. Obviously a baby can’t sustain itself when it comes to food and protection, but at the very least it can breathe.
    As far as child of rape goes, I think it should absolutely be up to the mother whether or not she wants to carry the child. There have been numerous studies about the effects on women who carry children whom are the product of rape. To be short, the effects are not good, even when they are carrying the child. Women experience anxiety, PTSD, and depression to name a few things and when they actually give birth the feelings of having no control over bodies can be extremely overwhelming that they can experience nervous breakdowns. Even though childbirth is painful, it should be a joyous experience for the mother to be, not a horrible one.
    As far as adoption goes I personally don’t believe it is always a good option. You never know where your child will end up and it’s not fair to the child that they are placed in an awful home because a woman is denied to do what she’d like with her body. I have a very close friend who was adopted from the Ukraine and it wasn’t until we went to college that she told me about how abusive her parents were since she was teenager.
    I don’t think it is right to abort a child simply because it is mentally challenged. I worked with a group of mentally challenged adults as part of a senior project and I absolutely loved it and was amazed by how it affected me. However, there are so many debilitating and horrible diseases that a child can be effected by. If a fetus shows up positive for a test like cystic fibrosis or some kind of cancer, I think that the parents should be sent to a genetic counselor and have everything explained to them before they make a decision on whether or not they want to abort their child.
    I think that there are certain regulations that should be put on abortion so that it is not made into an alternative form of BC, but I don’t think that it should be outlawed.
    May 16th, 2012 at 03:59am
  • foREVerJimmySullivan

    foREVerJimmySullivan (300)

    United States
    I suggest you go to oyez.com and look up the following US Supreme Court Case: Roe v. Wade
    A woman has a right to privacy, she can do whatever she wants with her body.
    May 14th, 2012 at 03:28am
  • sansa.

    sansa. (250)

    United Kingdom
    I've been sexually assaulted. I spent the next two weeks until my period agonising over whether I could be pregnant. I hit myself in the stomach. I cut. I purged everything I ate. I cried non-stop. I had flashbacks. I still, two years later, do not leave the house because of my agoraphobia. Thank god, I got my period, and slowly, my life has returned to more or less normality.

    If you are going to try and tell me that I should have spent the next nine months being essentially a uterus with legs, please, stop. You do not have the right to tell anyone else what they are entitled to do with their body. You may not agree with abortion - no one is telling you to get one. But you leave my decisions alone, thank you.
    May 9th, 2012 at 04:00am
  • MusicalCiara

    MusicalCiara (100)

    United Kingdom
    First of all, this wasn't a discussion at all. Factually, it doesn't really answer what abortion is. Being so highly opinionated on such a delicate topic isn't really brave. It's insensitive.

    To be honest, on a personal level I do agree with your view. I'm not really a child-lover, but if I ever find myself pregnant, whatever age or circumstances I'm in, I'd keep the child. So would you, by the looks of it. I'm just writing to let you know that it's kind of horrible to keep such expectations from others. It's not just the baby's life, it's also the mother's. If she isn't mentally, emotionally or financially ready to deal with a kid, she shouldn't. Even if you propose she should go for adoption, you just can't demand nine months of her life from her. Especially if she was raped - for no fault of hers, either. That is just as bad as aborting the child. Would you rather have a child be raised in a home it's not welcome in? Wouldn't that just multiply the number of child abuse cases? Also, you need to keep in mind that the world population is crazily huge. Unless a mother can promise unconditional love and financial support to their child, there really isn't a lot of space left. It's a drain on resources too.

    And lastly, you need to remember that this is bigger than any of us realise. We don't really have answers to questions like do foetuses have souls? Do they feel the pain? We don't. Saying that it has a heartbeat doesn't mean you're answering the above questions. So I understand that you're really young, and you haven't seen much of life. I'm sure when you're older you'll have a broader outlook. While your sentiments about abortion really are commendable, you need to know that you're hurting a lot of people by putting that up there. Women who abort children aren't cruel and heartless, they're practical and realistic. Doesn't mean that they don't love their unborn kids. Doesn't mean they're wrong and we're right, or even vice versa. It means they need more support, not a 14 year old girl passing judgements on them. A cousin of mine did have an abortion, and even if it wasn't what I would do in her place, I will always stand by her action. The mother knows what's right for her, and what isn't.
    May 6th, 2012 at 11:09am
  • TigerLillie13

    TigerLillie13 (100)

    United States
    This article doesn't seem very ethical. Firstly, it just seems like you are opinionated and overly emotional and have an innapropriate tone for this kind of article. Plus you don't have quotes or scientific evidence that having an abortion is wrong. And your analogies are terrible. Emotionally it could be scarring, but otherwise there is nothing that proves having an abortion is a terrible thing. At least with abortion you have an option now, which I think is a good thing to think about for either scared or young mothers. If an "expectant" woman has an abortion within the first stages, it should'nt be considered a hateful act, since at this point the "baby" would be only a mass of cells.
    April 26th, 2012 at 11:05pm
  • Katlight Sparkle

    Katlight Sparkle (100)

    United States
    You say that abortion is taking life that is already there, but how can it be? What about miscarriages? Stillbirths? Did you know a large percentage of fertilized eggs fail to implant and are flushed out via periods? Should we all be criminalized for that as well? A pregnancy is just potential life.
    April 24th, 2012 at 10:13am