Abortion: What it is and answers to common questions. - Comments

  • anthonyt21

    anthonyt21 (100)

    United States
    you know you will get criticism because most people here don't care much about the death of an unborn child and god forbid someone is against the millions of abortions then guess what you get labeled as a monster or someone that doesn't know your facts. thank you for having morals AnneBoleyn and i hope nothing but the best for you .
    March 18th, 2012 at 04:53pm
  • wx12

    wx12 (10125)

    United States
    You didn't conduct any resources or cite any sources, so virtually everything in this article will be up for extensive criticism. You use the word "baby" and "child," which are completely unscientific, when what you're really talking about is a zygote or a fetus.

    Your two scenarios don't make much sense. The person would be charged for animal abuse for kicking the dog, not because of the fetal puppies, in the same way someone who kicked a pregnant woman would be charged with assault. Your analogy is flawed.

    "How can something with a heart bet not be a living person?"

    This was the argument against abortion in the article I didn't understand at all. Is a duck with a heart a living person? Is a bear? A heart is simply an organ that pumps blood- I find it odd that you focus on something that doesn't distinguish humans from other animals at all, as opposed to something like the brain and nervous system which later in the pregnancy develop into a sense of self and higher intelligence. But, that's later in the pregnancy, and I have no issue with first and second trimester abortions when they merely involved a parasitic clump of cells with no self awareness.
    March 18th, 2012 at 04:24pm