The Views of Abortion - Comments

  • I personally am 100% pro-choice, I think that a person's uterus is their own business, and what grows or doesn't grow in there has nothing to do with anyone but them. Abortions should be legal and available as an option.
    No one will have to suffer the consequences of an unwanted pregnancy for the rest of their lives quite as harshly as the person who's pregnant so everyone else should just butt the hell out and let them make their own decision.
    June 18th, 2012 at 11:44pm
  • I'm very torn with argument.

    I feel that if you were irresponsible enough to make a child you should have to deal with what you've created. But I also believe that if you were forced into something and that resulted with a pregnancy then you should have the choice.

    In general though, I think people should carry out their pregnancies and then just put the child up for adoption, there are so many families out there that what children and can't have them.

    But at the end of the day it is you choice what to do with your body.
    June 18th, 2012 at 10:19pm
  • @for dru's sins.

    Very true...I never really thought about that. It wouldn't really have mattered because the mother aborted it before it realized anything. Good point!
    June 18th, 2012 at 08:51pm
  • @Lovenature24 My mother almost aborted me and didn't. It wouldn't have mattered to me if she had because I wouldn't be here, so I don't see how that's a valid argument.
    June 18th, 2012 at 07:52pm
  • I'm a woman of the modern age & I'm all for womens rights but I'm completely pro-life. It may have to do with my religious views but I don't really see an unborn child as a fetus. I see it as a baby and I know its not my decision to make but Hell (excuse my language) my mother was pregnant & she almost aborted me. I'm glad she didn't & so is she. She wasn't ready to have child but she still did it and even if she didn't want me there's still adoption. That's just my personal experience and I guess that's why i'm Pro-life. I'm happy to be alive and everybody deserves to live their own lives, even if they're crappy ones.
    June 18th, 2012 at 05:37pm
  • It doesn't matter if someone is pro-life or pro-choice. If one is against abortions then one shouldn't get an abortion. The real issue here isn't morality about mortality, it's about what the government can mandate about its citizens. There are too many particulars and realistic scenarios about abortion to make clear guidelines of when it is and isn't okay to get one. Hundreds of people die every year due to alcohol related incidents, but the government doesn't ban all alcohol in all forms. Instead, the government puts up health codes so that alcohol, just from the bottle, won't kill a person, and the government puts up other regulations so that people under the age of 21/those who still have physical developing going on in the brain aren't - in theory - at risk. Abortion is a fact of the modern age. There needs to be safe options and places to get them done for those of whom wish to have an abortion, just as there are safe options and places to get alcohol for those of whom can legally purchase alcohol.

    This argument is crazy to see in our era seeing how abortions were safe and legalized back with Roe v Wade... regardless, people need to stop the love story with the fetus and worry about women. It's useless to argue scenarios, for either side of the debate. It's better to focus on the reality of what can the government reasonably do seeing how personal freedom, in this case, has already been drawn with the fifties and sixties.
    June 18th, 2012 at 07:38am
  • @JennyLynn2012

    But it's okay to decide for an unborn fetus (not a child for a while) that it has to be born into a possibly harmful situation? Or to a mother who most likely can't take care of a child and won't raise it/treat it properly? Like I said, a woman seeking an abortion most likely isn't ready/ doesn't want a child, so why would you force it to be born and to be taken care of by someone like that? Why can't the choice be left up to the woman? Doesn't she have the right to decide whether to have the child or not?
    June 18th, 2012 at 04:49am
  • I think it's really easy for someone to tell someone else to go through nine months of pregnancy when all they have to do is sit around and complain. The other person has to give up their body for nine months. If it's not your body, it's not your choice.
    June 18th, 2012 at 02:22am
  • I forgot to mention that even though I am Pro-Life, a woman SHOULD have the option of abortion if her life is in serious danger. On the topic of rape, I can understand why the woman would want to have the abortion, but there is still adoption, I think in that case it should be up to the woman.

    Sorry, just wanted to clarify that.
    June 18th, 2012 at 01:17am
  • I find the idea of someone being able to pass a law to make that kind of decision for anyone else beyond offensive.
    If it's not your life then you don't get a vote. If you think abortion is wrong then don't have one, have the baby regardless of the circumstances, but you have no right to force anyone else to do the same.
    June 18th, 2012 at 12:54am
  • You forgot the r in embryos.
    Just saying.
    I'm a feminist, well, not an activist, but my opinions are usually feminist, so yeah. I am pro-choice. I feel that some situations are arguable, that women should give birth if they have adoptive parents at the ready or are old enough/mature enough to deal with a child. But in giving the child away, that could lead to the child feeling unwanted or bad about themselves, and that wouldn't be the best fate.
    A law preventing a woman getting rid of something that could destroy her future, kill her, or cause tons of trouble would be horrible. Its her body, her child-to-be, it SHOULD BE HER CHOICE. People often get compassionate about the unborn child who has not yet a future, plans for her/his life, and forget the person who is already born, and maybe has a life she wants that doesn't involve a child, or a body that isn't strong enough to bear children.
    That is my opinion.
    June 18th, 2012 at 12:20am
  • @Airi.

    Thank you! I realized after the fact that I should've cited the website that I got that from, or the websites, actually. I wish I could edit it and cite the source I got it from :( Thank you for the advice, though!
    June 18th, 2012 at 12:00am
  • I do have a bit of advice for the article author and since I can't edit my last comment, I'll just make another. c: My suggestion is when you make claims, please cite your sources. Like how you said pro-choice is on the decline, that's not something you should claim unless you have a trustworthy source to back it up with. Claims that like are pretty out there and hard to believe unless the author in question cites their sources. So as advice for future articles, when you make claims like pro-choice views are declining, you should always make sure to cite your sources. (:
    June 17th, 2012 at 11:57pm
  • I am completely pro-choice. It is a woman's choice on what to do with her pregnancy and no one has a right to force a woman to go through a pregnancy if she does not desire to do such. Forcing a woman to go through a pregnancy is essentially turning her into nothing but a human incubator and that's not okay. A woman is not an incubator, she does not have to go through a pregnancy if she doesn't want to and should not be forced against her will to do so. I personally would not have an abortion, but that is my choice and my choice only. I have no right to force my choice on another woman just as no one has a right to force their choice on another woman. It is a choice and a choice that every woman should have accessibility to, regardless of how that fetus was conceived. Abortion is a reproductive right and one that should not be taken away from any woman.
    June 17th, 2012 at 11:48pm
  • @Shorty That's why I said " that manner." Do you really think the child would appreciate you saying he/she would rather die? The kid is really gonna say, "No thanks, just kill me now," ? Even though it may sound hypocrytical for me to say it's ok for Pro-Life supporters to speak on their behalf, it's basic human instinct to want to breathe air and live. That's why it's ok.
    June 17th, 2012 at 10:26pm
  • Thank you, everyone, for your feedback for the article. I didn't know how many people would respond, given that there was an unfavorable amount for the other abortion article. Also, I would like to request that if you keep looking back on the comments and quoting others for what they say, it's very much like a forum, and I would also like to hear others. And make sure you're comment isn't repeated! :) Thank you all for your comments!
    June 17th, 2012 at 10:14pm
  • Also... most pro-life people, in my experience, fail to recognise the vast amount of different situations that can cause a woman to consider abortion. People have said "it's your fault for having unprotected sex, take responsbility!" but do they really think that that's the only possible reason why the woman might have become pregnant? Do they think the "accidents" are the only possible reason why women might consider aborting? There are far too many possible situations to just blanket the issue with "abortion is 100% wrong". This is why people are pro-choice, not "pro-abortion". It's completely subjective.
    June 17th, 2012 at 10:10pm
  • I think we're missing a few points in this discussion, as Alex has pointed out, the terminology being thrown around is somewhat misleading.

    At what point is a fetus a baby, or considered a life? I don't believe it's at conception, it's certainly a living thing, but it's not a human, in my opinion. It's a cell, but it's not a human. So I don't believe having an abortion for the first x amount of weeks is considered killing a baby.

    @JennyLynn2012: "And people, please to not try and justify your Pro-Choice with saying, that a child would rather not be born than be thrown into foster care. You have no right to speak for someone else in that manner. "

    Pro-Choice supporters have no right to speak for someone else? Yet pro-life supporters can speak for a pregnant woman and an unborn fetus and decide the unborn fetus should live? Sounds kind of hypocritical. And I'm certainly not saying that maliciously, I support your right to have your own opinion, I'm just trying to understand it better. I appreciate that there are flaws in both sides of the argument, pro-choice and pro-life.

    Another thing I'm seeing is some believe that a potential life shouldn't be terminated. Does that mean that men shouldn't masturbate? Aren't all the sperm he ejaculates considered potential life? What about the egg a woman gets rid of when she has her period? Again, this isn't maliciously intended, I'm just trying to understand the pro-life arguments better...
    June 17th, 2012 at 09:19pm
  • I don't like the term "pro-life," because pro-life people tend to support the death penalty. It's very simple - you're either anti-choice or pro-choice. I'm completely pro-choice. People tend to paint adoption as a cure-all to everything, when in reality, it isn't. Newborns are always adopted before toddlers. White babies are preferred over babies of color. All you ever see are children adopting healthy, white, babies.
    It also frustrates me that so many people use the example of "unprotected sex." Condoms can break if they aren't stored properly, and the effectiveness of birth control will decrease if you aren't taking it under certain conditions (you aren't overweight, take it at the exact same time every day, etc).
    Anti-choicers fight constantly for the rights of the fetus to be born, but how many of you support social welfare? How many of you are opposed to the death penalty if you are "pro-life"? It seems you care so much about the "right" for the fetus to be born, then turn away and blame the mother's irresponsibility when the child suffers through life due to emotional problems and socioeconomic standing.
    And why do we blame the woman entirely? Don't you think that men should shoulder the blame for an unwanted pregnancy as well? It takes two to tango. Not everyone has availability to thorough sex ed programs. Consider that people may have unprotected sex because they're not educated on birth control, or are told lies like birth control causes cancer, helps the spread of STDs, fails every time, or things of that nature (particularly in areas such as the Bible Belt).
    Abortion should always be allowed in cases of rape and incest. Being raped is the worst thing you can experience. Can you imagine being forced to carry the emotional scars of having a piece of your mental sanity taken away? Can you imagine raising a child with a face similar to the one that HAUNTS YOUR NIGHTMARES because someone said you had to?
    One more thing - I don't support late-term abortion if it's because they simply don't want the pregnancy. You should make your decision by a certain point. However, what if the woman's life is in danger? Are we really to sacrifice the mother for the possibility of a child that may or may not be able to survive outside the womb?
    In conclusion, I feel your anti-choice standpoint can only be supported if you support programs that help the previously unwanted child through life (public education, government-supported child care for single parents, assistance via food stamps, etc.)
    (Also, can I just point out that some of the anti-choice people here don't use proper grammar and spelling at all? Doesn't help your point.)
    June 17th, 2012 at 08:37pm
  • I am a mix of both as well. I feel bad for the baby because it won't get a chance at life but maybe it will be reborn in a different more positive situation. But the women/girls who do not want children should not be forced to go through childbirth.
    June 17th, 2012 at 08:30pm