The Views of Abortion - Comments

  • so cuz the Baby cnt talk it duznt hav to live?uh uh not 4 me it was the girls choice to hav unprotected sex why should an innocent child hav to suffer for her impulsive actions?
    June 17th, 2012 at 08:17pm
  • And people, please to not try and justify your Pro-Choice with saying, that a child would rather not be born than be thrown into foster care. You have no right to speak for someone else in that manner. I've known kids who've been in Foster Care all of their life, and some of their lives really suck, but believe me, when asked, they've said that they would rather be here than no where. Don't try act like your doing the children a favor.
    June 17th, 2012 at 07:59pm
  • I myself, am Pro-Life, and am proud of it. I used to think that it was the woman or girls choice since it was her body, but then I realized I was wrong. Two things brought me to that conclusion.
    1. Purely based off of morals, there are so many families and women who are trying their hardest to have children, and they can't. It is incredibly selfish to kill something that others would die themselves for.
    2. There's this little thing called The Declaration of Idependence, and I quote, "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. " No where does it say when a baby has earned the right to be called a life. It would be unfair to only consider the womans life, as she is not the only one directly effected by this. That baby also has a right to Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.
    Besides the two points I've just made, if any woman was ignorant enough to have sex, with or without birthcontrol and condoms, than that's her own fault that she got pregnant. There is no justice in punishing the child for your mistakes.
    Like I said, I used to think that abortion was wrong, but ultimately up to the woman to decide. But then my sister gave birth to a still born at 32 weeks. The night it happened, was the night my views changed. I'm Pro-Life, because someone has to stand up for that child that can't speak yet.
    June 17th, 2012 at 07:56pm
  • I hate the term "pro-life", because a) it implies that people who disagree with it are "pro-death" or "anti-life", which is simply not true, and b) it assumes a snobbish blanket attitude towards life in general, when there are plenty of "pro-life" people who are totally okay with the death penalty, torture, killing animals for food/fur, etc.

    I can't believe there are people who value a potential life, something that's no more viable than a sperm or egg cell, over the life of a woman. People seem so obsessed with giving rights to foetuses because they're "human lives", that they forget there is another (far more important) human life involved.

    The main problem for me is terminology. People need to stop referring to foetuses as "babies" or "children". People need to stop using so many appeals to emotion, like "innocent" and "it's not the child's fault" and "baby-killing". People need to realise that, whether they think abortion is right for them personally or not, or whether they agree with the process or not, it should be a matter of choice on the part of the woman in question. No one's saying "abortion is right" or "abortion should happen", it's simply that a woman should be allowed to go through with one if she feels it's right for her.

    @KnifeInTheCrayonBox: "That being said, I hate how the pro-choice movement puts a women's body above another person's life." <- the woman's body is a life too. And there are plenty of times when the woman's life is endangered by her pregnancy. Then there are times when her mental and/or physical health is endangered by her pregnancy. And then there are times when her wellbeing in general, is compromised. A woman's body is not just a house for a foetus; it's another living thing (that term being one that people are so adamant to use when a foetus is involved) with real feelings and needs.
    June 17th, 2012 at 07:22pm
  • I hate the term "pro-life", because a) it implies that people who disagree with it are "pro-death" or "anti-life", and b) it assumes a snobbish blanket attitude towards life in general, when there are plenty of "pro-life" people who are totally okay with the death penalty, killing animals for food/fur, etc.

    I can't believe there are people who value a potential life, something that's no more viable than a sperm or egg cell, over the life of a woman. People seem so obsessed with giving rights to foetuses because they're "human lives", that they forget there is another (far more important) human life involved.

    The main problem for me is terminology. People need to stop referring to foetuses as "babies" or "children". People need to stop using so many appeals to emotion, like "innocent" and "it's not the child's fault" and "baby-killing". People need to realise that, whether they think abortion is right for them personally or not, or whether they agree with the process or not, it should be a matter of choice on the part of the woman in question. No one's saying "abortion is right" or "abortion should happen", it's simply that a woman should be allowed to go through with one if she feels it's right for her.

    @KnifeInTheCrayonBox: "That being said, I hate how the pro-choice movement puts a women's body above another person's life." <- the woman's body is a life too.
    June 17th, 2012 at 07:18pm
  • I hate the term "pro-life", because a) it implies that people who disagree with it are "pro-death" or "anti-life", and b) it assumes a snobbish blanket attitude towards life in general, when there are plenty of "pro-life" people who are totally okay with the death penalty, killing animals for food/fur, etc.

    I can't believe there are people who value a potential life, something that's no more viable than a sperm or egg cell, over the life of a woman. People seem so obsessed with giving rights to foetuses because they're "human lives", that they forget there is another (far more important) human life involved.

    The main problem for me is terminology. People need to stop referring to foetuses as "babies" or "children". People need to stop using so many appeals to emotion, like "innocent" and "it's not the child's fault" and "baby-killing". People need to realise that, whether they think abortion is right for them personally or not, or whether they agree with the process or not, it should be a matter of choice on the part of the woman in question. No one's saying "abortion is right" or "abortion should happen", it's simply that a woman should be allowed to go through with one if she feels it's right for her.
    June 17th, 2012 at 07:16pm
  • I must say that I am pro-choice because unlike what a Step in my Life said I think that a pregnancy could ruin a woman's life. I also may sound very Conservative in saying that, "Hey, it's her womb let her do what she wants with it." Some people might abuse this power they get by going to abortion clinics but it is not for me to judge them. Their bad choices will make them live and learn. Not be brought down and have to spend 9 months pregnant only to break more than one heart. The child will either be given to a family that would take care of them like in the movies, or the more likely alternative is that they will be thrown into foster care. NO CHILD SHOULD DEAL WITH THAT.

    I must say that I do think that abortion is great but come on just have safe sex and don't have to deal with this entire mess in the first place.

    I liked the article you explained this controversial subject very well. Great job with that.
    June 17th, 2012 at 06:37pm
  • This is a really interesting article, it's good to see both sides of the argumment presented instead of jsut favouring one or the other (kinda reiterating ellievengeance's comment there, but I agree with her point).

    I'm definitely pro-choice. These days women have many more rights than they used to, and one of those rights is the right to decide whether or not to have children. It should never be made illegal for a woman to terminate a pregnancy if she is simply not ready or able to care for a child. And I also agree with a point made in a previous comment (I forget who said it, sorry!), which is that if children are born to mothers who can't or won't look after them, they are thrown into an already over-crowded foster-care system where there are hundreds of children who never find a safe or happy home, something every child deserves.

    I'm not saying that it's okay to have unprotected sexx, get pregnant and have an abortion at 16, I'm just saying that it's a woman's right to make her own choices about what happens to her body, at least in this country :D
    June 17th, 2012 at 06:17pm
  • Pro-life. If a baby was conceived from a rape, it is still not right to abort it. It is not the baby's fault it's father was a cruel and wicked person, just like its not our fault the world is the way it is. Everything leads to one person's action or maybe even a group of people, but either way it is not the baby's fault.

    Nobody should be proud to say they killed their baby. They should be proud to say they gave their baby a chance at a life even if it wasn't with them. The thing is people should take a chance on their baby's life with others, take a chance for the babies' stake, not for their own.

    It shouldn't be about if they are ready or even have money, it should be if they can take the chance for their baby, if they can give up their baby to someone who can do better than them. It should never be about themselves when deciding about another life.

    Of course, there are understandable reasons to do abort a baby and that is if in result the baby nor the mother can be saved, so they choose one, which of course would be the mother.

    Either way, I am against abortion. It is wrong and portrayed as a easy way out for mother who are too scared and don't want to take on a baby because of their mistakes. Of course, they still don't want to have a baby, even if they can still give it to someone who can.

    All they have to do is take a chance.

    Against abortion all the way.
    June 17th, 2012 at 06:02pm
  • Has it ever occured to you that maybe everyone does what they're supposed to do? That People use protection both sides? I'll admit I was 16 an pregnant and yes I am proud to say I did have an abortion... that being said i was on the contraceptive pill and my current bf was using condoms and we were unlucky but we took all the necessary precautions so why shouldn't I be allowed to see fit whether that fetus should Live or Die, It's my body and I was not ready for a Baby... but if i ever got pregnant again I could not put myself through the emotional pain of getting an abortion again as it scars you emotionally, everytime i look at a newborn baby it gets me thinking 'oh what would my child look like' and then i realise i will be having beautiful children when i am financially ready and i have met the right person and we can raise the child together Very Happy so yes Abortion are the way forward.
    June 17th, 2012 at 05:43pm
  • Just as a general comment, I've found that many social issues we face today can be solved if everyone just minded their own business. I know it sounds blunt and strange, but think about it. If a woman gets pregnant and decides to abort her baby, how does that affect you as an individual? It's hard to explain via online, but I believe that really, it's no one else's business whether a woman aborts her baby or not. It's her decision that she has to live with for the rest of her life.

    That being said, I'm pro-choice. I don't feel that there's an excuse for anyone to tell a woman what to do with her body. I also think that a lot of times, people who are extremely pro-life like to think that they're looking out of the unborn baby's best interest, but they miss an important part of it. If a woman is seeking abortion, it can be assumed that the woman doesn't want her baby or isn't able to take care of it. If you want to look out for the well-being of a baby, chances are the baby will be born to a woman who won't take care of it properly, or the child won't grow up with the sufficient support and love it needs. A lot of you seem to think adoption is the best thing, and I'm not saying adoption isn't an option. But often the type of women who should seek an adoption due to their lack of ability to take care of a baby don't go that route.

    Anyway, this is turning into a rant. Again, there's no excuse to tell a woman what to do with her body. It seems like an overly-argued point, but I think it's a good point. And nobody is pro-abortion, I think it's important to remember that. Pro-choice is all about the choice, not the abortion.
    June 17th, 2012 at 05:41pm
  • Morally, I feel as though pro-life is the way to go. Politically however, I'm more inclined to the pro-choice side. I do not believe abortion should be made illegal, as making it illegal does not rid the world of the procedure, it simply makes the procedure far less safe. Illegal (or "back alley") abortions are far more dangerous than the legal procedure, and if it were to be made illegal then these back alley abortions would raise a much larger issue. When I was in the eighth grade, I had a friend who suffered severe complications from a back alley abortion (which she had done because she was scared of how her parents would react to a pregnancy). Ultimately, it seems as though we're faced with two poor scenarios: a) have legal abortions available, and lose potential human lives or b) make it illegal, and save some lives, but still lose a fair amount of unborn children and risk the mother's life as well though an illegal abortion. Personally, I choose option (a), as I feel the better way to make abortion less of an issue is not to ban it; rather, suppress it with the promotion of birth control, sex ed., etc.
    June 17th, 2012 at 04:40pm
  • I love how the pro-life movement seems to think adoption is a sunshine and rainbows cure-all. Not everyone gets adopted. And sometimes the people who are adopted get raped, like my mom.
    June 17th, 2012 at 04:36pm
  • I am disappointed that your sourced cites for everyone except for the supposed decrease in pro-choice individuals. I say supposed because it seems to be the thing you can't back up, as well as the most controversial point in your article.
    June 17th, 2012 at 04:36pm
  • I am disappointed that your sourced cites for everyone except for the supposed decrease in pro-choice individuals. I say supposed because it seems to be the thing you can't back up, as well as the most controversial point in your article.
    June 17th, 2012 at 04:36pm
  • I support a woman's choice to do what she wishes with her body. That being said, I don't know if I myself could go through with an abortion, but that doesn't mean I'm not pro-choice. I'd like to think that if I had a reason to, I'd be able to safely have an abortion. As would everyone else. I don't mean that if someone doesn't want a child that they should definitely have an abortion, because there are always other options. Like I said, I'm pro-choice because I support a woman's choice to do what she likes; including adopting out OR having an abortion. I don't like the idea of government involvement in the subject, either.
    June 17th, 2012 at 03:48pm
  • Personally, I'm pro-life. And I love how your article isn't bashing either side, or leaning too far to one side of the arguement, but you're giving arguements for both sides, so good job.

    That being said, I hate how the pro-choice movement puts a women's body above another person's life. I mean, there's so many options if they don't wanna keep the baby. And I'm glad that the statistics are favoring pro-life more now, because I agree with what Valiente said below me, there's no reason to have an abortion. I could refute almost every pro-choice argument, but I don't wanna take up all the comment space.

    Anyways, great article! =)
    June 17th, 2012 at 03:35pm
  • Personally I'm not sure that I would ever be able to go through with an abortion, no matter the circumstances, but that does not mean that I'm against abortion.
    Abortion is more than irresponsible teenagers having sex outside of relationships and getting pregnant without thinking of the consequences. Any woman having sex is at risk of getting pregnant, regardless of the precautions they might take for that to not happen. Condoms break, contraceptive pills fail all the time, and maybe you're just not ready to become a parent. Maybe you're not at a place in life where you can have a baby, are ready to care for a baby.
    Pro-life advocates tends to cling to the baby's rights to live, but what about the woman's rights to her own body? The woman's right to decide about her own body?
    Making abortion illegal is just moving women's rights back several decades, to a time when illegal abortions could seriously harm women, potentially even kill them.
    Late abortions, after week 20-22, now that's a completely different discussion, but the first couple of weeks, two-three months, it should be solely up to the woman to decide what she wants to do - carry the baby to term (and then keep it, or put it up for adoption) or to terminate the pregnancy.
    Making me Pro-Choice.
    June 17th, 2012 at 03:17pm
  • Who are you to tell a woman what they can or can't do to their body?
    June 17th, 2012 at 02:57pm
  • Pro-choice all the way. You can't say that a woman doesn't have the right to abort her child, unless the circumstance is that she was raped. Just because a woman may have an abortion doesn't mean that she's young and having unprotected sex; it could very well be that the chosen contraception didn't work. This woman could be in a stable relationship, just not ready to have a baby.
    I also don't agree with people who say that if you don't want your baby, you should put it up for adoption instead of aborting it. Who's to say that the baby will go to a good family? And think of the physical and emotional stress that comes with carrying a baby, not to mention the eventual birth. If a woman feels she can handle this and wants her baby to go to a different family, then fair enough, but she shouldn't be forced to do this simply because others believe abortion is wrong.
    Don't get me wrong, I'm not a heartless bitch who raves about how great abortion is, but I don't think girls should be judged for choosing this option. I think it basically depends on the circumstance, but a woman should be allowed to make the choice about whether she wants to keep her baby or not, not have it made for her.
    June 17th, 2012 at 02:19pm