Age and Suicide: What I Think People Should Know - Comments

  • pocahontas.

    pocahontas. (565)

    United States
    Thank you so much for the lovely comment, it really means a lot to me that you liked this article. I had no clue that the nurse took her own life. That's so very sad to hear.

    @Ashes of Scarlett
    Yes, I agree with that to some extent. I say that because I have a twelve year old sister who likes to act older than me - instances like that are when age does matter. To say someone should "act their age" is true sometimes. Young girls shouldn't be out sleeping around or doing drugs, though I'm sure you didn't mean anything of the like when you said age doesn't really matter. >__< Thank you for the comment, I'm really glad you liked the article.

    @The Real Slim Shady
    Yes, medication does help more than therapy. Though some meds make a person more "zombie-like" I think it's just a matter of finding the right medication to help maintain the hormonal levels. I hope everything is okay with you, seeing as you said personal opinion. I'm glad you liked the article as well. xxoo

    I wish I could have done that, but I had 45 minutes to get this done, research on statistics and all. I am currently a Psychology student, so there were some facts I had to check while I was writing this. It was for my journalism final, and I wrote it in memory of my friend who committed suicide just over a week ago. I didn't want to change the original article to post it on here because I wanted it to be something everyone could read and understand as well as to keep the raw, originallness of it from when I was writing it. I do hope you liked it, though.
    December 12th, 2012 at 12:40am
  • The Master

    The Master (15)

    United Kingdom
    It's not very in depth concerning the psychological factors (biological, behaviour, cognitive, affective, physiologicial) which I would want from it otherwise it gives little additional information.
    December 11th, 2012 at 07:42pm
  • Louise Belcher

    Louise Belcher (100)

    United States
    When someone commits suicide because their "boyfriend cheated on them," I wish that people would realize that it was just the icing on the cake, the last thing to push them off the edge.

    Depression is a nasty thing. In my (personal) opinion medicine works a lot better than therapy does, because it's an illness. An illness that needs to be given proper attention.

    Anyway, fabulously done.
    December 11th, 2012 at 07:21pm
  • HowlingHale

    HowlingHale (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    I also agree. Age also can't be used to define the intelligence of a person. Therefore, I don't think age plays a really big role in anything, really. It's just in our minds that is does. People are frightened by the fact that they get older and therefore get closer to dying or simply getting weak. I'm afriad of getting old, not because of death but because I don't like feeling weak and helpless, having to rely on others.
    And people definitely don't commit suicide just because of one aspect. Survival is a natural instinct. People in the worst situations can do near impossible things if that will to survive is there. When someone is willing to commit suicide then something is obviously wrong. Others often think that the suicidal people themselves can just flick a switch in their brain and be happy again. Same with depression. They can't though. It's an illness that has to be treated like any other.
    Nicely written artical though ^^
    December 11th, 2012 at 07:11pm
  • BitterEndXII

    BitterEndXII (200)

    United Kingdom
    Well done, I completely agree. I beleive that events can act as a catalyst and make one feel worse, but I feel that people who commit suicide have some sort of flaw within them to begin with which would make them more suseptable to depression or suicidal thoughts. I've been thinking of this a tad recently because of a story in the news about a nurse who commited suicide out of fear for being punished because she released information about her clients, the UK royal family. Although I'm sure it was very distressing for her, I really fail to see how one being fired would cause a suicide - Especially considering many people get fired, in worst instances than hers, and do not commit suicide. As you day, it must be enitial psychological flaw that means depression is easier to experiance. I find it sad that people assume that simple events are what drive people to suicide, it makes the people who have sadly died seem stupid and irrational - Mocking of their memory. Very nice artical - Well done x
    December 11th, 2012 at 06:49pm