Why Do People Smoke?

Why Do People Smoke? Some people smoke because they think it's cool, but smoking stains your teeth and fingers, it makes your breath stink and the smell lingers on your clothes and hair. It's bad for your skin and complexion. So to smell better and look better, you know what to do!

Some people smoke because they think it'll dull their appetite but smoking won't help you loose weight! You won't necessarily put on weight if you give up smoking either. People may turn to food when they're trying to give up smoking but all you have to do is choose healthy snacks and find something active to do instead of having a drag.

Some people think that it calms their nerves, sorry that's another myth! Smoking just helps you deal with the withdrawal symptoms you feel because you are addicted to nicotine. Smoking doesn't relieve stress at all.

  • Smoking ages the skin prematurely
  • Teeth and fingers get stained brown with nicotine
  • Makes hair, clothes and breath stink
  • A typical pack a day smoker spends over £112 a month and nearly £1,500.00 a year! Imagine if someone handed you a lump sum like that right now
  • Smoking makes you 10 times more likely to die early from a major heart attack or stroke
  • 9 out of 10 lung cancer deaths are as a result of smoking
  • Male smokers have a lower sperm count and more abnormal sperm than nonsmokers
  • Female smokers have more trouble getting pregnant than nonsmokers and also have a higher rate of miscarriages during pregnancy
  • If you smoke regularly for a long time you may get a disease called "peripheral vascular disease" this disease cause narrowing of the blood vessels which restricts blood flow to the hands and feet, leading to gangrene and the amputation of limbs
  • If you don't smoke you'll be fitter, have greater stamina and get a lot more enjoyment out of life!

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