Abortion: Solution Or Murder? - Comments

  • __Sid and Nancy__, i REALLY don't think u get it. "it's not even alive yet". well for one, it's a living thing. hell, we're all alive because we were THE FASTEST moving sperm. it's a cell, so of course it's alive! and maybe YOUR parents were ready for you, but what about 33% of today's americans who were made as "mistakes"? my mom was eighteen when she had me. that means if the parents of those 33% who weren't ready for a baby aborted theirs, thousands of people wouldn't be here today.

    and when u talk about parents NOT using condoms and resulting in a pregnancy you say "there's no reason for a child to be punished". they'd be KILLING that child. isn't that punishment enough, even though they did absolutely nothing?
    August 9th, 2009 at 02:57am
  • havesomepoptartsdude: um I would love to know where you got the idea that any part of the bible was from the Egyptian book of the dead. The first parts of the bible were indeed written before Jesus was born. However it was also written before Egypt was a society. As a matter of fact the bible is know as one of the first written records in history. So I don't really think it could of come from an Egyptian anything. If you would like to know it was originally an oral record and then transcribed into written word when writing came about in ancient Syria I believe.
    July 5th, 2009 at 02:13am
  • i would NEVER have an abortion,
    it is just another form of murder.
    i find it so SAD that this world worries SO much about animal rights and murders, and are against them, and yet are baby killers?
    im sorry thats just NOT right at all, babies are MUCH more important then any kind of animal, no matter what.
    your taking a persons life away when you have an abortion, they DO have a future.
    let them live it.
    November 12th, 2008 at 03:07pm
  • i admire you for posting this article... plain and simple, abortion is murder.
    "thou shalt not murder" was God's commandment and what is the simple statement on every piece of American money? "UNDER GOD WE STAND". And all i can do is sit back and watch as America, government, and even Christians fall into hypocrisy... fine. go ahead and kill your children, selfish ones, if 'if it feels right'. after all, it's your own, #1 life that matters, right?
    October 2nd, 2008 at 08:29pm
  • I'm for abortion.
    Like i've said on another article, maybe the woman cant bring the baby up because she can't afford to. Maybe, she doesn't have a great habitat to bring up a baby.

    Plus, in cases of rape, it's not the woman's fault. Also, the woman may be too young. That's my opinion though.
    September 21st, 2008 at 05:51pm
  • I think abortion is perfectly fine, because it's not a human yet, it's just a possibly of becoming a child.

    My parents didn't abort me because they were married and already had children. If I wasn't married, and I did get into a situation where I couldn't support a child, then I'd terminate the organism from having that possibly of turning into a child.

    There was an eleven year old girl who got pregnant because her step father raped her, and they wouldn't let her get an abortion, so she had to give birth to twins. Isn't that a little ridiculous?

    People are allowed to do what they want, that's what makes this country so beautiful. I believe that it's better to not have a child at all, than putting people in a situation where they can't afford to care for another human life.

    And you're going to say, 'Well what about teenagers having sex? They deserve what they got.' Well... we're humans, we're going to want to have sex. And sometimes just a condom doesn't do the trick, and you end up pregnant. And yes, those people do get what they deserve for not being 100% caution, but there's no reason a child has to be punished, too.

    Stopping abortion is ridiculous and a violation of rights.
    September 17th, 2008 at 11:51pm
  • Okay awkward person, did you know that the bible was taken from passages of the egyptian book of the dead, many many years before Jesus even came around to be in this world? and did you know that Egyptians sacrificed people daily as part of their own religion? THE BIBLE IS CONTRADICTION IN ITSELF. i don't care what religion you are, who you know that has had an abortion, or even what you think of it yourself. I am just telling you that a one celled organism is yes, alive, but not kicking around or thinking. all this ONE CELL has to do is multiply. this cell doesn't become a baby until its multiplied so many times that it starts to form and make organs and limbs.
    what you said about the baby being alive from conception is what all the anti-abortionists and catholics are saying, so i assumed that this is what you were saying because of what they were saying.
    and also, do not call me a dumb ass, because i actually know what i am talking about. the minute someone starts calling names and using language, it shows that you are looking for a way to win this little argument and cannot find any other word capable of helping your cause. it just comes to show what feeble dictionary people have these days. lets not sling mud around and just debate about this like civil people.
    you cannot tell another person what to do with their body unless it is hurting an entire nation. circumstances pending an abortion differ, and you have NO RIGHT to say whether or not a woman can have an abortion or not. just because you don't think abortion is right doesn't mean a person next to you has the same thoughts. and for this reason, the abortion argument has been going on for years. and you know, if you feel so strongly about it, when you grow up, you can join their little expedition, but just so you know, ill be on the other side making sure extremists like you dont do damage to our society.
    and by the way, being a Christian and being catholic are two different things.
    August 10th, 2008 at 05:52pm
  • Chill out, I'm not even Christian. And neither is havesomepoptartsdude. And who says she assumed it with the word "God?" All of your answers lead back to one thing, and that is religion. It's morally based off of it and it can be proven because it's written in the Bible. I'm not saying people can not believe in God and still believe it's murder, but the main argument for abortion to be illegal is that it is killing a baby, which most anti-abortinists, say is wrong because the Bible says so.And, I will add, AGAIN, that the government has no right whats over to control what you do with YOUR baby. The government loves to just hand things out to us so we can fix things, such as welfare, why not milk them for what they're worth.
    August 10th, 2008 at 02:44pm
  • Okay dumb ass, first of all, it's still a one celled organism, which means it's still a live at that point, then it further goes through becoming a complex organism.
    And if you must know something, just because I mention playing god does not directly imply that I am further going through "Christian Brain Washing", you shouldn't assume something, with a simple word, GOD.
    And if your such a fucking christian than you should know about "THOU SHALT NOT MURDER!" For christ sakes you need to revise your answers to me, fucker.
    August 9th, 2008 at 11:18pm
  • Oiy, but that one cell is still alive isn't it? There are single celled organisms out there and if you think about it then the baby started as a single celled organism until it evolved.
    August 9th, 2008 at 04:44am
  • socially awkward::
    this just goes to show how much brainwashing is going on these days within the catholic or christain faiths. I am catholic, and go to an all girl's school, and you weren't socially accepted by the faculty unless you believed that every baby is alive at conception.
    the truth is: the baby is NOT alive at conception. This thing starts at one cell, then eventually multiplies into numerous ones until it begins to grow a heartbeat and then all the limbs and organs form. read up on your science, because obviously you don't understand how this works.
    YOU ARE BASING THIS ON YOUR RELIGION AND WHAT EVERY CATHOLIC OR CHRISTAIN TEACHER IS TELLING YOU, and you cannot even deny that, because those exact words that you wrote to onewaytogo were the same words i hear from my religion teacher.
    so please do your reading before you strike out against anyone.
    get your facts straight.
    I have intellectual qualities that you may not have, and I know what I'm talking about.
    August 6th, 2008 at 05:00am
  • Well, socially, I don't think I'm incorrect. It's been proven. It's a clump of cells until up to 10 weeks. It's quite simple. And not EVERY person is an irresponsible teen who forgot a condom. Don't stereotype the people who get abortions. And if you want to imply they should be illegal, I think you should re-think it because you can't make decisions for other people and what they want to do with THEIR baby. You have no right to do it.
    Oh, and again with the "Oh, the only time someone can get an abortion is if they were raped." NO! You can't tell one person they can have an abortion then turn around and tell someone it's illegal for them to have an abortion. It's either legal to everyone or no one at all.
    August 6th, 2008 at 04:50am
  • To Ms.FutureStar: One, if the mother was a druggies while the fetus was living inside her womb the baby would NOT be addicted to drugs you dumbass. It would most likely suffer health problems because of their whore of a mom who made wrong choice sin her life and now an innocent baby would either die by abortion or suffer during life from it. Two, the baby IS ALIVE FROM CONCEPTION. They have a developing heart, brain, lungs, and fingernails for god's sakes! Yes I quoted that girl from Juno, but it's fucking true!
    August 6th, 2008 at 02:27am
  • Frankly, abortion to me should be illegal. You don't have to keep the baby, put it up for adoption! Give to a sterile couple for God sake! Abortion IS WRONG and it's killing innocent lives which is pure bullshit to me.
    August 6th, 2008 at 02:21am
  • I agree. For me the only excuse for abortion is if the baby was conceived in a rape. Other than that I think that abortion is considered murder. I know that I could never do it, whether it was my decision to screw around or not. I would consider adoption if anything

    but many people have their opinions on this subject, which I will respect
    August 2nd, 2008 at 08:11pm
  • To: onewaytogo: First of all, not many people think this through, it's stil MURDER.
    If you are honestly implying that baby isn't "Techinically" alive, or whatever from your comment, until after three months of in the womb, then you honestly don't understand anything, do you?

    Life doesn't start after three months, it starts at the moment of conception, and at that moment, no one should "Play God" By deciding a child's fate just because someone forgot a condom.

    I feel sorry for anyone who believes it's okay for a person to murder a child, and many of you are like "It's not murder!" Yes it is, the doctors who perform abortions are just killing millions of small fetus', when their doctorial oaths states that they should try and SAVE a life, not kill one.

    Oh and another thing, many people BELIEVE that just getting an abortion will solve all their problems, my best friend got one, and you know where she is? In and out of a councilor's office.

    And honestly, that shows the human side of things, she honestly feels remorse, and needs counciling, as does many others who go through abortions, and don't forget the physical side effects, annual cramps not on your period and magnified, uterine bleeding, the list goes on.

    And to move to a different topic-ish, if your going to abort your child, just know their going in the dumpster, with the Bush administration, no stem cell research can be conducted with aborted fetus', they just rot, that's where your child is going, the garbage.

    Honestly, if your going to abort your child, wouldn't it be easier knowing that your child still went to something good, maybe helping someone with alziemers, or maybe even start putting forth a cure for cancer?

    Well, whatever, your loss if you honestly think that.
    July 15th, 2008 at 06:52am
  • I really saw no reasons or facts in this article. What are you saying? Did you even know the baby doesn't have a heartbeat until after 3 months? The ABORTION: The Silent Scream movie is after 3 months. I don't see what you're basing this on.

    And just to like to answer to this, by the year 2065, our planet will be overpopulated. Yeah. Not like there will just be lots of people, people won't have places to live. Everyone would get at least a foot of living space. So, like I'm saying, one more baby won't kill the human population. Orphanages are already getting over-populated.
    And what's the chance they'll come up with a cure for cancer? The same chance you'll come up with a cure for cancer. Slim to none.
    July 11th, 2008 at 03:29am
  • @Black.Bloody.Tears. ... your school is fucked up. Forcing students to state an opinion they might not agree with is akin to authoritarianism. Would your school force the seniors to write an essay about why homosexuality is bad? I sure as hell hope not. The administration needs a good swift kick in the ass. Abortion is [i]not[/i] going to be made illegal because no one can decide for every one, and no one has the right to make decisions over another person's body.
    July 5th, 2008 at 12:16am
  • Do you anti-abortionists know that you can still get pregnant while having safe-sex? A condom can break and you can get pregnant. Yes, it's wrong for a 15-year-old but still, people can have it accidental when trying to be safe.

    What if the mother was a druggie? And she was doing drugs while the fetus was developing. At birth it would be addicted to drugs.
    And what if you were raped? It's not your fault you got pregnant, and a baby would so not help with the mental damage you'd be going through.
    July 3rd, 2008 at 01:28am
  • I dont think that abortion is wrong or should be illegal. I dont know if I personally could ever get one, however, I think it should be the womans choice. Its her body, and if it doesn't bother her than it think that's alright. Like I said though, I dont know if I could ever get one. and I also agree with some of you, I think it should definately be allowed in cases like rape or incest. Imagine a 12 year old who got raped, and now she's pregnant. sure, she could put it up for adoption, but honestly, the system is pretty fucked up sometimes. I think that it should be completely the womans choice.
    July 2nd, 2008 at 11:35pm