Abortion: Solution Or Murder? - Comments

  • Thanks for your opinion guys. :]
    But do some of you think this is an argument?
    May 20th, 2008 at 12:18am
  • Make_my_lover_stay thank you for not yelling at me xD!
    Anyways, pro-choice = pro-murder hmm? That's just lovely. Well, I guess you'd have to say I am, since I agree with pro-choice.
    I don't know why you guys are so angry with pro-choice though. It's only about a woman's rights.
    Also think of this: Does the fetus know the difference between life and death? I think not to be honest. All it knows what to do is eat, breathe, drink, and poop. That's all a baby is for the first year or so... something like that.

    Also, can you honestly say that you'd NEVER get an abortion? What if you became pregnant, and then everything collasped around you. You lost you're job, you're bills are late (and they're about to turn everything off because of that), and you can barely feed yourself. Is that a good environment for a baby? And don't give me that "i'll give it up for adoption" crap. There are already thousands of kids in adoption so they dont need more. Eventually, the adoption places will be over run and filled up and stupid pro life moms who keep giving the kids up will be there to blame (that's what i'm waiting for, and for china to kill us all... xD).
    That's all... thanks for your time xD

    PS. This argument is turning out to be fun, lets keep it going all right? xD
    May 18th, 2008 at 10:50pm
  • Hey Guys, thanks for all the comments I really appriciate all your opinions on it. And therefore, I'm not judging anyone on theirs.
    But I agree with [i]just_call_me_dookie[/i], that what [i]Make_my_lover_stay[/i] was rude. But anyway thanks for you opinion.
    May 18th, 2008 at 04:13pm
  • blue_green_purple, Clearly the fetus cant decide for itself, and even if it could, I'm pretty sure it wouldnt want to die. And I believe that once a woman is pregnant, she IS obligated to care for the child (except when raped). She's obligated because she knowingly engaged in sex and knew the risks of what could happen... I would hope that you're not for the deaths of those people, but thats not what my comment meant. Maybe I should have said pro-murder, since I belieive that abortions are analogous to murder... I dont know who thinks they can stop death altogether, but surely thats not what I (or any pro-lifer I know) is arguing for. Maybe unecessary deaths of these unborn children...but not death for people as a whole. **BTW: I would never yell, and I respect your opinions on the matter.
    just_call_me_dookie, its unfortunate that you saw my comment as offensive/rude, but that wasnt my intent. Thats how I feel about that matter, so please get over it.
    May 18th, 2008 at 05:12am
  • Make_my_lover_stay, seriously, do you think that the fetus can decide for itself? As a parent, the mother has to do the best for her son/daughter, even if it means killing the child. Plus, she's not [i]obligated[/i] to care for it. Do you realize how many mothers out there go out drinking and doing meth? Is that caring for it? Why don't you say anything about that?
    Also pro-choice = pro-death? You're serious right? Do you think I'm all for the murders in this world? All the natural disastors that kill thousands of people?
    Lastly, I read somewhere (I can't remember xD) that pro-lifers are trying to stop death altogether. I consider that weakness because we all have to die eventually, it's nothing to be afraid of. (Please do not yell at me, I'm merely stating something I read. If i'm wrong just calmly tell me xD)
    May 18th, 2008 at 12:21am
  • o i forgot to add what if a young girl was raped!
    howwould raise a child knowing that she was one of the many rulsts of being raped
    how would you tell your child that.

    oh any for all people who say that it's wrong because it could make a difference well the person who desides already is

    plus the human race population is rapidly going up in munbers its a scinetific fact that this will lead to not being able to feed all the mouths of the world because their are to many mouths and food can not be prepared fast enough
    think about that
    May 17th, 2008 at 08:39pm
  • i am pro choice because its a womans body its her choice what is in it and what she can get rid of.
    a baby can destroy a young girls life she will most likely drop out of school and getting an abortion could help her get her life on track
    the problem is that ppl see it as a type of birth controlit isnt its away to help give someone a better life despite their mistakes.
    it away for a girl have a life
    plus in lab all accross the U.S are studing how to "custimize" a baby like get rid of
    birth defect and sometimes when they are expermenting they thorw the embro away.
    how come people are NOT making such a big deal about that as they are about abortion
    "pro life" are being stuipd if they protest one thing but the exact same thing is happening in a lab and they dont care!
    May 17th, 2008 at 08:34pm
  • [i]"pro-choice" aka "pro-death".[/i] Make_My_Lover_Stay, excuse me, I find that very offensive. It's called pro-choice because the people who believe that the person that is pregnant should have a [i]choice[/i]. It does not mean they are [i]pro-death[/i]. That was extremely rude of you, at least in my opinion, to say something like that.
    May 17th, 2008 at 04:18pm
  • I agree with you.
    [i]Or if one is forced to have an abortion, due to parental decisions.[/i]
    In most places where abortion is legal, a parent cannot force you to get one. Legally, at least.
    May 17th, 2008 at 03:07pm
  • I dont think we should dismiss the fact that this unborn child isnt capable of changing the world. It doesnt matter if they change the world, find a cure for AIDS, etc. By aborting it, you're denying them life, and all that having a life has to offer. They wont be able to smile, to breathe air, etc. One thing I am a bit sketchy on is how someone of you argue about it being the woman's body. I'm sorry, well not really, but once a woman is pregnant its no longer JUST her body, she has another life developing inside of her and is obligated to care for it. I really just cant see how one can be "pro-choice" aka "pro-death".
    May 17th, 2008 at 06:10am
  • In the case of the ten year old girl mentioned earlier in the comments, that's horrible. You can't make a ten year old have a baby, that's just cruel. It actually makes me sick thinking about it.

    I believe the idea of abortion has a lot of variables. I think you can't just go "it's wrong. Don't do it. Period," because there are a lot of cases where I think it's okay.

    If the birth would endanger the mother, then I think an abortion is okay.

    If there's a good chance the child would be born with severe disabilties, I think It's okay.

    If the mother was a victim of rape, once again I think it's okay. (I don't see how you can force a woman who has been through such a traumatising experience to have the baby of her rapist.)

    After all, abortion isn't just there so slutty teens can use it as a contraceptive. There's lots of complicated situations.

    I guess you'd call me pro-choice.
    May 17th, 2008 at 05:46am
  • Myself, personally, I'm agianst abortion. But, my sister had two abortions.
    May 17th, 2008 at 05:14am
  • Did you know, sociologists have determined that the reason for the drop in the crime rate was a result of the legalization of abortion in the US. I personally think it should be up to the mother, and that all these old white men who are so upset about it should just shut up.
    May 17th, 2008 at 05:04am
  • I'm pro-life. In my opinion...

    If stupid girls decided to have sex without thinking of the consequences, then yeah, they should deal with their mistakes and have the baby, whether they decide to keep it or give it up for adoption. They can't just kill a baby just because they don't want to face the music.

    However, I acknowledge that there are very delicate situations, where girls are raped, and just aren't physically ready for a baby, and that the birth endangers both. I can't honestly voice an opinion for those cases, but if it's just an irresponsibility issue, then they have a moral responsibility to give the baby the life it is entitled to.
    May 17th, 2008 at 04:53am
  • me personally, i am pro-choice. there are two main reasons for that, one if because i don't know anyone's situation, health issues, or anything. so how could i tell them what to do with their lives? second, because most of the people who make up these anit-abortion laws.... are men, and when a man can carry around a baby in a womb for nine months and then give birth, then they can come tell all of us women what to do with our bodies. until then, no, they arent going to tell me or anyone else what we can and cannot do with their bodies when they don't know what may be going on in someone's life
    May 17th, 2008 at 03:17am
  • It's murder. :file:
    May 17th, 2008 at 02:48am
  • Prochoice all the way...
    Seriously people? Are we going to use the excuse "They could grow up to change the world"? Well so could you, yet you probably aren't, also, someone else could come up with that solution for what ever problem, possible even better, so lets just cross out that reason.
    Also, why put more kids in adoption? I mean, there are lots of kid in adoption already... Lots of them don't get adopted, then lots of them do, but why risk it?
    Second to Lastly, it's the woman's choice. She decides what to do with her body.
    Lastly, it's "morally" wrong. I'm sorry dude, but just because it's wrong to your morals, doesn't mean that it's wrong to mine. Just because you think it's wrong, doesn't meant that it should be illegal worldwide.
    May 17th, 2008 at 02:47am
  • it depends, if the child or mother are in danger, then its ok, but if they "just dont wanna" then suck it up!! dont take an INNOCENT life!!
    May 17th, 2008 at 02:41am
  • To make it simple, I completely agree that it should be illegal it is murder after all, maybe the baby is not born yet, but its a living thing, inside the mother or out, if it breaths, moves, or such, its alive. Against it 100%
    May 17th, 2008 at 02:23am
  • I think it's okay and I'm glad it's legal where I live. I probably will never change my opinion.
    May 17th, 2008 at 01:25am