A "Lifestyle Change"

A "Lifestyle Change" If you really think about it, when people go on diets, they feel like they have to do it. Like it's encoded in the Bible that once they say they're going to go on a diet, they have to. Which results in them wanting to stop the diet three days after they've started it. I don't know if this is true persey for everyone, but it is for me.

I've recently taken to calling it a "Lifestyle Change" instead of diet and it's helped a bit. I feel like I'm actually improving something more important than just what I look like. I'm a kid for cause. I'll do anything if it helps (the environment, people, etc). What I'm getting at though, is that basically by calling it a Lifestyle Change instead of a diet, I'm tricking my brain. Resulting in me sticking to it. Which is only going to make me healthier in the end, so I'll be at less risk for a heart attack and all that good stuff.

Not to mention when you tell people, "Oh I'm going on a diet", they freak out and tell you that you don't have to, you look fine the way you are. Even if you are over weight, and they say these things, it makes you question your sanity. Or their friendship. But when you go and tell them, "I'm going through a Lifestyle Change right now." they don't question it. They just let it be and question you if they want to. So, is it better to call it a Lifestyle Change or a Diet?

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