Health Articles

  • The Working Model: How Does Your Memory Work?

    The Working Model: How Does Your Memory Work?

    Baddeley and Hitch in 1974 proposed a new model of how our memory functions: The Working Model.

    December 5th, 2007 at 09:20pm

  • Redundant Reasons for Animal Testing

    Redundant Reasons for Animal Testing

    Years ago, animal testing may have been the easiest and simplest answer - however easy and simple, it is still wrong.

    November 25th, 2007 at 04:18am

  • Pressure Cracks Down Upon Young Girls

    Pressure Cracks Down Upon Young Girls

    Our society is breaking due to immense pressure from the bullies of media, and is forcing children as young as ten to develop eating disorders. Girls especially are desperate to be "thin", so why is that teenagers today are being made to forget that women are meant to be curvy and not ruler-like? And why is it that the older generations of today are doing nothing to help stop the burden forced upon their children?

    October 22nd, 2007 at 10:42pm

  • Prevention Versus a Cure

    Prevention Versus a Cure

    Imagine if you can, two men, sitting on either side of me. One man is writhing in pain. Foaming at the mouth. He has only a few days to live before he dies in agony. In the other chair, a man sits, composed and currently healthy. He represents the people who may one day develop this disease.

    July 15th, 2007 at 10:12am

  • Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD)

    Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD)

    Borderline Personality disorder (BPD) is a serious mental illness exemplified by instability in moods, intrapersonal relationships, self-image and behavior. Within the fields of psychiatry, it's defined as a mental condition characterized by emotional dysregulation, extreme "black and white" thinking or "splitting" (when you believe that someone or something is only one of two possible things, ignoring the possibility of any "in-betweens" ), and chaotic relationships. It's also characterized by a disturbance in the person's sense of self. In extreme cases, it can lead to moments of dissociation.

    April 27th, 2007 at 02:40am

  • Self Hate Syndrome & Body Image Disorder

    Self Hate Syndrome & Body Image Disorder

    SHS stands for Self Hate Syndrome. BID stands for Body Image Disorder. BID is a form of SHS.

    April 20th, 2007 at 10:05pm

  • Meth Massacre

    Meth Massacre

    Meth is a horrible drug that harms others and should not be used. Methamphetamine goes by many names but it is usually known as, speed, meth, chalk, ice, crank, and glass. It is a white, odorless, bitter-tasting crystalline powder. Meth was developed early in the 20th century from the drug amphetamine. It was used originally as a nasal decongestant and bronchial dilator but this drug, over the years, became a monster.

    April 20th, 2007 at 03:19am

  • The Importance of Being Skinny

    The Importance of Being Skinny

    "Those 4:00am hunger pains are striking you hard. It's the *fat time* of the day when you've starved yourself and your appetite is telling you to over eat. But whatever you do resist the temptation."

    April 14th, 2007 at 12:08pm