Health Articles

  • Autobiographical Memory: What Is It?

    Autobiographical Memory: What Is It?

    Autobiographical memory is the blanket terminology for the understanding of one’s traverse through spatial-temporal existence.

    March 5th, 2010 at 02:53pm

  • Obesity In America And How To Prevent It

    Obesity In America And How To Prevent It

    At least a third of adults in America are dealing with obesity. But a few simple routines and determination can change that if people are willing to change.

    February 23rd, 2010 at 11:09pm

  • A World Without Scent: Congenital Anosmia

    A World Without Scent: Congenital Anosmia

    Most everyone in the world is born with a sense of smell. But have you ever wondered what your life would be like without the important sense of smell? For some, it's something they go through every day of their lives.

    February 14th, 2010 at 05:38am

  • Natural Childbirth

    Natural Childbirth

    Natural childbirth. Is there any other kind of birth? Aren’t all forms of birth natural; a completely organic body function that delivers a new life into this world? In fact, all forms of birth are a natural body function, but not all births are inherently natural.

    February 3rd, 2010 at 10:24pm

  • Why Fad Diets Are Not The Best Thing

    Why Fad Diets Are Not The Best Thing

    The Chocolate Diet, the Lazy Zone Diet, the South Beach Diet, the Three Day Diet, and any other words you can tack onto the word diet are found in the world today as something that substitutes for actual food. People are so obsessed with losing weight the fastest way possible, they don’t stop to think what actually goes into planning a diet or even a fad diet.

    February 1st, 2010 at 05:29pm

  • Psychiatry and Psychology

    Psychiatry and Psychology

    An article discussing the criticisms of psychiatry.

    January 22nd, 2010 at 01:55am

  • Teen Depression: Fact vs. Fiction

    Teen Depression: Fact vs. Fiction

    Teen depression and the facts you need to know. The reality behind the myths of adolescent depression.

    December 31st, 2009 at 03:11am

  • Are Mental Illnesses Being Over Diagnosed?

    Are Mental Illnesses Being Over Diagnosed?

    Depression, bipolar, ADD and ADHD. These are some of the leading mental illnesses in the United States today. But have doctors taken it too far?

    December 28th, 2009 at 10:55pm

  • Stressed Out!  Eight Ways To Find Sanity

    Stressed Out! Eight Ways To Find Sanity

    The holidays can be tough. From flying in the in-laws you've avoided, to prices going up. Chill out with Top Eight ways to relax.

    December 28th, 2009 at 01:23am

  • Staying Virus-Free And Healthy Over Christmas Break

    Staying Virus-Free And Healthy Over Christmas Break

    This article is directed more towards Ohioans; however, there is also general information and tips from the Ohio Department of Health on flu facts and how to maintain your health over the winter season.

    December 24th, 2009 at 07:38am