God And Jesus. Who Are They Really?

God And Jesus. Who Are They Really? Did we think to the deep logic deep enough? That answer is "no "; how was God and Jesus here before all mankind and the birth of animals? They didn't create the Earth, or the Solar System. All of the outer space has been here - rocks have come together and that’s what has formed all the planets and stars (such as the Sun) today.

But ... Were they animals before the animal kingdom produced mankind? Possibly, they could have been animals before and somehow slowly our kind grew taller and well-formed with knowledge, which is why we are here to this very day.

The only question and confusion is how the animals formed? Was it the reptiles that formed smaller species to live past the Ice Ages and many solar changes the Earth has to offer? And most importantly how did the warm blooded really form? That was when God and Jesus stepped into the play of our many arguments; such as who they were, and just sticking with the answer "they were human ".

They couldn't have been before the animal kingdoms at all, because no mankind was there - not even the Cavemen; they soon followed and came into the period of which dinosaurs were starting to become extinct.

How were our minds created? Are there other life forms out there besides us? Those are scientific questions asked and could lead to several solutions, like aliens; maybe God and Jesus were aliens before. So many questions, not many answers, but we could try to figure out how Adam and Eve were brought into it, and how come people always envision God and Jesus as humans.

All those answers are unsolved but somehow those destine signs hope to find us soon before our species dies off like the ,dinosaurs did - so do we really have time to find out about God and Jesus? How they really formed mankind? That’s all in the future, which they gave us.

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