
Christianity Before you read on, this article does contain information about Christianity. If you have a different religion, I respect that. I am just simply explaining what it is and why we should all know what it is. If you read this and decide to change your life, to start believing in God, message me or leave a comment. I'll help you.

Christianity, the belief there is a creator of the universe. Have you ever wondered where you came from or why you were put on this earth? Have you thought that no one heard you when you cried or that no one saw you when you stole something? Well, someone saw you, God. You may not believe this, but God created the earth, the universe, the animals, everything in only six days. Its true. God is the almighty one. The Alpha, Omega, beginning and the end. I know that almost all of you have heard at least one person say they're a Christian or you may be one yourself, but do you really know what it means to be a Christian?

To be a Christian is to Get Real with God. That means that you are changing your life to be like Jesus Christ. Who is Jesus? He is God's son that he sent down to earth. Virgin Mary gave birth to him thus is the day we celebrate Christmas. Jesus lived till he was 33. He preached the Gospel to everyone. He healed the sick and raised people from the dead. You know what else he did? He died on the cross for you and me. He died for everyones sins so that we may go to heave. so that we may live in eternity in heaven with God. He raised from the dead 3 days after he died, thus we have the holiday "Easter."

I don't know about you, but I really don't want to go to hell. Not only will you feel a burning pain all the time, but it would feel as maggots were crawling in your skin and that you wont be able to see. It will be dark all the time. I want to be able to live without pain. That pain, would last for eternity. Thats forever! To be a Christian, doesn't just mean to do the right thing, it means to have faith that God is there, that God will protect you, that God created the world. You need to have faith that there is a God out there with enough power out there he was able to create you and me.

Haven't you ever wondered why this planet is the only planet suitable to sustain life on it? Or that our bodies are made in a unique way? God put each and everyone of us for a reason. You may not know that reason, but he has one. He has something in store for you. Never give up. He is always watching down on you. He is always there for you.

If you go to church or to a youth group and you see people with their arms raised up high and their eyes closed, singing to the song playing, it doesn't matter how they worship. It doesn't matter if your standing there, singing normally, with your hands gripping the pew in front of you. Its not about us at all. Its about worshiping God. It really doesn't matter what other people think of you, it only matters what you think of you. When you look in the mirror, thats not what God sees when he looks at you, he sees His own blood. We are all one.

Remember, Jesus is not a religion. God is not a book. Get Real with Him. God does not always promise a tomorrow.

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