Christianity - Comments

  • JaneAusten

    JaneAusten (200)

    New Zealand
    Good on you! :D I believe in everything you say (and I should, my twin and little brother have epilepsy and He has helped me in an intimate way with dealing with 500+ siezures happening to those you love). God and I have real conversations, so telling me He doesn't exist has as much effect as telling me that doorpost over there doesn't. Please don't tell me I'm talking to myself, guys, and passing it off as God, because, if you do, you probably aren't a Christian or are one but are either backslidden or backsliding. Sorry, guys, but that's just the way it is. I talk to Him; He conforts me in a very real way, and I live for Him and have a very real faith. How many can say that they purely don't have to worry about anything, and if you do worry (because, let's face it, what with one thing and another- siezures for me- you can get worked up MEGA easily), how many can say that He calms you down?
    May 11th, 2009 at 08:34am
  • duckywritergirl

    duckywritergirl (100)

    United States
    Thanks for writing this article. It's hard to talk about things like least for me. I am a Christian too, or at least to certain definitions. That's one of the things that really bugs me, we get stereotyped just as much as any other group of people, which is not right. But at least everyone here seems to at least respect our decisions to God.
    Would love to read more of your stuff.
    January 17th, 2009 at 02:36am
  • FringBerry

    FringBerry (100)

    United States
    I respect you dedication to your specific realigioun very much, I have to say first, it is nice seeing people so very happy believing in God!

    I do not have a realigioun and no that does NOT mean I am athiest, I just do not like being pigion holed into one certain belief. I belive that maybe there is a God, and maybe there isn't. Maybe God and evolution work side by side God could have started the job evoltution just finished it off for him. For those posting negative comments why would you do that? You don't believe in the teachings of Christianity, but the person who wrote this articale, and quite a few commenters do, and if they are happy believing what they do then why say they are wrong if you think they are then just LET THEM BE.
    and to Cyanide_Kisses the same goes for you if they are happy believing what they do then don't argue about it. I, personally am very passive about realigion, i hope very much that there is an after life, Heaven and Hell, or pehaps something different. I believe almost anything is possible most scientific facts point to the big bang theory, but in Christianity's defence what created the things that started the big bang? I do not believe that something can come from nothing which also goes against God, who created him? How could he have created himself? I ask myself many question such as these, I look forward to further studying different realigouns soon hopefully, and would love to ask questions about Christian or any realigious beliefs in general, if any one who reads this wouldn't mind me asking a few questions just out of curiosity. ^.^

    I believe that if you are happy being Christian, a Paganist, Wiccan, Catholic, Jewish, Buddhist, or anything for that matter, then go on believing what you believe in, and expressing that however you want (hopefully without disrespecting anyone elses beliefs)

    ps okay this artical did sound a bit preachy and I read one comment and it did sound a little like a cult thing... not that religions are anything like cults but it did sound like that... ^^;
    January 17th, 2009 at 02:04am
  • turn to tears.

    turn to tears. (105)

    United States
    To : FnHeroes

    [i]Supposedly, good people go to heaven when they die. Nice. What about ''bad people'', what about blades of grass, what about hippopotamus's? I sure dont want them in MY heaven.[/i]

    It's true that most of the time, it sounds like God only wants "good people" to go to heaven, but that's not true. It [i]is[/i] true that many Christians are very judge mental and make it as if that you're a bad person if you don't go to church or you're not a christian.

    The Bible (not saying you agree with it) clearly states that you are not considered a "bad person" in his eyes. You are considered a [i]sinner[/i], we [i]all[/i] are. We [i]all[/i] have told a lie, we [i]all[/i] have said or done something or even thought something that we shouldn't have. Even a [i]"little white lie"[/i] separates us from God, because he cannot be with sin.

    But, yes there is a but, a good one.
    When you confess with your mouth and believe in youy heart that Jesus [i]is[/i] the Lord and that he [i]is[/i] God. You will be saved, or in other words, you become a Christian. You don't become a "good person". You become one of his children. You become a follower of Christ.

    There aren't good people and bad people in God's eyes, there are sinners, and [b]only[/i] sinners, until, that is, they accept him and all that he is. Then they are his, they still make mistakes, but we are his.

    As for the comment about animals and plants.
    The Bible states (again, not saying you will believe it) that animals do not have souls, therefore the animals you see here on earth will not be in heaven. Will there be animals in heaven? I don't know for sure. The grass? Again, no soul, but there most-likely will be plants in heaven, just not the one's you see here.

    I am not pushing this on you, I am merely answering the questions you presented.

    One more thing,
    Our "Religion" as you call it, maybe it cannot be proven, in your eyes, but can it be proven false either?

    -Taylor ox ;)
    January 9th, 2009 at 12:49am
  • turn to tears.

    turn to tears. (105)

    United States
    I really enjoyed the article... I am also a Christian and am glad to know that God is there. He's the ultimate best friend, the ultimate Father, the ultimate.... protector for us. You can come to him with anything, you can ask him for anything, you can talk to him anytime. He never sleeps, he never goes on vacation or takes a leave of absense. He's there.. always.

    -Taylor ox
    January 9th, 2009 at 12:32am
  • ricetard

    ricetard (100)

    United States
    [i]"I respect your opinnion about Christianity, but I don't believe in it for one second.

    First of all, where is the proof? A bible that is basically giving you an answer to any doubt you may have. Like how women suffer from periods, child birth and yada yada yada.

    And how many mothers do you know that would let their only son, die on a cross and be tortured until he did die? I don't think you know any.

    There is no proof of any religion, none. I think it's just something that people who look forward to after-life, that there not just going to be put into the ground, but you'll go to heaven. And I'm not saying that there's anything wrong with that, I'm just simply stating that I don't believe in it."[/i]

    Do you really need proof for EVERYTHING? Scientist don't have concrete proof for the biological way the earth was made, evolution. All they have is a bunch of facts, and assumed that, according to these facts, evolution/biology was the way everything was made. However, it isn't concrete proof.

    Plus, God made women suffer because of the start of sin. He said that childbirth would turn into a painful way as a result of humans sinning, among many other consquences.

    And that is the point, to mothers letting their son die. God letting Jesus die on the cross is showing that God love us so much that he was willing to sacrifice HIS ONE and ONLY son just for the sake of our sin. He really loves us that much.

    Religion is not a hope for afterlife, though I do see the meaning behind your words. Rather, it is more the belief of creation, and just knowing that there's really someone who created us, than turning our backs away and pretending he doesn't exist. I believe that God does exist until proven nonexistent.
    December 16th, 2008 at 01:33pm
  • ricetard

    ricetard (100)

    United States
    Oh, just ignore everything that other people are saying. ^^
    I am a Christian, and I do agree with your beliefs. Though you probably should have included that God gave us a free will and does not interfere because of that, therefore resulting in all the sin and crap in the world. Don't you hate it how people are like "Well, you're a sinner too, so I guess that means you're going to hell!"?
    Anyways, lovely article, just a few missing key points. Great work. :3
    December 16th, 2008 at 01:28pm
  • TheShadowChild

    TheShadowChild (150)

    United States
    To Author,

    Oi. Another horribly written, religion shoving artical. I better not get started. I always supported people's relgion and whatnot even though I am indulged in Magick. artical has changed me for the worse. This is what really upsets me. Shoving falsified information about a religion into someone else's rectum and hope they add a plug so it doesn't come out.

    Couragous? I think not. Just someone who thinks they know so much about "God" and decides they are going to spew it from their stomach into someone else's. Close-minded.

    JESUS was probably not resurrected from the dead...I think he decayed and some twin of his came by and said, "HEY! I'M JESUS!" It is entirely possible to decay within 3 days. That or his tomb was so poorly built that some animal came and dragged his body away...BWAHAHA...sorry funny mental image. xD

    Until you provide PROOF! Not the BIBLE! I will never, ever believe in Christianity.

    BTW I had my local news on and a doctor was his by an 18-wheeler while crossing the street. Do you think "God" said..."Hey...this looks like fun. LIKE DAMN! *18 wheeler appears and smashes doctor*" No. It's fate. That doctor probably fulfilled his purpose in life and it was time to end it. Oh...then on Black Friday...that poor Wal-Mart Worker was trampled to death. "God's" doing?

    Look I said I wasn't going to get onto this subject...but apparently I did >> I offend you...this is Saixx's fault. I hurt you and your religion? Saixx's fault. You needed to change your leak pads? Saixx's fault. I'm just stating my opinion.
    If some of the comments you are getting are mean...don't write religious articals. Your mother is not going to protect you from other people's mean words anymore. *patpat*


    Every time some weird philosopher predicts the date of the end of the world, "God" pushes the date forward a little, just to be funny...
    The nearer to the church, the further from God...which to me is a good thing.
    You may be ready to meet your "God" but does he really want to see you? hehe

    If it were proven that there is no God there would be no religion. ...But also if it were proven that there is a God, there would be no religion. -Ursula K. Le Guin

    December 2nd, 2008 at 05:02am
  • Porcelain Heart

    Porcelain Heart (100)

    United States
    Yippee!! just for tonight is a Christian!! I was afraid I was going to be completely alone like I was on the article about Proposition 102.
    November 10th, 2008 at 09:46pm
  • Porcelain Heart

    Porcelain Heart (100)

    United States
    Oh and Miss Ann Thrope? Do you mind explaining how Satanism makes sense? It's HELL isnt it? You know, the lake of fire, the place of eternal suffering? Why would Satan see to it that ANYONE would have fun all the time? Sin ALWAYS has consequences. Sorry to burst your bubble.
    November 10th, 2008 at 09:44pm
  • Porcelain Heart

    Porcelain Heart (100)

    United States
    Did FnHeroes just say Jesus had a sick dominatrix lifestyle? You know there is such a thing as respect for religion. And heaven is NOT stupid. I'm assuming you're preferring hell then?
    November 10th, 2008 at 09:38pm
  • incredible_mess

    incredible_mess (100)

    United States
    I respect your opinnion about Christianity, but I don't believe in it for one second.

    First of all, where is the proof? A bible that is basically giving you an answer to any doubt you may have. Like how women suffer from periods, child birth and yada yada yada.

    And how many mothers do you know that would let their only son, die on a cross and be tortured until he did die? I don't think you know any.

    There is no proof of any religion, none. I think it's just something that people who look forward to after-life, that there not just going to be put into the ground, but you'll go to heaven. And I'm not saying that there's anything wrong with that, I'm just simply stating that I don't believe in it.
    October 6th, 2008 at 10:57pm
  • crappyloveballad

    crappyloveballad (100)

    United States
    I like your point, FnHeroes...
    October 6th, 2008 at 09:47pm
  • FnHeroes

    FnHeroes (100)

    Yeah, sure, who doesnt want to be like Jesus. He was a real guy, a pretty darn good one at that, had some intersting beleifs and morals that alot of people need to take a look at.

    That we know for sure.
    That's all we know for sure.

    BUT, if your talking about 'oh son of god, mighty one, died on the cross for me and now i shall be slack for 1 day of the week and not use contraception' then - no.
    That's all bull.
    In fact, [b]wait hold on[/b], i was about to use the words fact and christainity in the same sentance! Theres my problem with it. Its all just a failed attempt to feel special about ourselves, to answer some questions we cant answer, and once again most of all, FEEL SPECIAL ABOUT OURSELVES!

    Yeah, ive wondered why im here. And yes, they're might be an answer. Wether or not its the doing of some old guy with a beard and a sick dominatrix lifestyle im just not convinced. Do we NEED to have a reason for being here? Do we NEED to have something to do and somewhere to be after we're gone? No no no no no no NO!!
    We're just here.
    Like ants are here. Like rocks are here.
    We're. Just. Here.

    Heavan is, however, an interesting concept. Once again, though, a stupid one. Supposedly, good people go to heavan when they die. Nice. What about ''bad people'', what about blades of grass, what about hippopotamus's? I sure dont want them in MY heavan.
    October 6th, 2008 at 07:54am
  • vaporwave

    vaporwave (160)

    Yes, I do belive things that have been researched, hypothosized, and studied for many years. I don't think the people who wrote the Bible were out with telescopes and formulas when they explained the creation of Earth.

    And besides, I won't rot in Hell if there really is an afterlife. I'm a Satanist, I'd be having fun! :] There's a lot of rock stars I'd like to meet.
    October 5th, 2008 at 01:15am
  • crappyloveballad

    crappyloveballad (100)

    United States
    When I try to imagine an eternity of no pain I want to poke myself in the eye with a needle.

    imagine having no pain.... I mean.... who wants to be completely happy for "the rest of eternity"

    Ummm... I think I'd rather be in purgatory.

    In my set of believes this is heaven. Right now I am in heaven.

    Why wait for heaven when it's right in your grasp?

    What could be better that being alive? Than having your ups and downs? Life is a journy to create yourself, not a Piss arse waiting period on the way to glory.

    My problem with chritianity, is that it presents life as someithing only second best. as a damned time until judgement.

    I have to say I didn't think this article was written very well.... it was just too biased. Besides, you left out a bunch of main parts in christianity that make it what it was.

    And if you praise Jesus so much, why aren't you Jewish?
    Jesus was a Jew...and that whole part where he taught the deciples- he was trying to be a good Jew!

    It wasn't until the resurection that he was a true Christian.

    (I think I might write an article on my own religion, actually)

    But I think it's kinda cool how you believe in something that strongly, but also kinda strange. It's like your natural instincts got ripped out of you.

    Oh yeah.
    On that whole six days seven days thing.

    What the person meant was that in your little summery thing, you said that earth was CREATED in SEVEN days, and in the article you said it was CREATED in SIX days. the person knew it was created in six and god rested on the seventh I'm pretty darn sure. they were just pointing out the contradiction.

    I started out as a christian, and I have based off my own set of beliefds off many things in the Bile as well as buhdism, and Juadism, I cannot seriously believe the bible in a literal sense, but I also cannot deney that the messages in someof the stories aren't good, or don't stand for something I believe in.

    Interesting article, if nothing else.
    October 4th, 2008 at 11:56pm
  • Call Me A Sinner

    Call Me A Sinner (100)

    United States
    great article. i'm a firm believer my self =D

    i just have one thing to say to clear up. Religion isn't Christianity and Christianity isn't religion. You can be religious about anything. Religion is basically just a fundamental set of beliefs and practices generally agreed upon by a number of persons. so it could be anything. you could be religious about fried chicken or volleyball. XD at least that's how my pastor described it. it's just about being conscientious and faithful and basically, you can be faithful about anything. so yes Christianity is a form of religion. but isn't religion.
    October 4th, 2008 at 08:31pm
  • ModernAngelxX

    ModernAngelxX (100)

    United States
    You're... courageous, if that's the right word to say it. Once in a while, I see people trying to do the right thing, trying to persuade people to believe. Those are the people I call role models. So thanks.

    It comforts me to know that He is there, watching me every day. Although I have different opinions from your article, I still liked it. Very much.
    October 4th, 2008 at 07:40pm
  • Freaka.

    Freaka. (220)

    Great Britain (UK)
    And to OMFGWTFISTHAT!- it depends on your view of how the universe began. If you're a creationist you say Chicken first, if you're evolutionist you say the egg containing the chicken, because its mother and father weren't chickens.
    October 4th, 2008 at 06:47pm
  • Freaka.

    Freaka. (220)

    Great Britain (UK)
    I disagree with you, but I think that you wrote this article eloquently. Although I do have to point out one teeny tiny thing- Easter was already a pagan festival when Jesus died. Christianity didn't invent it, they just used it as a nice, round time to commemorate his death.
    Other than that, well written and easy to understand.
    However, I am still Atheist. Many have tried to convert me, the most you can get with me is respect. And you have that at the very least. : )
    October 4th, 2008 at 06:45pm