The Age of Emo

The Age of Emo Emo is one of the most debated topics of our time. Like all popular topics there are two sides; some think emos are whiny jerks, while others think emos are sweet, amazing people. Wherever you stand there are people who disagree with you, sometimes it seems even those who claim to be neutral get called out.

Whether emo is right or wrong has become a cultural debate of sorts, much like flappers and hippies were during their times.

Flappers were revolutionary, and now that we look back on them many of us appreciate how unique they were and what affect they had on our society. But back in their times they were frowned upon for their showy clothing and their behavior which was decided to be by many inappropriate and un-lady like.

So the question is this; is the decade that we are now living in going to be one day referred to as the "Age of the Emos"? In history books in fifty years will there be pictures of girls donning teased black hair and bright prints? And will there be paragraphs about how many of them were not accepted by society?

Like it or not emo is a staple in today's culture just as the hippies were in the 60's.

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