Genocide - Comments

  • the-only-girl

    the-only-girl (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Adolf Hitler did the whole Nazi Holocaust, why are you saying he didn't?
    September 1st, 2008 at 08:17pm
  • alycya

    alycya (100)

    United States
    its upsetting that genocide ia still presently going on especially since the UN promised "Never again." after the holocaust and look wats going on right now. wat really bothers me is how the UN doesnt call it genocide yet and China (a major janjaweed supplyer) was able to host this years olympics its not right but now there is at least talk of action from the US prospective presidential canidets about action asap in darfur
    August 10th, 2008 at 01:42am
  • Ballettgirl4544

    Ballettgirl4544 (100)

    United States
    wait I'm confused, another thing like the holocaust is going on?
    April 17th, 2008 at 01:11am
  • Batman Loves Me

    Batman Loves Me (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    OK, Valium Freak, Stalin and Mao were definitely worse than Hitler, in the bare faced fact that they killed more people. Communism was just as bad as facism. Power corrupts. End of.

    As for the article, I really like it. Really interesting and some good facts. I got confused with the Armenian Genocide bit though; Were you calling it a Nazi holocaust? Because Nazism only really came into being in the 1920s, after the Armenian Genocide took place. But I think I'm just too tired to process things right now so if I've misunderstood that, sorry =]
    January 6th, 2008 at 10:32am
  • Mindfreak.

    Mindfreak. (400)

    I don't know if i was meant to answer or not, but we can actually do a lot as teenagers.

    We're youthful which means if we start groups and protests and things like that we'll have more energy and efforts to put off a good standing. Well, in my opinion anyway. We can add more life to a situation like this to get the word out about it and inspire some people to actually do something.

    For example, if you saw an old dude just sitting at a table handing out fliers, you wouldn't be all that inspired or motivated. If you saw a bunch of teenagers all coordinated with colored shirts and posters and music and hell, even a small group of musicians singing, i don't know, rock songs about the issue, the issue will get more attention because people will be interested in learning about it.

    Now, getting out there and actually doing it is the problem.
    October 29th, 2007 at 11:27am
  • Valium Freak

    Valium Freak (600)

    despite what nubba said
    I think the best way of an article to cause impact, is to create a reason to question
    there is no anwer for this, but together the question can be solved
    I really like the way this goes as calling for a debate which I think should be done

    The first question should be what can we do being the teenagers we are?
    and dont say well nothing really because we are the future

    On this one I agree, but I'd like to clear out that none of them was communist. I know no one said so, but alot of people consider their fascist regime as communist which hell knows it wasn't, so just to clear out that yeah they did awful bullshit by has nothign to do witht he party
    "and Hitler isn't nothing compared to Stalin.. or Mao."
    October 29th, 2007 at 05:56am
  • Mindfreak.

    Mindfreak. (400)

    Well, I used facts from my World History Book that I'm studying for Level two, so they should be correct.

    And I used the western countries because I know more about them, and I don't know what the other countries are doing. I didn't want to put out false information.

    My goal wasn't to find a solution, it was to make people aware of what's going on so they can work out groups to help come up with a solution.

    October 28th, 2007 at 04:19am
  • Sugartrout

    Sugartrout (100)

    Western Sahara
    Sorry for bad spelling, I'm bloody tired.. :D
    Umm.. your article is good and well written (though as a history-freak I found some facts incorrect, at least how I've learned them.. in my opinion you could have reseached better, but in normal scale, all good!). :)

    But for me, usually articles should give a solution or suggest how people could solve problems, you know? I did not find that from it, only dissing everybody from schoolsystem (ok, I don't know how they teach kids in other countries, I'm from Finland and as tests say, we have worlds best educational system so I'm not ignorant about this problem) to charity programs.. I guess there's not much what we can do about it.. You pleaded people to not just stand back and watch the destruction happening, but to do something, I'd like to know what that something is..
    Then again, I respect highly you, cause you're intelligent and interested of these problems (more than what make up-brand some star uses). 8)
    To younger readers your article definietly gives information and makes them aware of this "problem".. If that only was your goal, then it was ok article, but I feel, that you have so much more potential! I hope you got what I'm trying to say?

    And! almost forgot, don't only blame western countries! :/ Do you have any idea about Russia or former Soviet Union did to minor Ethnic groups? oh, and Hitler isn't nothing compared to Stalin.. or Mao. If your interested of the subject read about those "leaders" and what they've done.
    October 28th, 2007 at 02:06am
  • mankind's last hope?

    mankind's last hope? (900)

    United States
    it does seem pointtless to teach about it and preach how wrong it is, and how we hope it never happens again. Genocide never stopped, it just found a new home in a different location.
    October 27th, 2007 at 02:39am