Fantastic Fanfiction - Comments

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    January 31st, 2023 at 08:59am
  • tthis is a powerful article & equal in terms of a topic. fanfiction is a genre no doubt being that many young writers find themselves through such writings. inspiration comes in all forms & there's no doubting the beauty of playing or twisting off the worlds & characters another has created. it's great to know j.k rowling - my idol to say the least - approves of this. there are amazing hp fan fic's that are out there bc there are amazing authors who are writing it w/ their own years @ hogwarts chalk full of currently existing characters or a whole new generation of them. (can you tell in general that im superbly in love w/ this woman? she's my everything. im going to marry her one day, you just wait & see)

    as per my immortal, it's hilarious that i've never heard of that especially since i've been writing fan fic for quite some time. of course, i've grown out of it (somewhat) & go for original, but there's no doubting the power of inspiration.

    ANYWAY: i just googled my immortal & am currently laughing my ass off. it's so bad & lowkey racist bc what's up w/ that name? idk what the author was thinking, but i wholeheartedly agree that not all fame is good fame. this being a great example. this is such an amazing article. you've talked about the up's & down's of fan fic being a genre as well as how others perceive it for & against the norm.
    July 1st, 2016 at 09:43am
  • In all honesty this is the first article that I have read all the way through on here. The way you presented the topic and your choice of words captured my interest from the start. I agree that fan fiction definitely has more to it than what most people think. Not only that, you've opened my eyes to just how wide of a genre it is. Before this article I never really thought of it as a genre, but when I think about it fan fiction is a genre in itself. I didn't even know of all of those famous books that were fan fictions essentially, or even of how far back the genre went. I know from personal experience that most people would laugh at me, or anyone else, if they wrote a fan fiction or two. It's as if the genre is both extremely popular and a taboo at the same time. Never will you see a fan fiction that won't get some sort of criticism from those who look down on it. Of course, they don't understand just how important fan fiction can be to a young writer, as you even said. Throughout the years that I have been writing, and I've been writing since I was in 6th grade ( currently in my 2nd year of college ), it's helped me improve my writing considerably. No, I don't plan on ever publishing such stories, but they help not only with my writing ability but also my craving for more after a reading a particular good book or seeing an amazing movie such as; Harry Potter (books and movies) and Avengers. You're also right about another thing, fan fictions are a good way to help young writers keep their characters in check essentially. By writing about canon characters to the 't' one can learn how to create characters and keep to the formula that they'll built for said characters. So, I do agree 100% with this article.

    On a side note I think it's a bit ridiculous how Anne Rice treats fan fictions. As if she is almost better than those who love and cherish her books. I'm just glad I've never gotten into reading her books. I know I tried reading Interview with a Vampire and it just bored more. People who publish original fiction are NOT better than those who write fan fictions for their books. I'm just glad that there are authors like J.K. Rowling who like fan fictions being written about their books.
    September 22nd, 2012 at 01:33am
  • I really enjoyed this article! It was very well written and I can tell that you did some pretty thorough research. I learned a lot while reading this, especially about the history and legality of fanfiction.

    I definitely have to agree that fanfiction has its benefits. I started out, years ago, writing fanfiction. While I still write it sometimes, I tend to write a lot more original fiction now. I think fanfiction was really a gateway to that and it provided me with more skill and ideas to progress in original fiction.

    Anyway, great article! I'll be recommending it!
    June 15th, 2012 at 08:08pm
  • This article was very well-written. Excellent job, darling. Smile I actually learned quite a bit about fanfiction from reading this. However, you said that My Immortal was an example of fanfiction at it's ugliest (or something along those lines). I didn't think that story actually counted as legitimate fanfiction; I thought it was actually a trollfic. I've always heard that it was, anyway. Am I wrong in thinking that?
    June 13th, 2012 at 11:43pm
  • Wow. I am thoroughly amazed by your article. It is so well written and has so much detail. It is quite easy to tell you did your research. I honestly did not even know fan fiction went that far back! The things you learn everyday! :)
    June 13th, 2012 at 01:21am
  • I think this article is great. Although I don't read a lot of fanfiction, I can appreciate a good Harry Potter fic here and there.

    I like that you did your research, providing us with a very well-composed and informative article. I think the population of fanfiction is so large now that it's almost impossible to reject it as a genre.
    June 12th, 2012 at 07:57pm
  • Extremely well-written and well researched article! As a writer and reader of both fanfiction and original fiction myself, I felt that you did a great job at presenting the material in a credible and respectable fashion. Honestly, thank you for writing this. I feel like fanfiction is so often overlooked or scoffed at in the professional realm of writing.

    Really fantastic job! I can't say it enough. I agree with the person below me. You should definitely keep writing articles. Mr. Green
    June 12th, 2012 at 05:52am
  • This is an amazing article, and I'm glad I took the time to read it.^^

    I appreciate all the research you put in, and, being a seasoned fanfiction writer, agree that there are pros and cons to every genre (one of which is definitely fanfiction). Critics only focus on fanfiction because it's 'less original', overlooking the fact that a lot of time and thought went into the better works to make them just as entertaining as the source material. They tend to get on my nerves about that...

    ^^Anyway, I hope you keep writing articles like this. You definitely have the knack for it.^^
    June 12th, 2012 at 04:27am
  • Unfortunately, I usually have one tiny bit of constructive criticism about an article. But with this, I have none.
    This article was beautifully presented. The amount of research you did displayed hard work and effort into the article. I learned so much, and I absolutely loved it. Your grammar was flawless, your opinion was hinted so that it was interesting despite the large amount of information, and described things from both sides of the argument, which is vital and amazing.

    In my opinion, I'm not a big fan of fanfiction. I don't really like to write or read it. But I do think that it's a creative way to express your like or love of a storyline and turn it into something with your own ideas. It's artistic writing, and although it may not be 100% original, it's still something that you can put a spin on, but also including a story line with (hopefully) a particular fan base.

    Fantastic job on the article. Showing both sides is key so that you don't get too caught up in any one opinion. But--noting your title and other opinions--you hinted that you like fanfiction, because you leaned towards giving more information about the people who liked fanfiction and their different arguments to support your idea. Again, great job!
    June 12th, 2012 at 01:34am
  • i liked this article quite a lot. :) It inspired me, as i'm turning one of my band related fan fictions into a original story. Since i only used names of band members, i have been working on changing names and hope to someday publish the story :)
    June 12th, 2012 at 12:07am
  • This article was definitely well presented, the amount of research that you did was fantastic!
    Highly recommend this article and I must say, I totally agree with it. FanFiction is here to stay!
    June 11th, 2012 at 10:53pm
  • Wow, this was such an amazing article to read! I loved how you did research and I felt that this was a really great piece. I agree with this article completely. I am definitely recommending this article! :D
    June 11th, 2012 at 07:34pm
  • I always love following the controversy around FanFiction. I personally found nothing wrong with the length because of the fact that it was so full of facts. I loved this article. I giggled slightly at the mention of My Immortal, I read that whole story through just because of how bad it was.

    I write Harry Potter FanFiction because I'm literally trapped in JK Rowling's world. Even as I type this now Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban is sitting next to me. Writing little blurbs that involve the wizarding world of Harry Potter is something that I do without even realizing it. Although I don't normally post anything.
    June 11th, 2012 at 05:45pm
  • Thanks for all the comments, it is a little long winded as you pointed out but this actually was my research paper final for English.
    June 11th, 2012 at 05:18pm
  • I think that one day it would become it's own genre, considering so many people write it and there's no where for it to really be catergorized. Amazing article though! I didn't know that there was a history to really writing fan fiction. I enjoyed reading it, so thanks. ^-^
    June 11th, 2012 at 03:43pm
  • Great article! I never knew some of the history behind it, but the controversies are something I'm quite familiar with. It's become something of a hot topic with my friends and I, and the source of many debates. I've written fic for years, and like many a writer nowadays, it made me realize how much I love writing. For me, it's a way to get into different character's minds and work from there. Whenever someone asks me why I write it, I just say that it's practice because, like you pointed out so astutely, it really is a good way to learn the ins and outs of writing (particularly research, a favorite of mine). Really good read, thanks! :)
    June 11th, 2012 at 12:50pm
  • Somewhat lengthy, possibly a little long-winded, but nonetheless a very well-written and informative article. Excellent job on the research! I learned a lot about the history of fan fiction, especially published fan fiction, that I previously had no idea about. :3 Great job. :D
    June 11th, 2012 at 07:12am