
Smashwords is a website designed for the purpose of publishing serious authors. The best part - it's free! Now, before you go clicking the link, listen to everything else included in this article, and hopefully I'll save you quite a bit of reading to do on the actual website.

Yes, smashwords publishes books for free. They only publish e-books though, and provide free marketing. They will use ties with other corporations to earn you the profits if someone stumbles upon your book. i-products, nooks, kindles - your stories can be sold on them all.

You get to set the price for your books or even sell them for free if you choose, and you recieve 85% or more of the net proceeds of the profit. The site also features works by other authors, and you get to set how much of your book someone can read for free and choose the cover.

There is something authors should know though - you may not sell a single book. Some authors may sell thousands of books a year while others sell none. Smashwords provides the tools for serious authors to self-publish though, and if nothing else, I highly reccommend that you at least go out and look at the website today.

Reads You May Find:

All stories can be bought for the nook or kindle (or any other e-reader device or app) that originateed from smashwords. Here are a few that are free to read:

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