Asian Elephants Need Your Help!

Asian Elephants Need Your Help! Asian Elephants could really use our help like any other endangered animals they have taken a horrible turn for the worse.

Cheetahs and any other cats are poached for their fur, but these elephants get poached for their feet and tusks! Why would you want an innocent animal’s feet? How would you like it if someone just shot you down, then cut off your feet while you’re still alive?

I sure wouldn’t. It is just awful how they’re being treated. These poor innocent animals have to have their legs cut off just so they can be sold for money. How horrible, but now don’t feel guilty its not your fault that there’s some cruel people out there.

They say an elephant has very good memory and that when an elephant dies, they know. They circle around that elephant and bellow, they have their own funeral it seems. So what happens when their baby watches the horror as their father or mother dies right in front of them? One thing, and that is they will never forgive humans.

The Ringling Brothers have supported the protection of the Asian and African Elephants, so during the shows they make everyone see just how magnificent these animals are. But don’t you think we should already see how beautiful, glorious, and majestic they are?
Yes we should already see that. Yes not many people agree that the Ringling Brothers are helping and supporting the elephants.

So take a little lesson. Looks can be deceiving, even though it looks like that elephants are doing so well in their natural habitat. They aren’t. They’re suffering because of the many poachers. So find a way to support these poor Asian Elephants, donate or find a way to support them.

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