Pets in Parked Cars Pay Price

Pets in Parked Cars Pay Price Pets stuck in parked cars can suffer exorbitant consequences, including death. On a hot day, the temperature in a parked car can skyrocket up to 120° Fahrenheit even with the window cracked open a bit.

According to the HSUS’s site, signs of heat stress include, “heaving panting, glazed eyes, a rapid pulse, unsteadiness, a staggered gait, vomiting, or a deep red or purple tongue”. It is gravely important to get your pet’s body temperature cooled down to an appropriate temperature. After that, it’d be quite wise to rush your animal to a veterinarian just in case of any damage done to it.

Did you know that it’s illegal to lock an animal up in your car? A little bit after police arrive at your car, and you don’t show up, they can and will smash your windows and free your pet. If you see an animal locked inside a parked car, tell someone at the service desk of the store you’re at, so they could announce it over the loudspeaker to get the animal out of the car. After that, call the police or animal control authorities. Animal control will arrive sooner, but police have the ability to smash open to window if the owner doesn’t show up any time soon. No pet, no matter the species, should be left in a parked car on a summer day, including cats, dogs, rodents, fish, bird, or any other species. Such heat can also be fatal to children.

Long Car Rides

On a long car ride, be sure your pet has plenty of water. If you run out of water, be sure to purchase some cold, bottled water on the way to wherever you’re going. It’s best to also keep this water in a cooler, so it doesn’t become warm. Hydration is vital, especially on hot, summer days.

The Danger of the Window Being Completely Open

Pets and children can be kidnapped if the car is unlocked, or if the kidnapper smashes or climbs through your window. If the window is left completely open, your pet can easily escape the car if it is not in a crate or carrier. This is especially true for animals who are not spayed or neutered. If an animal of a different gender and the same species comes along, your pet will probably try to mate with it. This will not only endanger the pet but will also increase the over-population crisis of animals.

The Excuses

Excuse: But the place I’m going to does not allow animals inside!

It was your decision to take your pet along. Your pet shouldn’t have to pay for your mistake. They are not some inanimate objects and should NOT be treated as such. Don’t forget that they also have feelings.

Excuse: It’ll only be for a minute!

Minutes turn to hours. What if you meet someone you know and have a lengthy conversation with them, or you become distracted? What if the line is exorbitantly long? It’s not worth the risk.

Excuse: I’ll leave the keys and air conditioning on.

Do you WANT your car stolen? Even if you lock it and use a separate key to get in, your car AND your pet and / or child can be stolen. They can smash your window and quickly speed off.

If you want to throw another excuse at me, go ahead. I’ll try my best to prove it wrong.

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